January 04, 2013

The Muslim Brotherhood Is 'Eyeing' The Gulf States

Spreading their stealth jihad, so to speak.

A Kuwaiti lawmaker is demanding that Kuwait's security services be on the lookout for Muslim Brotherhood cells seeking to destabilize the emirate.

This comes in the wake of the announcement of the alleged discovery of Brotherhood cells in the nearby United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Tuesday. Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Mahmoud Ghozlan acknowledged that some of the 11 people detained by UAE authorities are Brotherhood members but denied that they were seeking to destabilize the country, according to Lebanon's Daily Star newspaper.

An informed source told the Emirati newspaper Al-Khaleej that members of the group had held "secret meetings" and recruited Egyptian expatriates from across the UAE to join their ranks.

"Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood had offered (the cell's members) courses... on elections and the means of changing leadership in Arab countries," Al-Khaleej reported.[More...]

The Brotherhood feels powerful since taken over the presidency in Egypt. Believe me, they have waited for this power for a very long time.

By Stable Hand at 04:45 PM | Comments |

Abbas Praises Hitler-Supporting Mufti, Terrorists In Anniversary Address

Meet Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini

Are we ever gonna stop sending our hard earned monies to this PA bast**d?

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas paid tribute to World War II era Hitler-supporting Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini as well as several known terror leaders responsible for the deaths of Israelis at a rally in Gaza City Friday that marked the 48th anniversary of the political party Fatah.

During the televised speech, made to a crowd of hundreds of thousands, Abbas made mention of, among others, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, Sheik Ahmed Yassin–both former leaders of Hamas assassinated by Israel for their role in terrorizing the Jewish state-and Marwan Bargouti, who is currently serving time in an Israeli prison for his role in the deaths of five Israelis.

This was Fatah’s first such rally in the territory since a 2007 coup by Hamas ousted the party from power.[More..]


MFM makes no mention of the above. Hundreds of thousands rally showing unity between Hamas and Abbas.

By Stable Hand at 03:59 PM | Comments |

Egyptian Islamists Seek to Strip Alia al-Mahdy's Citizenship


An Egyptian activist filed a complaint to the general prosecutor calling for the citizenship strip of Egypt’s controversial Alia al-Mahdy, commonly known as the “nude poser,” for protesting naked against the country’s newly-adopted constitution.

The plaintiff, Mahmoud Abdel Rahman, accused Mahdy, who protested naked in front of the Egyptian embassy in Sweden, of tarnishing the image of Egypt and deriding religion. Abdel Rahman also called for placing Mahdy on a watch list so she can be arrested when entering Egypt.

In his charges, Abdel Rahman stated that Mahdy “wrote on her naked body statements condemning the constitution with the help of two female activists from FEMEN, an international women’s rights organization.”

He added that Mahdy then headed to the Egyptian embassy in the Swedish capital Stockholm and the three of them stood there stark naked.

“By standing there naked, she tarnished the image of Egypt and derided religion,” Abdel Rahman wrote in his complaint.

Here is slightly censored version of the protest.

Uncensored full frontal NSFW Fatwa This! version below the fold.

Read More "Egyptian Islamists Seek to Strip Alia al-Mahdy's Citizenship"
By Howie at 03:19 PM | Comments |

Jawa Sing Along With Little Johnny Syria

Basic Verse translation of the song in question which is a well known Al Qaeda hymn.

"If they call me a 'terrorist', I would say: 'It is an honor for me'
Our terror is praised, with a divine calling

Our leader, the Mullah (Omar), did not forsake his religion
All the soldiers have sold their souls to Allah

Our leader bin Laden, America's worst nightmare
With the power of faith and our weapons

We destroyed America with a civilian plane
The World Trade Centre was turned into a pile of rubble

What, you don't want to sing along with that? What do you hate democracy?

Also I'm monitoring rumors of a "Zawahiri" captured by the Syrian regime. Rumors are that its Mohammad Zawahiri although I can't figure why he'd leave Egypt. I can see why Ayman Zawahiri might go to Syria but I'd think Mohammad would be most useful to AQ in his safe haven in Egypt.

I can find no source that confirm the whereabouts of Mohammad Zawahiri, if you can please comment or email mypetjawa(at)gmail(dot)com.

