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Gun Control01/07 4:00 A.M.
Guns for Me . . .
Journal News wants hired guns — for itself.
Impromptus01/07 12:00 A.M.
Mega-cheers for honesty, &c.
Jay Nordlinger on an op-ed piece, Obama, Village people, RG3, and more.
CULTURE WATCH01/07 4:00 A.M.
Fat Politics
Is sizeism really just like racism and sexism?
Regulations01/07 12:00 A.M.
Looking at Dodd-Frank
The problems and potential solutions.
Congress01/07 12:00 A.M.
Does Congress Have a Prayer?
Let’s hope that it does.
Congress01/04 2:00 P.M.
Fiscal-Cliff Mirage
The politics is debatable; the reality isn’t.
The Obama Administration01/05 4:00 A.M.
E-mail Scandal at the EPA
What was Lisa Jackson trying to hide?
Congress01/04 6:37 P.M.
Inside #FireBoehner
An exit interview with the hashtag’s founder.
Religion01/05 4:00 A.M.
D.C. Has a Prayer
Eric Metaxas on real faith.
Potus01/03 8:00 P.M.
The Real Obama
He must not be underestimated.
The Fiscal Cliff01/04 12:00 A.M.
Winning Ugly
Where’s O’s debt-crisis fix?
Big Government01/04 12:00 A.M.
Already European
We are more socialist than we admit.
Education01/04 4:00 A.M.
Campus Moneybags
College presidents rake in the bucks.
The GOP01/04 12:00 A.M.
Unhappy New Year
The fiscal cliff fight rattled the GOP.
The Budget01/04 12:00 A.M.
Take the Hostage
Raise the debt ceiling? Cut spending first.
The Fiscal Cliff01/03 4:00 P.M.
One Cheer for the Deal
You can’t tax your way into prosperity.
Big Government01/03 12:00 A.M.
New Year Stampede
Rushing to beat Obamacare and gun bans.
College Football01/03 4:00 P.M.
Notre Dame Punts
Self-promotion trumps evangelical witness.
The GOP01/03 12:00 A.M.
Middle-Class Agenda
Time to help voters of moderate income.
The Fiscal Cliff01/03 4:00 A.M.
The Spending Cliff
The GOP lost on taxes and spending.
Immigration01/03 4:00 A.M.
Wanna Buy an Amnesty?
Don’t trust Obama on immigration.
The States01/03 12:00 A.M.
2012 in Demographics
A look at the census population estimates.
The Environment01/03 4:00 A.M.
Greens Attack on Mariculture
They see native Americans as the enemy.
Islam & the West01/03 12:00 A.M.
Beyond ‘Toxic Nationalism’
On “the battle between two epic forces.”
Marriage01/03 4:00 A.M.
The Forgotten 60 Percent
Brad Wilcox on marriage and Middle America.
The Fiscal Cliff01/02 12:00 P.M.
Limiting the Damage
The deal was worth passing.
POTUS01/02 4:00 A.M.
Bush Reconsidered
In the age of Obama, Bush looks better.
POTUS01/02 12:00 A.M.
Obama’s Tax Evaders
Rich Obama backers avoid his high taxes.
Impromptus01/02 12:00 A.M.
The Superb Mitt Romney
Jay Nordlinger lashes out at the revisionists and revilers.
History01/02 4:00 A.M.
FDR and Lincoln on Screen
The presidency has declined.
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The Debt Ceiling01/07 4:00 A.M.
The Budget Battles Ahead
The debt ceiling is not a hill to die on.
The Debt Ceiling01/07 4:00 A.M.
The Platinum Bugs
A $2 trillion coin to the rescue!
The EPA01/07 4:00 A.M.
Goodbye, Lisa Jackson
…and good riddance.
Will Hagel be confirmed?


Cartoon of the Day
Job Growth

On Video
Krauthammer: ‘The Hypocrisy of the Democrats Would Leave Diogenes Stunned’
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Fiscal-Cliff Deal Winners & Losers
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Farewell, Barney: A Greatest Hits Montage
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Slideshow Obama's Hawaiian Vacation
Obama's Hawaiian Vacation
With a deal to avert the fiscal cliff in place, President Obama returned to his vacation in Hawaii. The First Family has spent each Christmas season in an exclusive area of Kailua Bay on the island of Oahu. Here's a look at the amenities they've enjoyed on their Pacific sojourns.
The First Family has stayed in several different estates on Paradise Point over the course of the President's first term, each overlooking the ocean on Oahu's windward shore.
From 2008-10, the First Family stayed at the Plantation Estate, a 5,000-square-foot, 5-bedroom complex with ocean views -- and a nearby Marine Corps base for security and POTUS workouts.
A look at the interior pool cabana.
One of the estate's five well-appointed bedrooms.
A nighttime view of the estate's pool.
Another view of the pool.
The dining room.
Living room with ocean view.
The den, looking out on one of Oahu's beaches.
One of the estate's bathrooms.
The main kitchen.
In 2011, the First Family stayed at another nearby five-bedroom estate on Paradise Point. US News & World Report's Washington Whispers blog speculates that the Obamas have returned here for their 2012 getaway.
Like other locations in the exclusive enclave, the estate features backyard patios with large lawns that sweep down to the beaches.
The pool cabana.
The interior courtyard area.
The wood-lined living room.
The large kitchen.


On Video
Senator Barney Frank?
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On Video
Psaki: ‘Tough Confirmation Hearing’ Ahead for Hagel
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On Video
Santelli: ‘Why Are the Lunatics The Ones Who Say Overspending Is Creating Too Much Debt?’
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SlideshowSpanish Flour-War Celebration
Spanish Flour-War Celebration
Every year on Dec. 28, the small Spanish town of Ibi hosts the festival of Els Enfarinats, pitting two rival groups of citizens in a pitched battle waged with eggs, firecrackers and lots and lots of flour.
Battle participants are split into two groups. The "Els Enfarinats," married men dressed in mock military outfits, take over the town and begin fining residents who fail to follow their new "laws."
The other side, "La Oposicio," attempts to regain control of the town. All the collected fines go to local charities.
The city has celebrated the event since 1981, but its exact origins are unknown.
Many residents add colorful face paint to their ceremonial costumes.
No, that's not snow. One resident takes a break from the flying flour.
One unlucky resident gets a faceful of eggs along with her ration of flour.
An Enferinats member helps a colleague along the street as photographers watch.
We happy few, we band of brothers...
Firecrackers are an integral part of the day's events.
A horned Enferinat gets in an unexpected headshot.
Let the games begin!


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