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Please Quit Stopping Me From Killing Myself

December 31st, 2012 at 5:29 pm by Brian

The Boehner Plan - Classic Misdirection

Budd Dwyer call your office.  At last, the unearthed Republican Strategy to deal with the mountainous Obama debt.  Maybe if they shoot themselves in the head they’ll really, REALLY be able to hold Obama’s feet to the fire when the Debt Ceiling negotiations start.

After all, the media will have to admit that these latter-day Headless Horsemen caved on increased taxes in exchange for no spending cuts and it would only be fair for Obama to agree on that in a few months, right?  That’s how it will be reported, right?

With both sides on the cusp of a fiscal cliff deal, President Barack Obama vowed Monday to seek additional revenue next year alongside spending cuts. In the process, he also angered several GOP senators who said he demeaned their efforts to reach a deal.

Obama said that a year-end deal to avert tax hikes for the middle class “is within sight, but it’s not done.”

Does Boehner, McConnell and Lindsey Graham’s congressional dental plans cover reconstructive orthodontia from biting pillows so hard?

Awww, Obama doesn’t fix you breakfast and leave money on the nightstand after he rides you raw in full view of the public.  Boohoo.  He doesn’t appreciate that you’re part of the act too.  Is that what I’m reading?

You did more than just lay there like a cold fish.  Lindsey got all lathered up to do the work of the un-American people and when his reacharound arm went out he got mad that we all couldn’t come together at the same time.  Boehner cupped the balls and McConnell thankfully wore a leather mask that hid his flappy jowled Beaker neck.

Add current and hopefully not future Senator Bob Corker to the traitorous gangbang:

Immediate reaction from Republicans to the president’s demand for even more revenue, as well as his shots at Congress, was sharp.

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., took to the Senate floor to say Obama might have alienated Republicans who were tentatively ready to support the current cliff deal, which would push decisions on the sequester and other budget issues to the new year. “I think he’s lost numbers of votes with what he did. He didn’t lose mine, I’m not like that,” Corker said.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said the president’s remarks were a “cheerleading, ridiculing of Republicans exercise.”

Corker said, “You can call me a sawed off little bitch who gobbles nuts for loose change but I will always abandon my stated principles so that the media won’t call me names.”  To which McCain chimed in, “You gonna finish those nuts?”

With this deal, the Republican Party is officially done.  I have always said that they have neither the ability, strategy or will to fight but RNC headquarters itself is about to be declared federally protected land for the deep and lengthy series of caves found within.

They live in this fantasy world where time constraints and arbitrary deadlines apply to themselves and not the other side.  A world where they think that the media is going to take part in a “gotcha” moment when the opposition is determined to be hypocrites or unserious about dealing with the country killing debt banging its tentacles at the negotiating table.

The pundits, the press and the politicians think that by massaging this stuttering clusterfuck of a deal into some Victory For The American People ™ that we are somehow immune to the math that is going to slam it’s red, capital F Minus ink pen on this final exam.

The spending will continue.  The debt will be raised.  Nothing is fixed.  Your money is more worthless than it already was under our “Don’t Look Down Obamanomics” policy.

What no one accounts for is the panic when everyone does look down.  The panic is what kills.  It’s not the Neo-Welfarists bitterly clinging to 3-4 years of unemployment checks as opposed to taking a demeaning job (read:  A job)  that pays less than the handout or the never involved welfarists who ceased to work generations ago.  The panic of the people who continue working and realize it’s not worth it anymore is what will finish us.

But we are going to look down eventually and we are all going to suffer greater than any 1920s soup kitchen at the precise moment of Democracy and Freedom’s greatest peril.  Abandon the Republican Party if you have not already done so.  At the moment when they were needed most, they decided to become Democrats out of  the same ideological suicide that the Tea Party saved them from doing in 2010.  Resentment was their reward.

Like all serious suicides, you can’t save them from themselves.  We’ll just throw those bitten pillow cases away, change out the headboard, wipe off the wall and finally start over.   I really can’t say “fuck you” loud enough or long enough.

cry baby

Pussy Control:  Time to vote on a new speaker.

The NR-F Minus

December 23rd, 2012 at 1:10 pm by Brian

Full disclosure:  I am not now or have I ever been a member of the NRA.  Nor do I ever have any plans to be.  It’s not that I disagree with their mission as much as the way that they go about doing it.  Donating money to allegedly pro-gun Democrats who pimp their endorsement to win conservative districts and then shoot them in the back with the gun that they gave them.  It’s like Michael Steele left the RNC and now presides over the NRA.  Just who’s side are you on?

It is time for Wayne LaPierre to retire to some great tree stand far removed from a television camera, microphone or interviewer.  He is no more than a doddering relic locked in 30 year old arguments.  Wholly unprepared and singularly unlikeable, if the NRA would like to lose the current national debate they could do no better than continuing with LaPierre as their face to the public.  He is the Pat Robertson of the 2nd Amendment and, quite frankly, the 2nd Amendment deserves a lot better than Wayne LaPierre.

I say this following his numerous misfires on Meet The Press. A dreadful interview.  Into the liberal lion’s den he went, with literal crap in the corner of his mouth while David Gregory studiously avoided mentioning it to him for the entirety of the prosecution decidedly hostile cross-examination.  While the idea of having an armed guard or allowing a licensed teacher to be able to carry may have some merit, the rote delivery of “what we need is a good guy with a gun x 15″ is some of the lamest rhetoric I’ve heard since Mitt Romney told people to vote for “love of country” contra Obama’s message of revenge.   Like the Republicans selecting Romney to take on the failure of the Obama presidency, the NRA is sending a rusty blunderbuss into a landmined warzone with motion detecting sentry cannons.

This is the best you’ve got?  This speaks nothing of his press conference earlier this week where he dusted of such golden oldies as:

And here’s another dirty little truth that the media try their best to conceal. There exists in this country, sadly, a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and stows violence against its own people. Through vicious, violent video games with names like “Bullet Storm,” “Grand Theft Auto,” “Mortal Combat,” and “Splatterhouse.”

These are the comments of someone who has no connection to modern culture.  Twenty-year old video games that no one has seen since the Clinton Administration?  I understand the argument.  However, it’s being poorly made and delivered by someone reading it off of index cards who could not extemporaneously produce a more relevant example.  There are ultraviolent video games out there.  Call of Duty, Battlefield, Resident Evil.  They make more than Hollywood blockbusters.  Many more with subversive elements like Bioshock.   Breaking Bad glamorizes meth dealing. American Horror Story glamorized Columbine.  Calling out Mortal Combat or “Kindergarten Killers” is tantamount to demanding Dee Snyder testify in front of Congress again.

The NRA needs a new messenger.  One who’s had a little less surgery and is not locked in the good old days when Charlton Heston could smooth over his bellicosity to those not in the choir.  There are numerous people – Democrat party officials, school teachers and the other Democrat nuts who are making death threats against the members of the NRA with impunity and the equivalent of an endorsement from the media.  Not a word from LaPierre.  We don’t need guns to hunt deer.  We need guns to kill Democrats who want to kill us.

He offered no response to Blowdry’s suggetion that the NRA be responsible for funding guards in schools?  Really?  Why not force Planned Parenthood to pay for abstinence education at public schools?  This leap of demanding a private organization to assume guilt and financial responsibility for the actions taken by someone who was not a member or supporter is downright Soviet.  The shooter is dead.  The mother he killed to illegally obtain the weapon he used is dead.  Eric Holder is ripping a page out of Vladimir Putin’s playbook and providing some sham pretext to raid the store where Nancy Lanza legally purchased her rifle.  A store that did nothing wrong is being raided because someone tried to rob it and the media is painting it as “they were being raided by the feds for other reasons”.