Update: I've one source that Mohammad Zawahiri is indeed captured. The Idependent in the UK is running this report.

Rebel fighters insisted Mohamed al-Zawahiri was engaged on a humanitarian mission and had not been involved in violent acts. They also claimed that he had, in fact, proposed a local truce to enable aid to get through.

However the Syrian regime is likely to try to capitalise on Mr Zawahiri’s presence in the country – if indeed they have him under arrest – as proof of their repeated charge that the revolution has been taken over by “terrorists”.

Terrorist? Naaahhhh! Surely not.

By Howie at 01:01 PM | Comments |

Sandcrawler PSA: Liberalspeak

While listening to NPR the other day I had an epiphany.

"I had children that would come up to me and say, 'I really don't want to be out of school for Christmas because we know we're not going to get much to eat,' " Godfrey says. "We can say over and over and over, 'It's a parent's responsibility to feed their children.' But the bottom line is, they don't."
They don't? You mean even with all those free government programs?
The reasons for that are complex,
Get that the reasons are complex.

That's when I realized Complex is a by-word that liberals use instead of worthless piece of shit when confronted with the fact that no matter how hard you try, you just can't polish a turd.

By Howie at 12:28 PM | Comments |

Spider Self-Portrait


From Wired:

A spider that builds elaborate, fake spiders and hangs them in its web has been discovered in the Peruvian Amazon.

Believed to be a new species in the genus Cyclosa, the arachnid crafts the larger spider from leaves, debris and dead insects. Though Cyclosa includes other sculpting arachnids, this is the first one observed to build a replica with multiple, spidery legs.

Scientists suspect the fake spiders serve as decoys, part of a defense mechanism meant to confuse or distract predators.

By DMartyr at 12:27 PM | Comments |

New Hampshire Democrat Proposes To Restrict Freedom Of Political Opponents

Cynthia Chase wants to keep "Free Staters" out of New Hampshire. The "Free State Project" is an organization that promotes moving to certain areas of New Hampshire in order to change the political demography of that area. Their stated goal is to transform the liberal state to a more conservative state.

In response, Cynthia Chase suggested limiting the freedoms of those Americans to make them feel so unwelcome, they will leave (emphasis mine):

"In the opinion of this Democrat, Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today. There is, legally, nothing we can do to prevent them from moving here to take over the state, which is their openly stated goal. In this country you can move anywhere you choose and they have that same right. What we can do is to make the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave. One way is to pass measures that will restrict the "freedoms" that they think they will find here. Another is to shine the bright light of publicity on who they are and why they are coming." (Source)

Limiting freedoms of those who disagree is a common tactic of the left. We see it in radical leftist groups shutting down ideological opponents (even children!) and destroying private property, we see it in the liberal media exposing legal gun permit holders, and we see it in blatant threats. Make no mistake - the Democratic Party does not support liberty. Every now and then, we have to thank people like Cynthia Chase for slipping up and showing the true colors of her party.

By DMartyr at 10:41 AM | Comments |

Winning! Jihad Desensitizing Us to Extreme Violence

Somehow I'm not at all shocked anymore when Islamic Terrorists bomb little orphan kids.

Nor that Little Johnny Syria can't draw a human being without blood gushing out.

This is the result of the Jihad, because nothing pleases Allah more than savage butchery.

Allahu F*cking Ackbar.

By Howie at 10:03 AM | Comments |

Sandcrawler PSA: Benghazi Target Rich Environment

Dear Mr. President, You said you would bring the al-Qaeda terrorists who murdered Ambassador Stevens to Justice. You are getting no help from Libya.

Casablanca — Although Ahmed Boukhtala is the main suspect in the September 11th terrorist attack on US consulate in Benghazi as well as a suspect in assassination of Libyan rebel commander Major General Abdelfattah Younis, he continues to live freely in Benghazi.

Conflicting reports have claimed that Boukhtala was imprisoned while others have said he escaped from prison and is now a fugitive. However, sources in Benghazi told Magharebia that Boukhtala remains at large and that the Libyan authorities have not arrested him.

"Boukhtala is not detained, and no official charges were made against him," political activist Samir al-Jahani told Magharebia. "However, there are many suspicions around him."

Al-Jahani believes that the government is trying as much as it can to avoid charges and clashes with extremist groups at this stage.

