Archive for March, 2011

Senate Dems Forget To Hit The Mute Button

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats

I’d argue that nearly all politicians do the following, which is nothing more than organize their messaging so they get on the same page, but only Dems would figure out a way to get caught doing it. From NY Times: Moments before a conference call with reporters was scheduled to get underway on Tuesday morning, [...]

March 29th, 2011 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Michelle Bachmann “Lit Up The Gathering” In Iowa

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Iowa, Republicans, Video

At least that’s what Haley Barbour is saying about her appearance at Rep. Steve King’s conference…and after watching this video I tend to agree. She really knows how to rile up a conservative crowd. Lots of good old fashiony call and response speechifying. So big deal, right? Well, when it comes to the caucuses in [...]

March 27th, 2011 | Permalink| 7 Comments »

The Donald Is A Birther?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Barack, Obama, Republicans, The Donald, Video

You have got be kidding me. And yet…no. No, Obama hasn’t shown anybody his birth certificate… And how about this whopper… Show me a picture. I’ve seen 14-year-old, I’ve seen 13-year-old. I haven’t seen early pictures. Yeah, those don’t exist… Nobody can find them… Where are they?!?!?!? He’s a fake! Donald…you’re fired. Tweet

March 24th, 2011 | Permalink| 10 Comments »

Super Nation?

By donar | Related entries in News


March 21st, 2011 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Airstrikes on Libya Break Obama Campaign Promise?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Barack, France, Libya, Obama, Oil

I agree with the strikes on Libya because they’ll pave the way for a no-fly zone…and that will cut down on Gaddafi’s ability to do a lot of damage quickly. And I would agree with air strikes on Sudan who are doing awful things. Let’s remember, many Dems were for hitting Afghanistan hard in 2001 [...]

March 20th, 2011 | Permalink| 20 Comments »

Reagan, Obama, and Presidential Leadership

By Nick Ragone | Related entries in Barack, Books, History, Obama, Reagan

I have a new book that came out a few weeks ago on presidential leadership, aptly titled “Presidential Leadership: 15 Decisions that Changed the Nation.  I’m claiming that as my excuse for not blogging much on this site since the 2008 election. I mention it because the final two chapters of the book are Reagan [...]

March 19th, 2011 | Permalink| 8 Comments »

Open Thread

By Jacob | Related entries in News

For MW, Kranky, myself and for America: Here’s the deal: I’m no good at Photoshop and I’m colorblind. If someone can make these more presentable we can post them here and link to them whenever the opportunity presents itself. Have a great weekend! Tweet

March 18th, 2011 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Nuclear Fault Line

By donar | Related entries in News


March 17th, 2011 | Permalink| No Comments »

The Donald Makes Serious Presidential Noises

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Trump

Ladies and gentleman…the new Ross Perot? Only with better hair, more charisma and worldwide fame? ABC has the scoop… Real estate mogul and reality show star Donald Trump is mulling a presidential bid and says he’d be willing to spend $600 million of his own money to make it happen. “I have much more than [...]

March 17th, 2011 | Permalink| 12 Comments »

Japan’s nuclear disaster

By donar | Related entries in News


March 14th, 2011 | Permalink| 6 Comments »