Where is the argument about personal responsibility?  Whether it’s the movies you watch, the pills you take, the car you drive, the gun you buy it is no shock that the party who does not believe in individual responsibility would do so in this case either.  But for the head of the NRA to spew some “it’s as much everybody’s fault as us” is a rhetorical failing.  It’s Hollywood’s fault.  It’s video games fault.  Blah, blah, blah.  There was one person responsible for the Newtown shooting and that person is dead.  If he would have lived Liberals would be arguing that he should get an attorney free of charge, get his Bachelor’s Degree and suckle on the taxpayer’s teat for 70 years until he died of old age.  Every few years one would argue that he didn’t get a fair trial and should be let go like the amateur Norman Mailers they are.

These are serious times and the 2nd Amendment demands a serious defender.  To paraphrase I Own The World’s observation, the people who say it’s impossible to deport 12 million illegal aliens are somehow convinced that they are going to confiscate 280 million firerams.  The notion floated by New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo lets the gungrabber’s mask slip:

In a radio interview on Thursday with Albany’s WGDJ-AM, New York governor Andrew Cuomo said that he plans to work with state legislators next month to submit a proposal for new gun-control laws; in particular, Cuomo said, “our focus is assault weapons,” because current state laws regulating the weapons “have more holes that Swiss cheese.”

“I don’t think legitimate sportsmen are going to say, ‘I need an assault weapon to go hunting,’” he said.

Cuomo continued, “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun but permit it.”

The 2nd Amendment was not written to protect the rights of hunters.  Much less “legitimate” hunters as deemed by the Governor of New York.  It was meant so that a tyrannical government would get its bloody comeuppance when the time inevitably comes.  It was meant to stop Andrew Cuomos and Michael Bloombergs.  Your government is breaking into your home at night.  It is stealing the rings off your fingers at the funeral home.  It is stealing your child’s birthright.  And now it wants to steal the god-given right for you to be able to defend yourself.

You win the argument through debate so that you do not have to win it on your doorstep.  LaPierre has failed at that job.

RELATED:  Did David Gregory violate D.C. law with his extremely violent, high capacity prop comedy ambush of LaPierre this morning?  Video at Legal Insurrection complete with LaPierre’s visible mouth crud.  Spoiler Alert – probably.  But he’d get mad if you showed a picture of an abortion when debating “choice”.


Thanks to BigFurHat at the always hilarious IOTW for the linky and the kind words.  As a sidebar, I don’t discount the need to encapsulate one’s message so that it can fit on a bumpersticker.  I do find fault with LaPierre’s numerous attempts to jam the clumsy penis talking point of his test-polled catchphrase into whatever lull in a hostile interview that he mistakes as a hole an opening.  But I say that about everybody.

Time Magazine Names Adam Lanza Person Of The Year

December 18th, 2012 at 7:13 pm by Brian

Sure he’s late to the party and kept to himself.  Mostly.

But there’s no denying that Lanza is Time’s gender neutral “Person” of the Year.

The competition was already murder.  Between Mohammed Morsi, Kim Jong-Un, Sandra Fluke, The Undocumented American – it wasn’t the quantity of people killed but the quality.

What this lanky, saucer eyed mass murderer has done is greater than any Arab Spring.  He’s ushered in the American Fall and the movement to repeal the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution.   Many great progressives died on that battlefield of non-gunshot related injuries but it took one brave, differently abled young man to succeed where so many others failed.  With each round he pumped into those elementary school children, our hearts skipped a beat and swelled with pride.  His gun may have been in those cherubic faces but his name was on everyone’s tongue.

What’s he doing??? What’s he wearing??? Ya know?  What makes him tick?  Was his mother a drunk redneck who got what she deserved?

Like watching a young child learn to ride a bicycle, the smile on our faces grew as we watched our own country maturing before our eyes in realization that gun ownership is just plain wrong.  Even hardcore rightwing Republicans like Joe Scarborough and Michael Bloomberg or avid Democrat hunters like Joe Manchin could not deny the tidal wave of change – statistics be damned.

The usual rapid fire NRA put it’s guns in the ground and observed a weeklong silence in agreement that they were totally responsible for what happened.

The sacrifice those kids made for the good of the nation is greater than any fingerpaint or prom they were going to attend.  With each little coffin being delivered to the funeral home we clinked our champagne glasses and toasted Adam Lanza. After all, you can’t make a firearm outlawing omelet without gunning down a few 29th trimester fetuses.  To be certain, we washed the champagne down with bittersweet tears.

No other candidate could even come close to having such a positive impact on our world while making us completely re-evaluate our longheld position on homeschooling.

On behalf of the entire Mainstream Media Complex, we’d like to extend our highest honor to Adam Lanza.  Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.


The Time Magazine Editorial Board

Sad Robot Delivers High School Commencement Speech Wrapped In A Unitarian Sermon

December 17th, 2012 at 11:03 am by Brian

Gettysburg this ain’t.  Sad Robot delivered his programmed transmission to the much heralded “interfaith” vigil in Newtown, CT last night in response to the unscheduled 29th trimester abortions of the white kids Jamie Foxx wanted to kill once they grew up.

Systems responded normal throughout beta testing.  The tear duct emotasensor still appeared to be on the fritz but Barack-O-Bot powered through like some Energizer Bunny beating the drum of gun control:

It comes as a shock at a certain point where you realize no matter how much you love these kids, you can’t do it by yourself, that this job of keeping our children safe and teaching them well is something we can only do together, with the help of friends and neighbors, the help of a community and the help of a nation.

And in that way we come to realize that we bear responsibility for every child, because we’re counting on everybody else to help look after ours, that we’re all parents, that they are all our children.

He said, “You didn’t raise that child.  Somebody else did.”

This glitch in Sad Robot’s readings represents a disturbed understanding that a family comes after the community in order of importance.  They are their parent’s children.  They are not The Community’s children.

In the coming weeks, I’ll use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens, from law enforcement, to mental health professionals, to parents and educators, in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this, because what choice do we have? We can’t accept events like this as routine.

Are we really prepared to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard?

Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?

You know, all the world’s religions, so many of them represented here today, start with a simple question.

A.  Where does this multicultural bullshit get interjected?  Newtown, Connecticut according to their last Census is 95% white, 2% hispanic and 2% black.  Am I to assume that like the United States as a whole that it was founded by Muslims and that 95% of those white people along with the 4% of their servants are evenly distributed across Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism and Islam as opposed to being a primarily Christian gathering?

That one line tells you what this speech was.  It was not a comfort speech to the sleepy little top 1% burg of Newtown.  It was a gun control speech to the nation as I predicted earlier.  Your tragedy is my opportunity.

Insert a series of false choices where you either support banning all semi-automatic weapons or you eat babies for breakfast.  This is coming from a guy who demands that abortion providers grab a pre-human by the appendages and beat its head against a porcelain sink if it’s accidentlly born alive.  Sad Robot is anything but human.

You have a false choice.  Your children’s lives or the 2nd Amendment.  I’d say without the 2nd you can never insure their lives.  Sad Robot does not see your money as belonging to you and it’s fairly evident in his comments last night that your children don’t belong to you either.  Over 200 years into this experiment, how are children even alive in America under this logic?

They belong to us.  They belong to a benevolent government who keeps them safe and raises them because you can’t do it by yourself.

The memories we have of them, the joy that they bring, the wonder we see through their eyes, that fierce and boundless love we feel for them, a love that takes us out of ourselves and binds us to something larger, we know that’s what matters.

We know we’re always doing right when we’re taking care of them, when we’re teaching them well, when we’re showing acts of kindness. We don’t go wrong when we do that.

Such “kindness” was on full display this weekend when one of Sad Robot’s senior White House Staffers mocked the shooter’s mother who was shot four times in the head in her bed:

Even after death, the War On Women continues unabated.  Because when we teach people well when we are showing acts of kindness.  That’s when we’re at our best.  McLaughlin currently teaches at the Harvard Law Review.  I’m certain he’s teaching those kids what really matters.