Its time we reach out and touch Ahmed Boukhtala.

By Howie at 09:15 AM | Comments |

Thanks for the Photo

I Won.

After his visit, I sent an email to President Obama. Many days later, I got a response back. It was disturbing.


It had nothing to do with what I was asking him. It was a form letter. It thanked me for supporting the troops. He made a promise to rebuild on national television, and I can’t even get this money. It’s heartbreaking, really.

Here's your sign form letter.

Have a nice day.

By Howie at 08:52 AM | Comments |

January 03, 2013

At Least There Is Still A 'Free Press' In Egypt


Oh wait

New York January 3, 2013--The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by a series of investigations into independent Egyptian newspapers on accusations of insulting the president or reporting false news. Some newspapers and media professionals face formal charges in connection to their critical reporting, according to news reports.

"There is a growing trend of targeting independent and critical voices under President Mohamed Morsi's government, which is especially worrying in light of a lack of protection for the press under the new constitution," said Sherif Mansour, CPJ's Middle East and North Africa program coordinator. "Egypt is taking a large step back toward Mubarak-era practices."

Today, Magdi Algallad, editor of independent daily newspaper Al-Watan, was charged with insulting the president--a criminal offense--in connection with published cartoons, according to the newspaper. Wednesday, Al-Masry al-Youm, one of Egypt's leading independent dailies, said it is being investigated by the prosecutor-general following a complaint from the president's office, which accused it of publishing false news. Also Wednesday, the prosecutor-general referred Abdel-Halim Qandil, editor of independent weekly Sawt al-Umma, to the North of Giza prosecutor for official investigation, according to news reports. The accusations relate to an article Qandil wrote in October under the title "You are a liar, Morsi." [More..]

Arab Spring! Allahu Gaybar!

By Stable Hand at 11:26 PM | Comments |

Howie's Former Nemesis Makes FBI Top 10 List (bumped)

Blog foes and convicted terror supporters Younes Abdullah Muhammad and Zachary Chesser after failed attempt at ZZ Top tribute band

In the future history of online flame wars, surely The Jawa Report vs. Revolution Muslim will go down as teh intertubez most epic battle evah. I'm guessing that as we speak, Peter Jackson is busy optioning off the blog rights for a three movie deal.

I'm only half joking here. How many other blog wars ended up with most of the losing participants in exile, in jail or, worse, dead?

Come on, that's a compelling story right there. Forget Frodo vs. Sauron, it's been done. How about Stable Hand vs. Jihad Jane? Rusty vs. Yousef al-Khattab? Or, better yet, Howie vs. Jesse "Younes Abullah Muhammad" Morton.

Vidi, vici, vinii. Which roughly translates as we came, we saw, and we so burned you!

And it looks like the FBI are inclined to agree. At least, with that last part about Howie's old buddy Younes Abdullah Muhammad. FBI:

The FBI worked thousands of investigations during 2012, involving everything from extremists bent on terror to cyber thieves, financial fraudsters, and child predators. As the year comes to a close, we take our annual look back at some of the Bureau’s most significant cases....

Here are some of the top terror cases of 2012...

Revolution’ leader sentenced: A New York City resident was sentenced in June to more than 11 years in prison for using his position as a leader of the Revolution Muslim organization to promote violent extremism online against those he believed to be enemies of Islam.

So, there you have it. Next to stock quotes and porn, the internetz most significant contribution is The Jawa Report. Science!

Note to Peter Jackson -- call me.

Thanks to Pat.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 08:20 PM | Comments |

Marine Corps Huddle

Marine Corps Huddle
A drill instructor from Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego instructs the players of the Semper Fidelis All-American Bowl East Coast Team of what he expects from them during the players' first practice on Dec. 31, 2012 at Fullerton College in Fullerton, Calif. The Semper Fidelis All-American Bowl is the second annual event of its kind and serves as a tool for Marines to pass on their core values to the nation's top high school football athletes. The Semper Fidelis All-American Bowl will be nationally televised live on the NFL Network from the Home Depot Center in Carson, Calif., at 6 p.m. PST Jan. 4.
(U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Gabby Bustos)

By Stable Hand at 06:14 PM | Comments |

Muslim Brotherhood Invites Jews Back To Egypt
Islamic Jihad Wants First Dubs On Killing Them


Islamic Jihad vows to fight the Jews if they return to Egypt

The Islamic Jihad movement has called on the Freedom and Justice Party’s Essam al-Erian to resign from his role as advisor to the president and apologize to the Egyptian people for his statement asking Egyptian Jews to leave Israel and reclaim their properties back at home.

