Archive for January, 2009

GOP Losing Patience With Obama?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Barack, Democrats, Legislation, Republicans

That’s apparently the word from The Hill, but…umm, yeah, it’s been 10 days folks. The scoop… Republicans wrapped up their retreat Friday by signaling they are losing patience with President Obama and the Democratic leadership in Congress. Former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-Mass.) criticized the new administration on Friday, saying it had promised to reach out [...]

January 31st, 2009 | Permalink| 22 Comments »

Majority Of GOP Governors Back Stimulus

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Legislation, Republicans

While the Repubs in the House are all saying no to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, their counterparts in the state houses are singing a much different tune. From AP: NEW YORK (AP) — Most Republican governors have broken with their GOP colleagues in Congress and are pushing for passage of President Barack Obama’s [...]

January 31st, 2009 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Where Did The Pajamas Media Money Go?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Blogging, Business, Conservatives

The PJM Ad Network is no more, and when you do the math it doesn’t really make sense. First, to understand why people are so upset right now you have to know that PJM forced their bloggers to accept NO other advertising dollars if they wanted to be part of their ad network. So BlogAds, [...]

January 31st, 2009 | Permalink| 19 Comments »

Tom Daschle Has Tax Problems Too?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Bad Decisions, Democrats, Taxes

I can understand forgetting that the use of a car is considered income, but note that Daschle didn’t even report earned income too. From ABC: ABC News has obtained the Senate Finance Committee Report on Tom Daschle’s nomination to be Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, which indicates that Daschle’s tax problems [...]

January 31st, 2009 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

What Is Bi-Partisanship?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats, Health Care, Republicans

I think it might be helpful to put a stake in the ground about what is and what isn’t bi-partisanship early on in this administration so we won’t be arguing about it constantly. To me, the passage of SCHIP by the Senate this week is a good guide. Because when more than 20% of the [...]

January 31st, 2009 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Stem Cells Reverse Multiple Sclerosis?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Science

Yes. If we catch MS earlier, it may be reversible. From New Scientist: Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which the fatty myelin sheath that wraps around nerve cells and speeds up their rate of transmission comes under attack from the body’s own defences. [...] For the first time, some of the disability associated [...]

January 31st, 2009 | Permalink| 17 Comments »

Bloomberg To Cut $1B From NYC Budget

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Bloomberg, Business, Money, Taxes

Some tough cuts and tax increases are coming to The Big Apple. From “This is a very tough time for our city and nation,” Bloomberg said. “We have a $4 billion budget gap. It is serious, I think it is manageable.” [...] For now, Bloomberg is proposing $894 million in new sales taxes, including: [...]

January 31st, 2009 | Permalink| No Comments »

Steele Elected as RNC Chairman

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in News, Republicans, RNC

The Republican National Committee has elected Michael Steele as chairman. In addition to being the RNC’s first African American chairman, Steele’s moderate leanings also represent a break from recent Republican ideology. In his brief acceptance speech, Steele said he wants to expand the party: ”We’re going to say to friend and foe alike: We want [...]

January 30th, 2009 | Permalink| No Comments »

ANP (VIDEO): Fed Lends Two Trillion Without Oversight

By American News Project | Related entries in Bad Decisions, Bailouts, Bloomberg, Congress, D.C., Dodd, Economic recovery, Economy, Film, Florida, United States, Wall Street, Washington, WTF?

If you thought $700 billion was a lot of money, well.. It is. But $2 trillion is.. ridiculous. This is Danielle Ivory from ANP. Congress and the new administration have been focusing their attention on strengthening oversight for the Treasury’s TARP program, but meanwhile few are paying any attention to the Federal Reserve. Since September, [...]

January 30th, 2009 | Permalink| No Comments »

Senate Should Strip Stimulus of Excesses

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Congress, Economic recovery, Economy, Fiscal stimulus, Senate

A spending bill as enormous as the current stimulus package is going to include its fair share of expenditures that have nothing to do with stimulating the economy. Our representatives can’t help themselves. They’ll use any spending bill as an excuse to fund pet projects. The AP details some of the non-stimulus related projects lurking [...]

January 30th, 2009 | Permalink| 2 Comments »