System does not compute.  Must be a disconnect between Sad Robot and other units on the network. *bloop, bloop*


Shots Fired At The Intersection of First and Second

December 16th, 2012 at 6:06 pm by Brian

In the beginning, there was the word.  That’s usually what starts most violent confrontations.  Words can be used for good or evil.  Likewise with firearms.  Papers you would like to keep secure.  Protections from incriminating yourself.  And so on.

But what happens when one or more of those constitutional rights collide at the same time?

The f**knuts from Westboro Baptist seem determined to find out:

As families mourn the lives that were cut short in this unspeakable horror, an extremist group has announced they plan to congregate at the scene of the tragedy and offer praise to God for ‘executing his judgement’ – an unthinkable act amidst the sorrow overwhelming the quiet town.

If only words had a five day waiting period so that the Department of Education could run a background search to be certain that the free speaker did not harbor ill intent with his assault vocabulary.  Words with four, sometimes even five syllables.  High capacity locquacity. Nobody needs to carry around that type of firepower in every day conversation.

Nobody in their right mind anyway.  Loners maybe.  The kind of quiet nerds who learn words that they put in suicide letters.

Were that fully automatic flapping gums more tightly regulated, neither the offender or offended ever need know the root of their mtual animus.  Limit dictionaries to under 10,000 words.  If you need more than that then apply for a Class-3 toastmaster’s license.

A gun is such a clumsy weapon.  You shoot it towards someone’s stupid body and icky stuff runs out until they don’t talk anymore.  Words on the other hand…well-aimed words do the same thing internally.  And high-capacity assault words are the worst.  If spat rapidly enough and in the right grouping they can break your heart and wrench your guts.  Possibly forcing you to drink and drive or maybe even shoot yourself.   Don’t tell me words are less lethal.

For the safety of all involved, I hope that President Obama will show the same fortitude he did against the Youtube director of that anti-Muslim film towards the Westboro travelling choad show.   Come on, Barry.  Does somebody have to burn down an embassy to get some attention around here?

This calls for meaningful action regardless of the politics.

Crisis Officially Not Going To Waste

December 16th, 2012 at 1:54 am by Brian

Calm your nerves everyone.  He of Trayvon’s Likeness is going to Connecticut to pretend like he’s a human who has emotions to pander to the gun control crowd.

President Barack Obama will travel to Newtown, Conn., on Sunday to meet with families of those killed in the shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School and thank emergency workers who responded to the tragedy, the White House said Saturday.

“The President will also speak at an interfaith vigil for families of the victims as well as families” at 7 p.m., press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.

*Pfew*.  For a second I thought it might have been a Christian vigil.

On Friday, an emotional Obama vowed to “take meaningful action, regardless of the politics,” to prevent future tragedies like the shooting massacre, which killed 26 people at the school, 20 of them children.

When Barry says “meaningful action, regardless of the politics” he means two things:  1) That he’s going to exploit this for all it’s worth to push his agenda and if you don’t get on board he’s going to order some crying mothers in front of the camera and call you a babykiller who is in the hip pocket of the NRA, and; 2)  Regardless of how Congress decides to act or not act he is going to pass an executive order and dare you to do something about it.

Daddy’s here to protect you everyone.  Sssshhhh.  It’s all going to be okay.  He didn’t know who his real father was but by god you are going to know that your children are actually his.  Or all of our children.  In the bosom of community-family well-organized.

For those easily offended by some god-hogging, intrafaith practices, be sure to hide your eyes when he drapes himself in a suit made out of the skin of dead children to push his agenda.

Or as his Attorney General said earlier today:

“As a nation I think we have to ask ourselves some hard questions. We gather too often to talk about these kinds of incidents. We need to discuss who we are as a nation, talk about the freedoms that we have, the rights that we have and how those might be used in a responsible way.

The balls on this guy.  And speaking of the Responsible Way(tm) that people who didn’t commit this crime need to ask themselves some hard questions about our Rights, this presumably means if you want to have unlimited access to guns and rifles you will need to start working for a Mexican drug cartel.

Because it’s about taking responsibility for things you didn’t do from a man who hasn’t taken responsibility for what he did do that resulted in the deaths of hundreds to thousands.

Again.  The balls I say.


Who Isn’t Responsible For The Sandy Hook Slaughter?

December 15th, 2012 at 4:50 pm by Brian

If experience has taught me anything it is that the actual shooter cannot be held responsible for what happened.  Obviously.  Jared Loughner was not responsible.  Sarah Palin was.  Timothy McVeigh wasn’t responsible.  Rush Limbaugh was.   Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t responsible.  Lyndon Johnson was – but I digress on that point.  We can’t pass the Adam Lanza Registration Act or wargame the Cuckoobird Matrix to see which fine, upstanding Liberal Arts major is going to come down with a case of the shooties or stabbies.

What poor, disaffected youth was not hugged enough – or maybe hugged too much!  Like Goldlilocks, we can’t find that “just right” balance.

So who is to blame? Because, by God, We Have To Do Something…Anything ™.  Preferably before this crisis has gone to waste.  We can discern how the media will react since it’s a rerun.

Like all good fascists, Michael Moore tried to disarm all Americans in Bowling for Columbine after another couple of pampered blue-state rejects decided to shoot up their high school.  A shooting that would later be glamorized in the television series An American Horror Story that sought to humanize the school shooter.  Expect the cavalcade of hypocritical Hollywood A listers to flaunt their high school diplomas too as they make a living in tv and movies where they blow through more ammo on the big screen than they do cocaine in their personal lives.

Violent TV Shows and Music Officially Not Responsible For Anything you blameshifting gun nutters.

Over the years everything from goth culture, violent video games, movies, music, prozac, adderall, gangster rap and somehow rightwing radio seems to catch the blame for the thousand failures they weren’t.  None of which are going to be blamed this time.  With the exception of Rush Limbaugh who is responsible for everything bad that happens in the world.

Don’t Do What Darth Did.

Not this time though.  The fix was in before the killer was wrongly identified.  It was automatic assault rifles that were banned but are now flooding the schoolyards (OMG!!! The Children!) even though no one outside of a gun dealer can own an automatic weapon.  And in the meantime, every amateur Pat Robertson will hammer the square peg of their pet cause into the bullethole of reality.

On the right and the left.  Unashamed exhibitionists flogging themselves senseless in full view of The Children!!!(tm) everywhere to this XXX-rated grief porn until the waterworks squirt like the cathartic money shot.

None will ever ask why is it the “gun free” zones seem to be attacked so frequently or that the people who demand that you be defenseless in order to frequent their business or forced to attend their school bear no responsiblity for protecting you when you do so.

We’re just having a dialogue don’t you know?  A dialogue that always supports infringing on the Bill of Rights in order to protect the powerful instead of meaningful reforms to bad laws that can ultimately protect future victims.  Now that would be a revolutionary act in the age of the stupid and opportunistic.

Priorities: Cliffjumpers Edition

December 5th, 2012 at 1:11 am by Brian

Meeting with House Republicans to avert tax hikes that are going to set investments in this country back 35 years?  Nah.

Meet with the flapping gums of the lowest rated network on television to discuss tax policy?  Youbetcha.

Rachel Maddow is now in the West Wing. How do I know this? I just walked in with her.

— jennifer bendery (@jbendery) December 4, 2012

Never met Maddow until now. We kind of look alike, esp today. My intro: “Are you my long lost sister?” Her: “Glad we both got the memo.”

— jennifer bendery (@jbendery) December 4, 2012

Maddow, heading into West Wing, said she was here for a “hippie cabal.” Asked if I was coming. NO, DAMN IT, I WASN’T INVITED.

— jennifer bendery (@jbendery) December 4, 2012

So… in the last hour, I watched Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton and Lawrence O’Donnell all walk into the West Wing. MSNBC love fest?

Your income tax rates are going to be decided by a group hug featuring Raging Bulldyke and a racebaiting murderer in the skeletal throes of the most successful lapband surgery in history.