Erian had triggered controversy over his remarks this week when he said this would pave the way for the Palestinians to regain their occupied land[...]

“They will destroy the economy and foment sedition,” he said. “Their return will be over our dead bodies.”

“We will continue fighting the Jews until the liberation of Palestine or Doomsday,” he said.

Jews and their Islamist 'friends'. Who need enemies?

Update: Flashback from 2010, Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Morsi and now prez of Egypt showing some of his love for Jews & the US:

Morsi in 2010: No to Negotiations with "the Descendants of Apes and Pigs"; Boycott US Products

By Stable Hand at 05:11 PM | Comments |

Oh My: Egyptian Lawyers Accuse Muslim Brotherhood Of Taking $1.5 Billion From Obama

[Note: I haven't seen any MSM, inside and outside of the US, stories on this, so take that into consideration]

No, not bronco bama!

CAIRO - The Muslim Brotherhood has been accused of illegally receiving 10 billion Egytian pounds ($1.5 billion) from the United States government. Prosecutor General Talaat Abdallah ordered an immediate investigation into the charges on Thursday.

Lawyers Mohamed Ali Abd al-Wahab and Yasser Mohamed Sayab filed the complaint, in which they quoted Mitt Romney — the Republican candidate in the recent presidential election — as saying that the Obama administration had supported Egypt’s Brotherhood with $1.5 billion.

This could prove to be very interesting. The White House best hide the visitor log or something.

Obama Bypasses Congress, Gives $1.5 Billion to Muslim Brotherhood
Muslim Brotherhood envoys met with White House officials in DC
White House Congratulates Egypt's Morsi
Sen. John Kerry: Forget Everything You Know About The Muslim Brotherhood

By Stable Hand at 04:29 PM | Comments |

CAIR: Submission: Media Urged To Drop Term Islamist In New Year

Click image if you want to read the rest of CAIR's Islamists jihad

So, Unindicted Co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trial wants the MFM to submit? I wonder how long it will take?

No submit for me!

I would tell them something or other but @CAIRNational has me blocked. I honestly don't know why, honest!

By Stable Hand at 04:06 PM | Comments |

15 Al Shabaab Suspects Arrested In Ethiopia

No terror attack for you bitches!

Ethiopia's security and intelligence agency announced 15 members of an East African terrorist cell affiliated with al-Qaida [al-Shabaab..ed] have been arrested.

Military training manuals, weapons and videotapes pertinent to jihad, or religious war, were also discovered in the arrests Wednesday, a government statement on the news website AllAfrica said.

Good news is always refreshing.

By Stable Hand at 03:06 PM | Comments |

UK: Al Qaeda Operative Abid Naseer Extradited To America!


Abid lost his appeal Heartache for him, cornhole watch for us!


A man accused of leading an al-Qaeda plot to set off bombs in Manchester has been extradited to the US.

Abid Naseer has been described by a High Court judge as an "al-Qaeda operative" who "poses a serious threat to the national security of the UK".

UK prosecutors said there was not enough evidence to charge him.

However, the US wants to put him on trial, arguing the Manchester plot was part of a wider conspiracy to also bomb New York.

In December his bid to stop the extradition was thrown out of the European Court of Human Rights, where his lawyers had argued he could be tortured if returned to Pakistan from the US[..]

The removal of Mr Naseer follows three months after Abu Hamza al-Masri[ Hook Hamza...ed], Babar Ahmad[ Azzam.com Webmaster..ed] and three other terrorism suspects were finally extradited to the US after years of legal wrangling.

They will stand trial later this year. If convicted, Mr Naseer faces a possible life sentence in a supermax prison.

A Home Office spokesperson said: "We can confirm that today Abid Naseer was extradited to America where he is accused of terrorism offences. His case is now a matter for the US authorities.".


By Stable Hand at 02:20 PM | Comments |

Best Argument For Gun Ownership

This anti-gun rant is a perfect example of why people should be able to defend themselves against violent incitement endorsed by the liberal media and ignored by the current Democratic Administration.

