Archive for August, 2008

Republicans All But Cancel First Day of Convention

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in McCain, RNC

Well, it’s official. Hurricane Gustav has prompted the Republicans toall but cancel the first day of their convention, meeting only briefly, out of primetime, to take care of the official business of opening the convention. Apparently, this change was on the orders of John McCain who also implored Republicans to not act like partisans but [...]

August 31st, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

A Negative Reaction to Obama’s Speech

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Barack, DNC

Most of the critiques of Barack Obama’s acceptance speech have been positive. That’s why David Broder’s opinion interested me. He thinks Obama did a poor job. In fact, Broder thinks the whole convention was a missed opportunity. I won’t spend a lot of time summarizing Broder’s opinion. It can be basically summed up as “too [...]

August 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

From Miss Congeniality To “Sarah Barracuda”, How Sarah Palin Changed From A Pro-Tax Politician To A Ruthless Pol

By Glenn Church | Related entries in Palin

Sarah Palin has been Governor of Alaska for less than two years. Her longest stint as a political official was as mayor of the tiny town of Wasilla, Alaska, for six years. Today, Wasilla has less than 7,000 residents. When Sarah Palin was elected to its city council in 1992, its population was 4,635. In [...]

August 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 11 Comments »

Palin Energizes Conservative Activists

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Conservatism, Guns and Ammo, McCain, Palin, Veep

Despite criticism from several quarters, the Sarah Palin pick is being received very well by core Republicans. Palin, say conservative activists, has instantly changed how they feel about [John] McCain’s campaign and spurred them to go to work for the Republican ticket. First, though, they’re expressing their newfound fondness for McCain with their checkbooks. Since [...]

August 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

Gustav May Force RNC to Change Plans

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in McCain, RNC

Word coming out of the Republican National Convention is that Hurricane Gustav may dramatically affect the proceedings to the point of causing the RNC to postpone the event. There is also talk of turning the convention into a massive fundraiser for victims of the storm. By the sound of it, the Republicans are not going [...]

August 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Gustav Headed Towards Category 5

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in FEMA, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita, In The News

Forecasters are now predicting that Hurricane Gustav will become a category five storm sometime soon. As you all undoubtedly know, Gustav is the first major hurricane to threaten the Gulf Coast since Katrina and Rita in 2005. The question now is: have we learned anything? Evacuation plans are in effect for New Orleans and other [...]

August 30th, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

Chuck Todd on why McCain picked Palin

By mw | Related entries in Good Decisions, McCain, Palin

Despite my repeated and patient explanations, Justin continues to be confused about the reason for the Palin pick and is wondering again “what exactly was McCain thinking?”. Since JG has also expressed his admiration for Chuck Todd as an analyst (something on which we agree), perhaps Chuck’s explanation will be helpful. I think Chuck pretty [...]

August 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 15 Comments »

Gallup: Obama Maintains 8 Point Lead

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Barack, Biden, Democrats, Independents, McCain, Palin, Polls, Republicans

Obama probably won’t be able to hold this lead, but this number does include the day of Obama’s speech and the Palin announcement the next day. Still, with the Repub convention next week, this is bound to swing back McCain’s way. The details… The current results are based on Aug. 27-29 interviewing, which includes two [...]

August 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Steve Doocy Dishes A Doozy On Palin’s Experience

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Dumb Things Said By Smart People, McCain, Palin, Republicans, Russia, Video

Just watch… That’s right. Sarah Palin has foreign relations experience because Alaska is near Russia. Wow. I also love how the other guy on panel talks about how politics is all about exceeding expectations. And since expectations are extremely low for Palin, she’ll be able to impress people. I’m sorry, but isn’t that exactly how [...]

August 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 4 Comments » On Sarah Palin Pick

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in McCain, Palin

I think this pretty much sums up the collective opinion from non-partisan sites and sources (emphasis mine)… Most neutral observers are scratching their heads. McCain’s strongest argument against Obama is that he doesn’t have the experience to be President. How can his first major personnel choice be someone with demonstrably less experience than Obama (6 [...]

August 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 15 Comments »