62 million people voted to be lead by a channel that’s lucky to get 1 million viewers a night.  Regardless of who is President, you can’t fix that.

Egyptian President Morsi Touts New “We Can’t Wait” Initiative

November 24th, 2012 at 11:06 am by Brian

Fresh off a ringing endorsement by half of our country’s President, the dangerous idiot Barack Hussein Obama, Egyptian President Muhamed Morsi has crowned himself the next Mubarak.

Youths clashed with police in Cairo on Saturday as protests at new powers assumed by President Mohamed Mursi stretched into a second day, confronting Egypt with a crisis that has exposed the split between newly empowered Islamists and their opponents.

A handful of hardcore activists hurling rocks battled riot police in the streets near Tahrir Square, where several thousand protesters massed on Friday to demonstrate against a decree that has rallied opposition ranks against Mursi.

Following a day of violence in Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said and Suez, the smell of teargas hung over the square, the heart of the uprising that swept Hosni Mubarak from power in February 2011.

Meet the new boss.  With a slightly more violent Islamist streak than the old boss.

Not to worry you 47 percenters.  We won’t let these “unhelpful” distractions detain your thoughts for even the slightest moment from fighting to the death over flat screen tvs and discount yoga pants in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ – the renegade ahead-of-his-time union delegate who bestows paid time off from work every December 25th and supporter of socialized healthcare.

Please don’t ask me why He didn’t create it in those first seven days if He wanted us to have it.

In typical limp dick State Department fashion, Hillary Clinton meekly asks if Morsi needs a back rub so that he’ll remember the true goals of Obama’s Arab Spring :

The decisions and declarations announced on November 22 raise concerns for many Egyptians and for the international community. One of the aspirations of the revolution was to ensure that power would not be overly concentrated in the hands of any one person or institution. The current constitutional vacuum in Egypt can only be resolved by the adoption of a constitution that includes checks and balances, and respects fundamental freedoms, individual rights, and the rule of law consistent with Egypt’s international commitments. We call for calm and encourage all parties to work together and call for all Egyptians to resolve their differences over these important issues peacefully and through democratic dialogue.

Firm but tough?  More like flaccid and vacillating.  Or, “Smart Diplomacy” as they call it.

Morsi’s declaration that he is now and forever above question and the law “raises concern” and Hillary naturally treats the democratic protesters as being equally responsible for the unrest as a result.

If only Morsi were a Republican she could have sicced her lapdog media on him and call him a racist, homophobe or misogynist.  You know?  Things he actually is.  After all, where could Morsi have even gotten the idea that he could just elect to ignore those who check his power?

During a lengthy speech at the University of Yangon in Burma, President Obama signaled the important traits of American democracy, particularly his limited powers as president.

As President, I cannot just impose my will on Congress — the Congress of the United States — even though sometimes I wish I could,” he stated. “The legislative branch has its own powers and its own prerogatives, and so they check my power and balance my power.”

Thank you for that 3rd grade Civics lesson, Mr. Helper as you embolden the Butchers of Burma and everywhere.

Of course, like many duplicitous, two-faced liars and tyrant sympathizers Obama says one thing in public and often does another at 5 o’clock on a Friday afternoon before a long weekend.

Hopefully, the Egyptian protesters will have more resolve than the pathetic excuses who now call themselves “American”.  They’ll be wiggling their fat asses into those yoga pants just fine in the next year when they’ve lost their jobs and the price of food skyrockets.

The rest of us should begin to plan according if you have not already done so.  We Can’t Wait ™ to begin preparing when we see smoke smoldering in the vicinity of the shithouse and Obama’s economic arsonists are fleeing the scene while blaming Bush for five years of their own policies.

A Very Important Shopping Guide

November 15th, 2012 at 9:28 pm by Cranky

You will soon be enjoying your diminished spending power. So why not use a little discretion and avoid purchasing from businesses that went all out on Obama/Biden 2012?

Please use this handy guide. I know I will.

I Felt A Surging In My Loins That Would Not Be Denied

November 10th, 2012 at 3:24 pm by Brian

Unfortunately for all of us, Petraeus’ staying power has caused yet another Premature Immaculation on the non-consensual backs of half the country:

Fair bit of advice, General?  Come clean for once.  You might save your family’s name and your country’s soul if they know the truth about the timing of how this went down the way it did.

I Demand UN Observers On The Ole Miss Campus

November 8th, 2012 at 8:21 am by Brian

Aren’t a few of them still around after monitoring our elections anyway?  After all, I wouldn’t want them to not be around for The American Spring.

If these protests on the Ole Miss campus were in Egypt or Libya, Obama would already be ordering drone strikes and funneling weapons to them:

JACKSON, Miss. — A protest at the University of Mississippi against the re-election of President Barack Obama grew into crowd of about 400 people with shouted racial slurs as rumors of a riot spread on social media. Two people were arrested on minor charges.The university said in a statement Wednesday that the gathering at the student union began late Tuesday night with about 30 to 40 students, but grew within 20 minutes as word spread. Some students chanted political slogans while others used derogatory racial statements and profanity, the statement said.

The AP, of course, goes on to deride the protesters as being the youth movement of the KKK.  Presumably because none of them sexually assaulted any of their reporters or called for an Islamic caliphate.

Kids, you know what you’ve got to do.  Burn that mofo to the ground and occupy the administration buildings.

When Obama calls out the National Guard on you, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Springsteen will be singing songs about tin soldiers and Nixon coming.


National Suicide Hotline Was Busy

November 7th, 2012 at 1:50 am by Brian

You can fix a bad President with an election.  You cannot fix a nation of moochers and leeches who elected this incompetent buffoon to a second term.  The President can go but they will forever remain.  The American Experiment as conceived by our Founding Fathers has had it’s test tubes and beakers smashed by a bunch of Chicago thugs who ran the most negative, bitter, dishonest and divisive campaign from start to finish.

And an unwieldy crew of Twitterers, Facebook updaters, the chronic unemployed, union holdouts, illegal aliens and stuck-up single college educated bitches in squared off glasses are cheering it’s demise.  From the onset, a decision was made to fracture this country into a bunch of hypenated special interest groups and cobble together the smallest majority possible.

Mission accomplished.

What do you do when you come home from work to find your nation committed suicide?  What you thought were its brains are sprayed on the walls and collecting into a pool in the carpet.  It didn’t have to be this way.  You had so much to live for.

What we can expect from I Won…Again without hesitation:

Massive tax hikes.  A War on Coal that is going to make everyone’s home heating costs skyrocket.  An EPA on steroids that is going to suffocate the fracking that Obama was taking credit for during the debates.  A resumption of the Permitorium on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and off of Alaska’s coasts.  Two more leftwing Supreme Court Justices picked solely on the basis of their skin color, sexual orientation and hatred of the Constitution that protects us from an intrusive government.  A unilateral nuclear disarmament in exchange for nothing.  No answers on Libya.  The Gun Control agenda that Fast and Furious was meant to provide.  Continued taxpayer funding for the Islamic takeover of the Middle East.  An impending Israeli bombing of Iran.   Ben Bernanke cranking the printing press up to 11.  Record foreclosures.  Millions more  on food stamps as they fall off of three years of unemployment paychecks.  Another bailout of GM.  Amnestied illegals competing against the millions  of low-income, low skilled American byproducts of the Democrat run education system.

I know any liberals who check in to gloat here will be thrilled.  It’s all just a wonderful game to them.  I win!  You lose!

Except you don’t win.  I didn’t win.  No one wins save a few crony communists being treated by a hard left Chicago ideologue and his capped-tooth, hair implanted drunken sidekick.  Biden has made Jim Stockdale look like a Galactic-level MENSA rocket surgeon.  I don’t even think they wanted to win.  This job is too much like work.  Never before have so many voted for so little to help so few.