Donald Kaul of the Des Moines Register lays out his plan to disarm law abiding citizens (all emphasis mine):

• Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. It offers an absolute right to gun ownership, but it puts it in the context of the need for a “well-regulated militia.” We don’t make our militia bring their own guns to battles. And surely the Founders couldn’t have envisioned weapons like those used in the Newtown shooting when they guaranteed gun rights. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.

• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.

Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.

And if that didn’t work, I’d adopt radical measures.

Torture and murder of political opponents and law abiding citizens who exercise Constitutional rights isn't what Donald considers "radical measures"?

And the left accuses the right of violent rhetoric...

By DMartyr at 02:19 PM | Comments |

"Good" Taliban Leader Killed Despite Pakistani Support --- UPDATE: More info

But then again, F*ck Pakistan -- UTA.

Two U.S. drone strikes on northwest Pakistan killed a senior Taliban commander who fought American forces in Afghanistan but had a truce with the Pakistani military, intelligence officials said Thursday.

The commander, Maulvi Nazir, was among nine people killed in a missile strike on a house in the village of Angoor Adda in the South Waziristan tribal region near the border with Afghanistan late Wednesday night.

Although this information is from a Pakistani leak, Pakistani leaks also said they had no clue where Usama bin-Laden was. I hates every iota of a Taliban so even rumors of war perk my ears up a bit.

UPDATE by Rusty: More from Bill Roggio:

Nazir has been an influential Taliban commander and had ties to numerous terrorist groups operating in the region, including al Qaeda, the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban, and the plethora of Pakistani and Central Asia jihadist groups operating in the region. He has openly supported Taliban emir Mullah Omar and al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, and wages jihad in Afghanistan...

Pakistan's military and intelligence services consider Nazir and his followers "good Taliban" as they do not openly seek the overthrow of the Pakistani state and only wage jihad in Afghanistan
. The government has negotiated several peace deals with Nazir. Yet Nazir continued to provide safe have to top al Qaeda leaders and the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, despite agreeing not to do so.
Pakistan considered him a good Taliban? Well, he wasn't. But he is now.

Good riddance.

Read More ""Good" Taliban Leader Killed Despite Pakistani Support --- UPDATE: More info"
By Howie at 12:41 PM | Comments |

The Agonies Of The Left: An Ocean Of Tears

Anti-Capitalism lamentations via Twitter:


Someone should make a coffee table book of these gems.

(Hat Tip: IHateTheMedia)

UPDATE: More deep thoughts from liberal minds below the fold.

Read More "The Agonies Of The Left: An Ocean Of Tears"
By DMartyr at 12:10 PM | Comments |

Cornhole Watch: Gary Smith

Gary's a sore loser, also he's soon to be an on, you know, sore.

After reviewing surveillance video apparently showing former Congressional District 1 Republican primary candidate Gary Smith slashing the tires of at least four fellow Republicans, including his primary opponent, Janice Arnold-Jones, Albuquerque Police Department Detectives have issued a warrant for his arrest.

By Howie at 10:14 AM | Comments |

Nepotism is Bad Gay

Especially in this case.

A HIGH-RANKING MTA executive helped her domestic partner get a cushy railroad job and may have run afoul of ethics regulations, an audit report states.

Sherry Herrington, the $170,000 operations chief at Metro-North Railroad praised her partner’s qualifications in an email to the human resources department without revealing their relationship, according to the report by state Controller Thomas DiNapoli’s office.

*My mental eye! It Burns!.

Read More "Nepotism is Bad Gay"
By Howie at 09:05 AM | Comments |

January 02, 2013

Feel Good Story Of The Evening

Another criminal off the street, permanently.

Update: For those of you who can't see video, here is the link to the story

By Stable Hand at 10:09 PM | Comments |

Al Gore Sells Current TV To Al Jazeera


Do you think they will rehire Keith Olbermann?


Such a perfect fit, leftist and Islamists

Al Jazeera is finalizing a deal to take over Current TV, the low-rated cable channel that was founded by Al Gore and his business partners seven years ago.

If the deal is completed, Current will provide the pan-Arab news giant with something it has sought for years: a pathway into American living rooms. Current is available in about 60 million of the 100 million homes in the United States with cable or satellite service.

