The American Spectator


A Further Perspective

Abandoned and Betrayed

James P. Gannon 1.3.13

Republican ship, dead in the water, needs a mutiny.

The Tax and Spend Spectator

The Barack Obama Participation Trophy

Jeffrey Lord 1.3.13

Obama raises taxes on middle class as Boehner, McConnell sign on. 

The Current Crisis

In Politics It Is the Economy, Stupid

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. 1.3.13

The party of Sandra Fluke is out of control.

Sports Arena


James M. Thunder 1.3.13

The term is synonymous with a Notre Dame linebacker who came out of President Obama’s school.

Another Perspective

White Is the New Black

Gerald Nachman 1.3.13

Things are looking up for an aging white demographic.

Movie Takes

Hyde Park on Hudson

James Bowman 1.3.13

Bill Murray and especially Laura Linney bring real value to this literary reinterpretation of FDR.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Political Hay

All-Purpose Scapegoats

Robert Stacy McCain 1.2.13

Fiscal-cliff deal won’t end the Democrat war against “the rich.”

The Tax and Spend Spectator

Tax Cuts and Duplicity

Peter Ferrara 1.2.13

The next Republican middle class tax cut is in the works, come hell or high fiscal cliff.

At Large

Iraq: Playing the Sectarian Crisis Card

Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi 1.2.13

As seen this time in the Maliki-Issawi showdown, there’s a lot more to Iraqi politics than sectarian divisions.

The Nation’s Pulse

My Name is Cash

Bill Croke 1.2.13

America’s growing underground economy — a necessity in the age of Obama.

A Further Perspective

A Key Economic Lesson

Ralph R. Reiland 1.2.13

Good intentions and bad results in the never ending war on poverty.

Last Call

Sorry for Your Gain

Daniel J. Flynn | from the December 2012 issue

A sad father’s indestructability.

Another Perspective

Happy New Year?

Thomas Sowell 1.2.13

To me, the Republican establishment is the 8th wonder of the world.

Campus Scenes

Pollice Verso and Pigskins

Nina Friel | from the December 2012 issue

The winner of our first collegiate essay contest has answered, with verve, our query: Should tackle football be banned for corrupting our educational institutions and concussing our youngsters?

Monday, December 31, 2012

Ben Stein’s Diary

It’s Been a Hard Year

Ben Stein 12.31.12 9:00am

In some ways nightmarish — and what was Romney thinking?

Ben Stein’s Diary

Dearly Beloved

Ben Stein 12.31.12 7:00am

Here’s what’s been happening this side of the cliff.

Loose Canons

Annus Horribilis Comicus

Jed Babbin 12.31.12

If you think 2013 will be any better, John Boehner has a Plan C to sell you.

Sports Arena

Real Hope in Washington

W. James Antle, III 12.31.12

Hail to the Redskins.

The Right Prescription

MSM Gives Us the Mushroom Treatment on HHS Mandate

David Catron 12.31.12

The media are keeping us in the dark on Obamacare’s legal woes and feeding us Hobby Lobby.

Special Report

Religion Highlights of 2012

Mark Tooley 12.31.12

Reports to the contrary notwithstanding, secularization is not the wave of the future.

The Hell-Hole Spectator

The Worst of the Worst

Doug Bandow 12.31.12

A new report from Freedom House on the world’s most repressive societies in 2012.



The Spectacle Blog

Rebel Without a Cause

Wlady Pleszczynski | 2:46PM

Notes on the Cliff

Eileen Norcross | 9:50AM

From Al Gore to Al Jazeera

Aaron Goldstein | 1.2.13

Charitable Deduction

F.H. Buckley | 1.2.13

Why My Change From Monday to Tuesday

Quin Hillyer | 1.2.13



Clip of the Day

Most Popular Articles

My Name is Cash

Bill Croke | 1.2.13

Tax Cuts and Duplicity

Peter Ferrara | 1.2.13

It's Been a Hard Year

Ben Stein | 12.31.12

In Politics It Is the Economy, Stupid

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. | 1.3.13

Abandoned and Betrayed

James P. Gannon | 1.3.13

Happy New Year?

Thomas Sowell | 1.2.13

All-Purpose Scapegoats

Robert Stacy McCain | 1.2.13

White Is the New Black

Gerald Nachman | 1.3.13