The morons in Colorado who just legalized weed are now going to be raided by the same President they re-elected who was an avid pothead / cocaine enthusiast.  Maybe the drones who fly over their head will be powered by green energy.

Unless the ultimate destruction of the greatest prosperity creating country in the history of man was your goal – you don’t know what you’ve done.

I’ve lived through four years of this Marxist fraud already.  I’ll live through another four barring some fortunate turn of events.  But as de Tocqueville’s comments about the majority voting themeslves largesse from the public treasury go, I must ask – what largesse is left when you’re $16,000,000,000,000.00 in the hole and the government has borrowed over $210,000 per person from the Chinese in your child’s name with no signs of quitting anytime soon?  Our coming collapse is being done on purpose.  No amount of tax increases, even at 100%, will ever make that up.

I don’t have the answers.  Obviously, Mitt Romney didn’t either.  Nominating John McCain Junior without the constant defect of attacking his own side wasn’t it. Thanks again to Ann Coulter for that ringing endorsement.

But I do have many questions.  Ones that will have to be asked here since a supine media gets to take another long four year vacation from history.

I Don’t Need Your “I Voted” Sticker

October 26th, 2012 at 7:46 pm by Brian

Whoop-di-doo.  You voted.  You somehow overcame obtaining a Photo ID and remembering where you lived.  While an insurmountable task for every Democrat, this was not a problem for me at all.

Just as an FYI, my once inconceivable vote for Romney did not translate down the ticket.

Meaning:  Bob Corker did not get my vote.  How you like my “Maverick” streak, jackass?


Absolute Moral Authority: I’ll See Your Sheehan And Raise You A SEAL

October 26th, 2012 at 6:45 pm by Brian

For instructional purposes, let’s assume every Leftist calling themselves a “Democrat” is suffering from Stage 4 Obamnesia and are having a hard time understanding why the Benghazi debacle is such a big deal.  Most US Ambassadors to other nations aren’t signing up for a suicide mission.  Chris Stevens certainly wasn’t and neither were the few protectors he was given.  Much fewer protectors than Valerie Jarrett I might add even though he was in a war zone of Commander Leave-No-Drone-Behind’s making.

The father of a former Navy SEAL killed in the Libya terror attack last month said Friday that U.S. officials who denied a request for help while the diplomatic compound in Benghazi was under attack “are murderers of my son.”

Charles Woods was reacting to accounts by Fox News sources that a request from the CIA annex for backup was denied by U.S. officials. His son, Tyrone Woods, was killed in the Sept. 11 assault.

“They refused to pull the trigger,” Woods said. “Those people who made the decision and who knew about the decision and lied about it are murderers of my son.” 

Woods said he forgives whoever denied the apparent request, but he urged them to “stand up.” 

Intelligence building for weeks and pointing to an attack on the anniversary of 9/11 went unheeded.  Oh, but there is so much intelligence out there they’ve said.  Unlike say, one Richard Clarke memo saying somewhere, some time, some place Osama bin Laden is going to try to attack the United States – again.  Mainly, because he’s still around since Clarke failed in his job for eight years to stop him.

“Send help!” the Ambassador cries to a stonefaced Hillary Clinton.  Why do you need help??? We liberated Libya.  “You’re welcome!”, she replied.

A distress call goes out.  The barbarians are literally banging on the gates and there is nothing but voicemail answering in Washington, D.C.  It’s the dinner hour, dontchaknow?  That’s the best case scenario.  The worst case is that the Not Ready For Primetime Players were paralyzed by wanting to get permission to fly into Libyan sovereign air space.  The space we provided them while they refused to protect our embassy.

What do we honestly expect Obama or Clinton to do in this situation?  To behave Presidentially?  Now who hasn’t been paying attention for the last four years?

With troops an hour away, Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama and Leon Panetta made a conscious decision to leave their representatives’ fates to an al Qaeda mob.  No back-up.  No fly-by.  After all, you can’t just send the most sophisticated and heavily armed military into a conflict that hasn’t already been wargamed for months.

The U.S. military did not get involved during the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, last month because officials did not have enough information about what was going on before the attack was over, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said Thursday.

At a Pentagon news briefing, Panetta said there was no “real-time information” to be able to act on, even though the U.S. military was prepared to do so.

“You don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on,” Panetta said. “(We) felt we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”

Apparently al Qaeda in Libya was slyly not updating their Twitter feed to provide their exact GPS coordinates.  When the Chinese or the Russians attack, I hope they will be respectful of our need to prepare first.  Regardless, what’s done is done.  Leon Panetta would not send our troops in to save our Ambassador and his team because they would not be prepared for every eventuality.  Unlike an unarmed diplomatic team purposefully made defenseless and whose concerns were ignored for months who should have known better.

Are any of our other Ambassadors in hotspots listening to this?

Which brings us to Cindy Sheehan.  I know we have a longstanding rule about not bringing Mama Moonbat’s name back up on this blog but this is relevant.  For years, Sheehan and “Camp Casey” were covered and promoted by the Leftwing Media while Bush was in office. For years, Sheehan defiled her son’s memory and sacrifice to be a useful media tool against George Bush.  But where is this same media for Charles Woods?  Is the loss of his son somehow less worthy since there’s a “D” in the White House for the next few days? Maybe Woods should travel abroad and call Obama the terrorist that he is to the delight of the NY Times editorial board.

Mother Sheehan allegedly had Absolute Moral Authority ™ because her son died on a mission he volunteered for twice. Is he supposed to camp out on the streets of Hyde Park, Martha’s Vineyard, or San Francisco and Las Vegas star-studded fundraisers to hold up posterboard signs,  dance with Al Sharpton or hug on Hugo Chavez when his Navy SEAL son was made to die because it was inconvenient for Obama to leave the campaign trail and focus on his job for a few hours?  The one job he actually has to do.  He had one job!  That was it.

As ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Google Current, the New York Times, the LA Times and the rest jockey to change the subject in the waning days of this election, the one thing that can’t change is what bald-faced propagandists they’ve been throughout this scandal from Candy Crowley on down.   Charles Woods raised a certified hero and they have kidnapped his son’s story and are holding it in the concrete basement of an undisclosed location so that it never sees the light of day.  Al Qaeda in Libya killed the people in our embassy.  The Mainstream Media buried the truth with them and blamed it on a Youtube video.  If they think that the Islamonazis riot over low-rent Youtube videos, just what do they think is going to happen when Harvey Heavy Weinstein spikes the Osama football right before the election?

We should probably go ahead and arrest him now.  Pre-emtively placate the savages by beheading in advance of its release.  The future does not belong to those who slander one of Allah’s most loyal followers.

Woods is being forced to give his interviews to Glenn Beck and Lars Larson for Christ’s sake.  Is Scott Pelley too busy gobbling down Obama’s protein throatshake to dust he knees off and cover a bona fide scandal not involving a BBC television host?  People died in this one.

Woods, in interviews earlier this week, also described a series of conversations he had with administration officials at the memorial service held Sept. 14. He said that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — despite signs early on that militants were behind the attack — pledged to him at that event that she would pursue the maker of an anti-Islam film that had been linked to other protests. 

“Her countenance was not good and she made this statement to me … she said we will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted,” he said on radio host Glenn Beck’s online show, adding that she also apologized.

Woods said he “could tell that she was not telling me the truth.” 

Clinton made good on that promise though.  That filmmaker is still in jail WITHOUT BOND and hasn’t been heard from or seen by anyone. No media demanding an interview.  No ACLU filing suit.  No Hollywood First Amendment Firsters withholding their million dollar contributions to Herr-sein Obama’s brownshirts.  In fact, the latest articles in a Google News search show no updates since September 28th.

The message to our nation’s enemies can’t be clearer.  Attack us with impunity and we will not protect our own.  The message to our warriors is unmistakeable.  Your President hates you as much as what you stand for and will leave you to die while on the mission he assigned you.  And the press will not even try to get to the bottom of it.