File this under Domestic Dhimmis/Stealth Jihad

Update: Dhimmis at NY Times shows their approval: Al Jazeera Seeks a U.S. Voice Where Gore Failed

Update II: Glenn Beck tried to purchase Current but was turned down

.....The Wall Street Journal reports:
Mr. Hyatt said they agreed to sell to Al Jazeera in part because “Al Jazeera was founded with the same goals we had for Current,” including “to give voice to those whose voices are not typically heard” and “to speak truth to power.” Other suitors who didn’t share Current’s ideology were rebuffed. Glenn Beck’s The Blaze approached Current about buying the channel last year, but was told that “the legacy of who the network goes to is important to us and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view,” according to a person familiar with the negotiations
Based on Hyatt’s quote, the owners of Current TV didn’t want Glenn to purchase Current TV and put TheBlaze in millions of home across the country because they didn’t agree with his point of view. They must not feel the same way about Al Jazeera, a news organization that ran an op-ed comparing Glenn to a terrorist.

By Stable Hand at 09:38 PM | Comments |

Italy: 'Arabs' Beat American Yeshiva Student Unconscious

'Arabs' aka Muslims

A group of Arabs brutally attacked an American yeshiva student visiting with his family in Venice, Italy, on Tuesday, knocking him unconscious. The incident took place at night as the student strolled the city center. According to Arutz Sheva, 15 Arab youth were involved in the incident.

According to Arutz Sheva the attackers fled when a passerby spotted them and called police and medics[...]

Stefano Gatti[Researcher at Milan-based Jewish Center for Documentation’s Observatory..ed] pointed out that Italian pundits and politicians ”such as Silvio Berlusconi, Beppe Grillo or Piergiorgio Odifreddi” are now writing discriminatory posts and telling racist jokes. ”Making certain issues seem normal, even funny, is one of the root causes of the rise in anti-Semitic episodes in Italy,” Gatti concluded.

EXPOSE': Italy, Land of Islam
Italy: Land of Gourmet Food, Art, Wine, Opera and…the Muslim Brotherhood? It Might Not Be Far-Fetched

By Stable Hand at 08:47 PM | Comments |

Blog Sabbath Caption Contest: Mocking Ahmed Isma'il Abu Msameh Of Hamas Edition #3 (Update: Fatwas Issued)

Meet Ahmed Isma'il Abu Msameh who was sploded by the Juice in Operation Pillar of Defense

Fatwas will be issued.

Update: Sorry bout the 'burp', this 12/30 post went somewhere and comments with it, but, I had saved em, so. I blame bronco bama

Anyways, Fatwas were issued

The "i will cut ur neck" fatwa issued against Kafiroon for:

Relax Ahmed!
The juice will be so afraid of you that they will run away!
The "devil will do meetballs from your bodies" fatwa issued against Bubbe for:
His eyes look like 2 Jawa meatballs. Seriously.
The "why u insult holly quoran" fatwa issued against EROWMER for:
I'm a mohamadan. I got nothing to live for.
The "mojahedin will separate your dirty head from your dirty heart" fatwa issued against DarthSmeag for:
Hurry and take the picture guys this thing is heavy... it's like man are you serious I'd rather have a bomb vest on...How come Achmed got the Bomb vest and I got stuck with this thing?"

Read More "Blog Sabbath Caption Contest: Mocking Ahmed Isma'il Abu Msameh Of Hamas Edition #3 (Update: Fatwas Issued) "
By Stable Hand at 07:56 PM | Comments |

The Communists Are Coming

Actually they are already here.

Marxist Democrat Cringes As Russian Immigrants Compare Communism to…Democrats!


And Pravda, Yes Pravda former state media of the USSR warns American to hold on to their guns.

Written by Stanislav Mishin, the opinion piece, titled “Americans, never give up your guns,” begins:

These days, there are few few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA, but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to [bear] arms and use deadly force to defend one’s self and possessions.

...One of the first things [the Soviets] did was to disarm the population. From that point, mass repression, mass arrests, mass deportations, mass murder, mass starvation were all a safe game for the powers that were. The worst they had to fear was a pitchfork in the guts or a knife in the back or the occasional hunting rifle. Not much [to worry about] for soldiers.

You know what they say, it takes one to know one... heh.

