Archive for May, 2010

Top Kill

By donar | Related entries in Barack, Cartoons, Disasters, Energy, Environment, Obama, Oil, Political Graffiti


May 31st, 2010 | Permalink| 39 Comments »

Coffee Party not for Indepedents and Moderates

By Solomon Kleinsmith | Related entries in Bipartisan, General Politics, Independents, Partisan Nonsense, Politics, tea party

For some people, the development of the new Coffee Party USA organization seemed like a godsend in response to the more extreme elements in the Tea Party movement. At first I thought that this could be the grassroots movement I’d been waiting for – one that actually included moderates independents, and actively worked across ideological [...]

May 29th, 2010 | Permalink| 10 Comments »

Why Isn’t The Government Getting More Involved In Oil Spill?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Energy, Environment, Money, Oil

It seems to be a question that’s popping up a lot lately, and the simple answer is: they don’t know how to stop it. Of course they have the authority. The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 gives Obama all the authority he needs to take over the spill if need be. But the government just [...]

May 24th, 2010 | Permalink| 49 Comments »

SHOCK: Oil Spill Leaking Nearly 4M Gallons Of Oil A Day

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Business, Energy, Environment, Oil

Previous worst case scenarios estimated the spill to be pumping 2M gallons of oil a day into the gulf, but new numbers paint a much darker picture. Here’s how the two leaks shake out… Leak A: 70,000 barrels a day + Leak B: 25,000 barrels a day = 95,000 barrels a day One barrel of [...]

May 23rd, 2010 | Permalink| 7 Comments »

Rand Paul’s Sad, Slow Implosion

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Elections, Energy, Libertarian, Oil, Regulations, Republicans, Senate, Video

First it was the wishy-washiness of the civil rights act repeal and now it’s criticism of the administration being tough on BP? Watch the video… Here’s the thing…yes, accidents happen on offshore oil rigs. However, most damage is mitigated by appropriate safety measures being put in place to keep spills to a minimum. However, recent [...]

May 21st, 2010 | Permalink| 8 Comments »

Could Kevin Costner’s Oil Spill Centrifuge Help The Gulf?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Energy, Environment, Oil, Technology, Video

Ironically, the star of Waterworld (which I like…by the way) might be just the guy to help save the water in the Gulf of Mexico. Check out the nifty gadget he and his brother has been funding the development of (to the tune of $15M) for the past 15 years. Apparently, it can remove between [...]

May 19th, 2010 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Election 2010: Incumbents Beware!

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats, Republicans, Voting

A lot happened last night. So if you weren’t keeping score…here are the highlights… Moderate Arlen Specter lost to liberal Joe Sestak in PA… Conservative/Libertarian Rand Paul captured the Republican nomination in Kentucky from the establishment’s candidate… Dem Blanche Lincoln didn’t get enough votes to prevent a runoff in Arkansas… However, in the special election [...]

May 19th, 2010 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Can Independents Vote Today in Arkansas, Kentucky and Pennsylvania?

By Nancy Hanks | Related entries in News

Today is primary day in some key states for independent voters: Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Arkansas. Lots of media including this one from Liz Halloran at NPR talking about the anti-incumbent mood. Pennsylvania primaries (thanks to FairVote for these definitions) are closed (winners in 2008 2343 Clinton, McCain in the primary; November: Obama), meaning that only [...]

May 18th, 2010 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

What If Arlen Specter Loses Tomorrow?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats, Pennsylvania

It happened to Bob Bennett in Utah and it could certainly happen to the multi-term, just turned Dem Senator from Pennsylvania. Because, apparently, the White House is backing away from Arlen… If this is true, it’s significant: CBS chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer is now saying that he has it on good authority that the [...]

May 17th, 2010 | Permalink| 17 Comments »

Independent Voters: Nonpartisan Elections in NYC Aren’t That Radical

By Nancy Hanks | Related entries in News

First up: Fred Newman, US radical independent political strategist and consultant to Mike Bloomberg’s three (3) successful NYC Independence Party campaigns, as quoted by Michael Barbaro at the New York Times reports tonight about the recent NYC Charter Revision Commission mandate for nonpartisan elections. And now, here’s what’s been shaking over the past couple of [...]

May 13th, 2010 | Permalink| No Comments »