Let’s talk about poll numbers.  Or Big Bird or Binders or Bullshit.

Or you can add Insult Ignominy to Injury:

“Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”Vice President Joe Biden to Charles Woods, grieving father of slain Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, during a memorial service at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.

I believe the saying is that you have balls the size of church bells.  And they make a clangedy-clang sound when I walk down the street. \

Either way, inappropriate for a goddamned Memorial Service, Plugs.  It’s bad enough you killed his son, do you have to let everyone know that you’ve got his balls on your mind at the funeral?  Save that for the bathhouse with Barry.  Impeachable offense IMO.


Candy Crowley’s Collusion With Attack Watch

October 17th, 2012 at 7:19 am by Brian

By now, everyone should realize that at some point prior to last nights debate that the Obama campaign contacted Crowley to convince her to throw a month’s worth of recent history down the memory hole.

The fallacious assertion that Obama called the Libyan attack “terrorism” on day one is nothing more than an attempt to re-write the last month despite al evidence to the contrary.  Two weeks afterwards, UN Ambassdor Rice had already debased herself on national tv, Carney was hunkered down in hiding, Obama speechified at the UN mentioning the Youtube video a half dozen times and the media did their best to try and bury the story.

Well, a funny thing happened yesterday when a reporter who Obama was joking with started asking about Libya.  Suddenly he just clams up and walks off.

Are these the actions of someone who called it a terrorist attack on day one?  He was keeping his powder dry for the debate.  Magic powder.  With Crowley as his chubby assistant who helped to saw Romney in half on an a point he got right.

The transcript of the WH garden speech on Sept. 12 says flat out that the Libyan attack was “senseless violence” because of a video denigrating Islam.  The only question now is when did Obama administration officials / Attack Watch contact Crowley to risk their fingers feeding Crowley this line of BS that she gobbled up like so many Ho-Hos.

President Thin Skin did not allow Republicans to eviscerate him on the Benghazi attack for a month without responding and claiming that it was a terrorist attack.  They invented this new defense and Crowley colluded with them.

For the sake of argument, let’s pretend Obama did say it was a terrorist attack on day one.  So, your embassy is attacked.  You don’t know if your Ambassador or the staff are hurt or killed.

You go to bed.  Then, the next day you attend two fundraisers rather than meeting with your National Security team and speaking with Libyan counterparts to catch the perpetrators.  His 3 am call came at 5pm and he let it go to voicemail.  A month later he claims he sent us an e-mail about it and didn’t get a read receipt.

Presidential Debate Liveblog: Round 2 – Electric Waterloo

October 16th, 2012 at 8:08 pm by Brian

Come on in and take your pants off.  I’d hate for you not to fit in.

It’s been almost five years since I’ve liveblogged a CNN debate.  As some may recall, that’s when the once and future formidable Six Meat Buffet started uncovering all of the plants, erm, “undecided voters” that CNN and Anderson Cooper selected to ambush Republicans during their primary in a bid that ultimately helped them to get their preferred candidate McCain the nomination.

Well, I’m scotchguarding the tips of my workboots in anticipation of the asskicking Candy Crowley already deserves for making this debate about her.  She thinks she’s a woman evidently and this somehow makes her moderating this debate some kind of historic event moreso than Martha Raddatz in the first debate.  Truly a historic night for overweight, snaggletoothed jackyls everywhere.

I’m sure CNN has learned their lesson since the Republican Party hasn’t.  Why they are allowing them to host this with a moderator who has openly expressed contempt for their ticket must be because they’re working their usual Three Dimensional Star Trek Chess that has given us Bob Dole, John McCain and their secret desire to bring Dan Quayle back to the national stage.  Come to think of it…they do have a death wish don’t they?

So, Milquetoast Mitt is going into the Lion’s Den.  A liberal network and a liberal “journalist” in front of a liberal New York “townhall”.  Gird your loins for prepared attack lines that will be shoehorned into wildly inappropriate moments within!

Soledad O’Brien is trying to say that CNN has somehow found 82 undecided voters in New York state that are being sequestered from reporters.  This is from the people who flew in a gay “undecided” ex-military man to ambush Republicans with a gays in the military question when he was a longtime Hillary supporter.  But they found 82 honest ones this time.  Uh-huh.

According to the braintrust of David Gergen and Gloria Borger, Hillary Clinton has displayed so much class during this Benghazi mea culpa that Mitt Romney and Obama can’t compare with the high standard of public service she has set by “taking responsibility”.  Ummm, is she resigning?  Is someone being fired?  What is the punishment for this international clusterfark?

She said “I take responsibility” while laughing.  I guess that settles it!  Dead ambassador.  Dead Seals.  No investigation.  No autopsy.  The White House blamed a video in front of the world to distract from their failed foreign policy that allowed us to arm al Qaeda in Libya.  All is well!

And we’re ready to kick it off.  Black is usually slimming but Candy Crowley is already proving naysayers wrong.

1st Question:  How are we going to help this awkward young man get a job after he graduates from college?

Surprise!  Obama’s going to give everybody a green job!

And the attacks begin.

Candy cuts Mitt off from responding to a bunch of Obama lies right out of the gate.

Question 2:  How do you get gas prices down contrary to what Steven Chu has stated?

Obama leads off with a bunch of garbage about how we need green jobs and how oil gets it’s blackness from him because he’s so pro-oil.

Romney is starting to hit back but not hard enough.

Obama gets a response and happy days are here again.  We’re saving more money than ever.  And just look at all of the fuel efficient cars we’re exporting!?! Apparently, we can’t look at the price of gas.  If you like $4.00 a gallon gas.  You’re going to love $9 a gallon gas.

Ahh…the return of Big Bird.  Battle of Little Big Chickenshit.

Not a confirmation here.  Katherine Fenton in New York.  Asking about equal pay for women.  I have a spelling difference here but there is a Catherine Fenton in New York who is a Hillary donor and writes for the leftwing site Truth-Out /Buzzflash demanding that Democrats tell Republicans to fuck themselves.  Is her name misspelled on purpose?  Is Katherine Fenton a common name?  Crowdsource it.

Also, another pro-woman tirade about how Hillary Clinton voted to kill Iraqi childrenThe library.

I can’t caveat and qualify that enough but when CNN sequesters alleged “undecideds” and they ask these cliched, loaded questions it bears taking a look at them.

Finally, a question on Libya.  A tough one about who is ultimately responsible for the deaths of those ambassadors to Obama directly who immediately changes the subject to how “we’re going after the bad guys”.  Total liar.

And Romney is on the offensive and closes tough.

Candy jumps in to save Obama with a Hillary saved your ass by taking responsibility excuse.

Then Candy jumps again to claim that Obama said Libya was a terrorist attack on day one.  An utter fucking lie.  The transcript from the White House.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.  Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America.  We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act.  And make no mistake, justice will be done.

The word “terror” appears once in the transcript.  Is an act of terror the same as a planned attack by a terrorist organization?   It does not in any way, shape or form imply that the attack on the US embassy was committed by a terrorist organization.  That it was planned.  That it was anything other than a spontaneous act as a result of being offended by a Youtube video.   There is a controversy about this because they have lied for two weeks about what they’ve known since the beginning – within 24 hours after the event.

Weasel word lawyering.  With Candy Crowley playing judge and declaring him honest.  A Goddamnable Lie. A complete shock.  I know.

Here’s what he said before then in the prior paragraph:

Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths.  We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.  But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence.  None.  The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.

“Senseless violence”.  Is a pre-planned terrorist attack senseless?

Now that is implying that this event happened because Muslim’s delicate sensibilities were harmed by the Youtube video.  He is saying that the attack was because of the Youtube video.  Completely clear what he meant.  Candy Crowley is a lying shitbag who colluded with the Obama campaign on that question.

Was she at the ready with statistics for oil drilling permits?  Nope.  She was wrist deep in the cookie jar with a mouthful of chocolate chips at that factcheck time.