By Howie at 04:02 PM | Comments |

Raising Taxes On The Rich


I thought of a great way to determine a fair federal tax rate for the rich. Obviously, those who believe the rich don't already pay their "fair share" would have given more voluntarily, or else they would be hypocrites.

We simply average the amount of voluntary gift contributions Democratic politicians and liberal Hollywood celebrities gave last year, and then use that amount to calculate "fair share" of all wealthy Americans.

It's a win-win.

By DMartyr at 02:21 PM | Comments |

Good News: 60k Dead in Syria

The various branches of the Religion of Peace are killing each other at a blistering pace in Syria.

The United Nations estimated Wednesday that more than 60,000 people have been killed in Syria's 21-month-old uprising against authoritarian rule, a toll one-third higher than what anti-regime activists had counted. The U.N. human rights chief called the toll "truly shocking."
The only question is will this civil war be costly enough that people in the Middle East will decide that settling their differences with blood is not worth it.

After I don't really know anyone here that thinks cost in blood of the American Civil is anything less than a tragedy. Sure issues were settled o the battlefield, but at an almost unimaginable cost.

So will the New Syria be worth the cost of the Jihad? I doubt it very much.

By Howie at 01:03 PM | Comments |

Fat Bastard Inspires Cynical Blogger

After reading Fat Bastard's Michael Moore's New Year's Resolutions, I was inspired to write my own top 10 list. Keep in mind, I hadn't made any resolutions until this post.

1.) Forget the names of the people living two doors away. While that may be easy for Fat Bastard Michael Moore who lives on a large multimillion dollar estate, in my neighborhood, two doors down is close enough for a conversation without either of us leaving our own house.

2.) Learn to eat better. I can make dinner. It's what I make that's the real problem. French fries and chicken tenders to me are like creamed filled donuts to Fat Bastard Michael Moore. And I expect him to really balloon up once he starts learning to forage for his own cupcakes when his hired cook is off duty.

3.) Buy a gun. Stroke it. Squeeze it. Hold it. Love it. Oh, wait. I have a gun. Several, in fact. And I stroked them and loved them just yesterday. I may do it again today because I want them to love me back. They may save my life one day. Buy another, just in case.

Continue below the fold.

Read More "Fat Bastard Inspires Cynical Blogger"
By DMartyr at 12:58 PM | Comments |

Islamist/Global Terrorist: Prince Harry Is Drunk When He Shoots At Us

What, didn't he like Prince Harry's butt naked photos with butt naked women?

Terrorist propaganda via The Telegraph: Prince Harry is a 'jackal' killing innocents, says feared Afghanistan warlord

One of Afghanistan's most feared warlords has launched a withering attack on Prince Harry, who has spent Christmas serving in the country, labelling the prince a 'jackal' who was 'drunk' while hunting innocent Afghans.

In a rare and exclusive interview with The Daily Telegraph Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who has been designated a global terrorist by the United States, heaped insults on the British Royal and pledged to carry out more attacks before the UK's withdrawal in 2014.

Speaking from an undisclosed location the warlord accused Britain of dragging "herself into this unjustified, useless but cruel conflict to please the White House. The British did not gain anything instead they lost blood and treasure."

"I do not understand how the British public accept their children being sent to certain death in order to please American generals.

Britain's MoD spokesperson was outraged about the pedophile war lord's accusations/insults. Absurd
The suggestion that any member of the UK armed forces deployed on operations operates under the influence of alcohol is simply absurd - not least because the consumption of alcohol by UK military personnel is not permitted under any circumstances while deployed in Afghanistan." a Ministry of Defence spokesman said.
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar on the killing of bin Laden:
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.jpg
Click for video

Like Howie posted in September: Another Good Reason to Nuke Stuff.

Nuff said

What is the Daily Telegraph doing promoting Gulbuddin Hekmatyar?
Afghan warlord 'aided Bin Laden'

By Stable Hand at 12:33 PM | Comments |

Next On Gun Control Agenda: Non-Lethal Bullets

I suppose non-lethal bullets would be beneficial under certain circumstances, such as on a plane or in crowds, but if someone is breaking in my home, I'm not shooting to wound. I'm shooting to kill.

Executives with a Boise-based company are poised to begin marketing a new type of ammunition specifically for law enforcement teams and designed to avoid causing serious or fatal injuries to their targets and bystanders.

