Archive for October, 2010

Why The GOP’s Gains Are Built On A Sham

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Economy

First, the facts from Bloomberg… The Obama administration cut taxes for middle-class Americans, expects to make a profit on the hundreds of billions of dollars spent to rescue Wall Street banks and has overseen an economy that has grown for the past five quarters. Now the perception… A Bloomberg National Poll conducted Oct. 24-26 finds [...]

October 29th, 2010 | Permalink| 28 Comments »

President Obama on the Daily Show

By mw | Related entries in Barack, Comedy, Media, Obama

Barack Obama sat down for an interview on The Daily Show. I thought it was more enlightening than most “real news” interviews I’ve seen and an entertaining give and take. As is often the case these days, the harshest post-mortem criticism of the presidential performance seemed to come from the left.

October 29th, 2010 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

It’s the Great Boehner!

By donar | Related entries in Cartoons, Congress, Conservatism, Conservatives, House, Ohio, Political Graffiti, Republicans


October 28th, 2010 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Why I’m Voting

By donar | Related entries in Barack, Cartoons, Democrats, Obama, Republicans, Video

NY TIMES LINK I like to consider myself a moderate and prefer voting for the best candidates regardless of their party origins. But I can’t see too many Republicans that are willing to push aside this simplistic view and try to make this government work. But when you are dealing with ignorant voters, you have [...]

October 27th, 2010 | Permalink| 41 Comments »

Polls, Paradox, Psychobabble, And How to Vote For Divided Government

By mw | Related entries in Democrats, Elections, Polls, Republicans

I’ve been following an interesting multi-blog discussion trying to sort out an apparent polling discrepancy between voter attitudes and voter intentions in the midterms. We do not need to invoke “unconscious bias” to understand a straightforward preference for divided government. If you prefer the spending restraint, greater oversight, and better legislation we get as a direct consequence of a divided government state, the most rational vote is the vote most likely to create that state.

October 27th, 2010 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

“Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” gets Taiwan animation treatment

By mw | Related entries in Comedy, Media, News, Obama

As these have become a cultural phenomena, I think we need a new word for stories that get the Taiwan animation treatment. How about “twam” – as in “Jon Stewart gets twammed.” Other suggestions welcomed.

October 25th, 2010 | Permalink| 10 Comments »

Juan Williams Makes The Transition To Fox News Commentator

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Media

How is his new role at Fox News fitting him? Like a glove! Here’s what he said this morning: This is evidence of one-party rule and one sided thinking at NPR that leads to enforced ideology, speech and writing. It leads to people, especially journalists, being sent to the gulag for raising the wrong questions [...]

October 22nd, 2010 | Permalink| 30 Comments »

Google’s Irish Tax Dodge Signals A $60B Loophole

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Money, Taxes, Technology

So much for Google’s mantra of “Don’t be evil.” Bloomberg has more… Google Inc. cut its taxes by $3.1 billion in the last three years using a technique that moves most of its foreign profits through Ireland and the Netherlands to Bermuda. Wait, that’s just $3.1B. What about the other $56.9B? Well, the rest isn’t [...]

October 21st, 2010 | Permalink| 7 Comments »

The Last Thing I’ll Post About Christine O’Donnell

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Comedy, tea party, Video

She’s not a witch She’s you. God bless you Tea Party. (NOTE: If Christine O’Donnell wins, I reserve the right to post often about her.) Tweet

October 21st, 2010 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Open Thread – Juan Williams Fired by NPR for comments on Fox

By mw | Related entries in Dumb Things Said By Smart People, Islam, Media

Juan Williams comments betrayed irrational bigotry toward Muslims, but not maliciously so. He should have had an opportunity to acknowledge the mistake and keep his job. That said, I understand and appreciate that any media outlet or broadcast entertainment organization, whether public or private, are well within their purview to dismiss on-air talent who make public statements that alienates their audience, subscribers, and advertisers.

October 21st, 2010 | Permalink| 16 Comments »