It’s not Terrorism.  It’s a “brutal act” because it’s justified by a denigration of their faith.  You lie.

I said to scotchguard my foot.  They needed to scotchguard Chris Mathew’s pants whose boxing analogies about how Obama knocked Romney’s block off and punched him in the face shows that the Pillsbury Blowboy has masculine delusions about a very unpresidential performance.

You are running for President of the United States after all.  Not President of MSNBC.


Very Lout and Very Clear

October 11th, 2012 at 11:20 pm by Brian

A few thoughts on the VP debate.

I thought Martha Raddatz did about as well as I could expect though she seemed to keep her more pointed badgering for Ryan.  Having said that, Drunckle Joe’s table pounding, beady-eyed stares to Martha was a bit off putting to me.  That’s probably just because I’m from the South.

Acknowledging a few of Ryan’s rhetorical failings (i.e., saying “Look” as he would reset his arguments several times), he displayed a temperament painfully absent in the current Vice President.  His command of the facts and the numbers is likely the most professional I’ve seen in a VP debate.  Comfortable with himself.  Comfortable with his positions.  Confident that he has good intentions.

Plugs McCappyteeth though.  Geez.  I knew the MSNBC crew would go apeshit over his constant smirking, sneering / feces flinging but to my group of interested amateurs his demeanor was disgusting.  Reprehensible even.  If you read the transcript he may seem calm and measured.  If you watch the tape, you’d be hard pressed to understand how Ryan was able to subdue his P90X rage from choking that wrinkled old fuck until piss ran down both his legs.

I realize Smarmy Fuckface is what gets Democratic panties moist but the faces, the smirks, the “my friends”, the whole package was really worse than Al Gore’s presidential debate performance.  Distractingly so.  Complete with braying jackass sound effects at some points.

Regardless, he said 47% so woo-fucking-hoo.  That’s all Ray Maddow wants to hear before she artificially inseminates herself with his asshole baby.  Likewise for the rest of the Leftwing Media who set Biden’s debate bar so low that all he had to do was not fall flat on his face drunk for them to declare victory.

For anyone who ever says that “They’re both alike” and “it doesn’t matter who I vote for because they’re both the same”, the choices couldn’t be clearer.

The young man was the adult.  The old man was banging his high chair and shitting his pants in front of the world.  Recognize, fools.

EXIT QUESTION:  It’s an hour after the debate and there are practically no posts about the debate up on Memeorandum anywhere.  What, is Journ-O-List 2.0 still confabbing as to what the united front should be regarding Joe Biden’s obvious triumph over reality?

God Save Us All

October 9th, 2012 at 11:31 am by Brian

Drudge has a link up to a new Pew poll with a concerning rise in the number of self-described atheists, agnostics and the delightfully independent “unaffiliateds”.

In the last five years alone, the unaffiliated have increased from just over 15 percent to just under 20 percent of all U.S. adults. Their ranks now include more than 13 million self-described atheists and agnostics (nearly 6 percent of the U.S. public), as well as nearly 33 million people who say they have no particular religious affiliation (14 percent).

This large and growing group of Americans is less religious than the public at large on many conventional measures, including frequency of attendance at religious services and the degree of importance they attach to religion in their lives.

“Unaffiliated” is just another way of saying “I want to go to heaven so long as no one judges me for the myriad acts of depravity and selfishness I do on Earth”.

I say “concerning” because an agnostic or atheistic society is not going to survive.  It doesn’t have the will or the reason to survive outside of self-preservation.  The only thing that would make it possible would be replacing “God” with “Government”.

Well, self-preservation is the greatest reason of all you might say.  Not quite.  When your culture has a death wish or doesn’t think that it deserves to continue because of some imagined grievances in the past then your willingness to self-preserve is under attack as well.

Like the concept of a Benevolent Dictator, the aspirational goal of a secular society by those on the right and the left is only buttressed if those atheists and agnostics have been raised in a Judeo-Christian environment and see the benefit of the good works of its followers – and most importantly their practitioners.  The rise of the Non-believers stems from the failures of so-called Christians to live by their own creed.  If you actually did what you were supposed to do the majority of the time then they couldn’t yell “hypocrite” at every turn.

All it takes is the next generation of atheists raised by a plurality country of atheists without that influence and you will see human cruelty that makes the Holocaust look like summer camp.  No doubt, alleged fealty to Science will demand it.  After all, what makes “Man” more important than any other organism on this schizophrenic mudball?  You already see this thinking in action when a project is halted to protect an allegedly endangered creature.  Atheism high on Government is worse than just anti-God – it’s Anti-Mankind.

Without the ingrained concept of Forgiveness, you should not dare trust your country or your life to an atheist.  A proper religious background does not necessarily make someone better but a lack of it almost certainly makes someone worse.

Having said that, I’ll take a Cowboy Jesus Mormon who I can judge by his countless acts of personal kindness  over a shape-shifting Muslim sympathizer any day of the week.

Well-Behaved Reporters Rarely Make History

October 4th, 2012 at 11:49 pm by Brian

And well-behaved reporters rarely get to make potty without an escort either apparently:

Still trying to figure out why press can’t even go to bathroom here at Biden event in IA without an Obama campaign volunteer as an escort.

Audience free to move around, go to bathroom w/out campaign escort at Biden event in Council Bluffs, just the press need one. Still a puzzle


Let me help solve the “puzzle” for you, hon.  You’re a hack and a lackey of the campaign.  Your job is to be a stenographer for the White House press release and not to report on what was actually said.

Now sit in your piss pants and like it you bootlicking sycophant.

It never occurred to Polly Pisspants that well-behaved women rarely make history.  Barring an armed guard grabbing her by the elbow and throwing her out on the street that she could always just NOT follow Herr Biden’s diktats.  But what Daddy says goes I guess.

Because you know what really looks good after a President’s disastrous national debate?  Abusing the press corps and waging a war on women reporters who struggle to make 70% of what a man reporter makes anyway.   Maybe under Obamacare you can have some balls implanted since your ovaries have left you professionally handicapped.

IRS To Begin Offering Free Colonoscopies

September 30th, 2012 at 10:09 am by Brian

Never before has inter-governmental agency cooperation been higher thanks to the incontinent leadership of Vice President Poopy Pants:

During his speech, Biden reminded the audience that some of their Republican friends would distort Obama’s record on Medicare.

“Everyone knows, everyone in this room knows that President Obama has increased the benefits available to people on Medicare by the action he took,” Biden said. “You are now able to go get a wellness exam, and guys, if you conclude you need a colonoscopy because you feel like you have a little too much weight in your wallet then the IRS is more than willing roto-root your pooter.    Or let’s say you need a breast health examination by your’s truly or any one of our highly qualified TSA agents, then you don’t have to pay a co-pay for that.  You’re welcome, America.

Personally, I’m looking forward to the synergistic possibilities of mandatory urine donation for drug screening with it being recycled for offensive anti-Christian art projects.

Hussein Unbound

September 25th, 2012 at 12:27 pm by Brian

So “the future does not belong to those who slander Islam”, huh?

The evidence is really adding up.

Foolish, Offensive and Sometimes Unintelligible

September 25th, 2012 at 1:50 am by Brian

Who needs to go to the movies when you can watch Jay Carney’s projection on the big screen?  The above was the White House Squealer’s characterization of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s jeremiad to the United Nations in which he denied the Holocaust, called for the elimination of Israel, made a death threat against Salman Rushdie and the director of the anti-Islamic film that Hillary Clinton’s State Department blames for her negligence that resulted in the murder and rape of her Libyan ambassador.

He’s calling for genocide and state sponsored terrorism not chewing with his mouth open or putting his elbows on the table during dinner.  al-Reuters calls it “defiant”.  NBC characterizes him as  “pugnacious”.  I guess plucky, scrappy and irascible were unavailable.