The technology was created at Integrity Ballistics LLC, a company that has spent more than 10 developing and testing a round that resembles a shotgun shell. The round fires a synthetic ball that flattens upon impact and is intended to stun or subdue the target and the plan is to make it available only to law enforcement. (Source)

I don't believe a non-lethal bullet will remain only for law enforcement. It will just be a matter of time, if the gun control lobby fails at banning gun ownership, they will press to force the use of non-lethal bullets.

Al Sharpton: After Gun Control Comes Knife Control

By DMartyr at 11:17 AM | Comments |

Journal News Hires Armed Guards For Protection


Some of the armed guards, no doubt, are listed among the legal gun permit holders the same Journal News exposed as though they were child molesters.

The Journal News of West Nyack, N.Y., has hired armed security guards to defend its offices after receiving a torrent of phone calls and emails responding to the paper's publication of the names and addresses of area residents with pistol permits. (Source)

What's good for the goose, good for the gander? Somehow I don't think so. You see, in the liberal mind, self defense is only deemed necessary from the threat of right wing extremism and NRA militants. Common crime, committed by those desperate, destitute democrats (often referred as "the 99%") is only the result of inequality and unfair practices of the wealthy. Which means they - the criminals - are the true victims and no one really has the right to defend themselves from victims.

Yes, the legally armed woman in hiding is not the victim of an abusive ex-husband. She is a victim of a violent, conservative society that refused to give her ex-husband the success he so desired in life, which ultimately led to his abusive nature. Her insistence in arming herself only contributes to that dissolute society. So, in fact, she is complicit in her own circumstances and her ex-husband is the real victim.

The leftist leaning hypocrites at the Journal News have every right to defend themselves from the vocal political dissenters that threaten an agenda driven platform, especially if that defense will lend credibility to the victim status of those pushing that agenda. In their minds, they have been forced to defend from the very threats they exposed in the first place. Rather than seeing the hypocrisy and irony in surrounding themselves with armed guards, they will see only vindication.

(Hat Tip: For What It's Worth)

Map: Where Are The Journal News Employees In Your Neighborhood?
The Map LOHUD.com Won't Publish (Updated)
Outrageous! Liberal News Site Publishes Names And Addresses Of Legal Gun Owners

By DMartyr at 10:52 AM | Comments |

January 01, 2013

2012: The Year to Persecute Christians

And the culprit is?

Growing persecution of Middle Eastern Christians and holy sites by radical Islamists in the Middle East and Africa in 2012 resulted in large numbers of murders, bombings, imprisonments, church closures and forced conversions to Islam. In addition, the rise of Islamic governments – coupled with tepid responses from some Western countries, the UN and many NGOs – has contributed to unprecedented levels of Christian persecution....

Underscoring the severe dangers, the British daily The Telegraph headlined a pre- Christmas article: “Christianity ‘close to extinction’ in Middle East.” The paper reported on a new study titled “Christianophobia” showing that the “lion’s share of persecution faced by Christians arises in countries where Islam is the dominant faith.”...

A generation from now, Christians may be entirely ‘cleansed’ from their ancestral homes – this at a time when Muslim populations are growing in Europe and America,” he said. “Yet there is very little urgency or even attention to this crisis by the UN, most of the media or Western leaders. I wish I were confident this would change in 2013. But I’m afraid this is an issue most people in America and Europe are determined to avoid.”...

“There is only one place in the broader Middle East where Christians are free and unafraid – and their population is growing,” he said.

“That place is Israel
. Many people don’t know that. And even many of those who do know it fail to perceive the significance.”

H/T: Hot Air.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 06:51 PM | Comments |

Islamists Celebrate New Year in Traditional Matter: Bombing, Murdering

Happy New Year apostates!

At least four people were killed and over 40 injured on Tuesday evening when a powerful bomb went off in Karachi’s Federal B Area, less than half a kilometre from the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) [a liberal secular party] headquarters Nine-Zero.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the blast that took place soon after the conclusion of a rally organised by the MQM and Minhaj-ul-Quran International at Jinnah Ground in Azizabad. The MQM announced a day of mourning today (Wednesday).

In other parts of the country, they murdered 7 aid workers for the crime of helping children.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 06:42 PM | Comments |