“Foolish, offensive and sometimes unintelligible.”  Now, remind me again who said that they would meet with him with no pre-conditions.  Who is “foolish” in that scenario?

As far as “offensive” goes, I take it no one saw Hillary Clinton giving a speech at her appropriately acronymed “CGI” Clinton Global Initiative soiree this morning.  No one saw the prolonged standing ovation given to Clinton due in no small part to what they perceive to be The Great Success that she has achieved as the Ozymandias of the State Department.  Look on her works, ye mighty cankles and despair.

CGI Event:  Libyan Ambassador Craig Stevens was digitally removed from Hillary Clinton’s conscience

Clinton delivered, in her trademark monotone, the type of soaring rhetoric we have come to expect from such an accomplished and world-renowned diplomat.  Soaring to levels usually reserved for warnings to truck drivers about low interstate overpasses ahead.

WARNING:  Hillary Clinton speech ahead.  Please tune to AM 630 for details.

Void from any of their faces, even the slights signs of distress or concern about the events of the last few days or the bloody riots that threaten our interests abroad even to this day while trolling for donations.  Surely there is something more important to do today while 120 world leaders are in town than to fundraise for your personal foundation.  You would be wrong though.  Because they don’t know the meaning of the word “offensive”.

As far as unintelligible goes, look no further than Susan Rice’s disastrous, five front offensive against the truth in the White House and State Department’s characterization of the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans a week ago.  Despite a few Bumps In The Road ™, Rice was able to point out an area where Hillary Clinton has succeeded:

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations is really “into Twitter,” she said over the weekend, but she used to be a social media “skeptic.”

 “I’ve got to admit, in all honest, when this started a couple of years ago, I was a skeptic. I thought, how can I responsibly speak about or conduct foreign policy in what seemed to me haiku?” Susan Rice told Mashable CEO Pete Cashmore over the weekend.

“I thought it sort of might cheapen the coin,” she said. “But I was so wrong. I have gotten really into it because I realize it’s a whole different way of connecting with a whole different set of voices around the world.”

She added that it has helped her and colleagues “distill messages to their very essence.”

She also had high praise for other forms of social media, including Facebook and YouTube.

“When it comes to foreign policy, this is not the most necessarily modern and agile aspect, traditionally, of American government. But under President Obama’s leadership and Secretary [of State Hillary] Clinton’s, the State Department has harnessed social media to be a much more effective tool of our outreach,” Rice said.

Well, it’s a start.  She can admit she was so very wrong about Twitter but can’t admit she was wrong about everything she staked her personal and professional credibility on to five Sunday morning talk shows last week.

Standing with our allies, standing against our enemies – we’ve never been clearer!  Every other day the White House spokestool has to assert that we’ve never been closer to Israel than you would believe were you foolish enough to trust your lying eyes.  Every other week, we’re convinced that murderous dictators who threaten the lives of us and our allies are just friends we haven’t made yet.  It’s as clear as mud.

Obama’s and Clinton’s “leadership” in the field of Twitter has undoubtedly been the greatest foreign policy success since the last one.  Whatever it was.  After all, you don’t even need 140 characters to say “We’re sorry” and “I surrender”.

Delusional Obama 60 Minutes Interview

September 23rd, 2012 at 11:20 pm by Brian

All of the responsibility lies with him.  He’s going to tune out that Netanyahu “noise“.  A raped and murdered Libyan Ambassador as a result of a targeted assassination is just “a bump in the road“.  But would he do the same things all over again?

Bump In The Road:  Let me guess, he fell in a manhole.

Sure.  Why not!

Oh, yea.  And Israel is one of our most important allies in the Middle East.  Who, pray tell, is the most important?

The cocoon is thick with this One.

And to Steve Croft, the conductor of this rare “interview”, singularly uninformed and unable to use the mantle of 60 Minutes to match the tenacity of a Univision reporter - either find another line of work or kill yourself.  You are a failure.  The official job of Obama ballwasher was filled by Scott Pelley some time ago.

I don’t care which.


Choo-Choo! All Aboard the Victim Express

September 23rd, 2012 at 11:46 am by Brian

Moochelle held court this weekend, high atop her perch of race-based privilege to explain to the Congressional Black Caucus why she hates America.  It’s really quite enlightening.  In 2012, the First Lady of the United States who got a Princeton education, a sweetcake $300k a year “diversity” manager job at a hospital and all around hypocritical food nazi plays to her audience of grievance mongers with anecdotes about how wronged they continue to be:

We knew that to end slavery, we needed a proclamation from our President, an amendment to our Constitution. To end segregation, we needed the Supreme Court to overturn the lie of “separate but equal.” To reach the ballot box, we needed Congress to pass the Voting Rights Act.

 So we moved forward, and we won those battles.

I learned so much in history class.  Like I remember in 1863 when the Congressional Black Caucus convinced Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.  Why else would you think that it rhymed?  Even though it occurred almost 100 years before they were formed.

Or when the Congressional Black Caucus helped the Supreme Court to overturn Plessy v. Ferguson in 1954.  Almost 17 years before they were formed.

The CBC is an organization that transcends race.  Also time and reality.

 But today, while there are no more “whites only” signs keeping us out, no one barring our children from the schoolhouse door, we know that our journey is far, far from finished. But –(applause) — yes. But in many ways, the path forward for this next generation is far less clear. I mean, what exactly do we do about children who are languishing in crumbling schools? What about kids growing up in neighborhoods where they don’t have opportunities worthy of their dreams? What about the 40 percent of black children who are overweight or obese, or the nearly one in two who are on track to develop diabetes in their lifetimes?

What court case do we bring on their behalf? What laws can be passed to end those wrongs?

We’ve come so far.  It used to be that Democrats  were standing on the outside of the school barring little black children from entering.  Now the Democrats are on the outside chaining the door shut and keeping poor black children from escaping. #Progress

Yes, what court case do we bring to solve the racist problem of diabetes in the black community?  How do we legally tie slavery to the fat great-great-great grandchildren of those riding the Underground Railroad?  There are no more “whites only” sign at the all-u-can-eat-buffet but the discriminating contents of the food bar are making them all eat deep, southern fried (Jim) Crow.

The vanilla pudding is in a separate and unequal container so that it doesn’t even touch the chocolate pudding.

It’s easy to see where Michelle Obama got those stocky horse legs from.  You can really develop your calf muscles by carrying around a chip on your shoulder all of your life.

It’s worthwhile to also point out that this event was giving Eric Holder an award for being such an outstanding Attorney General.  On the basis of his merits to be sure.  Whatever those may be.

And finally, I want you to think about a photo that hangs in the West Wing of the White House. Some of you may have seen it. It’s a picture of a young black family visiting the President in the Oval Office. The father was a member of the White House staff, and he’d brought his wife and two young sons to meet my husband. In the photo, Barack is bent over at the waist. And one of the sons — a little boy, just about five years old — is reaching out his tiny little hand to touch my husband’s head.

And it turns out that upon meeting Barack, this little boy gazed up at him longingly and he said, “I want to know if my hair is just like yours.” And Barack replied, “Why don’t you touch it and see for yourself?” (Applause.) So he bent way down so the little boy could feel his hair. And after touching my husband’s head, the little boy exclaimed, “Yes, it does feel the same!” (Laughter and applause.)


It’s a little bit nappy and a little bit sappy.  What lawsuit can we bring to help fight the tactile racism of our fat children’s inability to observe the physical properties of hair without having their chubby fingers feeling their way to freedom?

The funny thing is that if that same boy were to feel the hair of the local councilmen, state legislators and teachers at his school then he would feel the same hair in those cases too.  The people who failed you look exactly like you.  Maybe one day we can progress to the point that the boy in the picture can walk into the Congressional Black Caucus, comfortable enough in his own skin, that he will  be free enough to quit kneecapping his own race by supporting wholly unqualified people based on the color of their skin or the kink in their hair.

Oh, wait.  That already happened.

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