Archive for December, 2008

Minnesota’s Progressive Republican Tradition Explored on Public TV

By Dennis Sanders | Related entries in Republicans, Video

Well, I guess someone thought it important to talk about the moderate wing of the GOP. I applaud it, even if it was put forward by liberals. Any port in the storm, as they say… Anyway, Twin Cities Public Television has produced a documentary in conjunction with Growth and Justice a non-partisan think tank (in [...]

December 31st, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

Happy New Year!

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Blogging

2008 has been amazing for us. Over 2,000,000 visitors this year alone and I bet 2009 will be even better. Many thanks to everybody who has taken part in the conversations. Here’s to many more in the new year! Tweet

December 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Blagojemess: a wider, deeper investigation?

By John Burke | Related entries in Blagojevich, Fitzgerald, Illinois

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald In asking a court to give him a 90-day extension of time to present an indictment of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and Blago’s now ex-chief of staff, John Harris, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald revealed some details that may point to a much wider and deeper probe of corruption in Illinois politics. [...]

December 31st, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

Will foreign policy get even sexier in 2009?

By Phil Bronstein | Related entries in News

The line between punishment and reward can be confusing in any culture. Particularly when it comes to sex. (How naughty HAVE we been, Frau Blucher?) Sex scandals are so day-before-yesterday. Even the infamous Larry Craig restless leg syndrome restroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport is losing its skanky luster as a tourist touchstone destination [...]

December 31st, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

Y’know, Caroline Kennedy, Y’know, Is Having Problems

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats, New York, Video

John wrote about this a couple days ago and now NBC picks up the meme. You know how I said Caroline was nearly a lock for this seat? Well, I think I’m going to have to eat those words. Public sentiment is starting to turn against her and if she doesn’t move quickly, the seat [...]

December 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Looking To 2012

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats, Republicans, Video

If the economy doesn’t pick up in a couple years, the Republicans may have a shot…although I think it’s unlikely at this point. Crist, Huckabee and Romeny I can buy. Huck and Rom because they’ve already ran and Crist because he’s from Florida and can provide a pragmatic Republican juxtaposition to Obama. Palin and Jindal [...]

December 31st, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

A Better Year in Iraq

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Iraq

The end of this year has seemed filled with bad news. So here’s something that went right in 2008: American troop deaths in Iraq were down 66% from 2007. That’s a drop from 906 to 309. The direct cause for the decrease in fatalities is obvious. Attacks in Iraq have dropped from an average of [...]

December 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Rep. Bobby Rush backs Blago Senate pick: “Don’t lynch the appointee”

By John Burke | Related entries in Blagojevich, Democrats, Illinois, News, Senate

Blago with Roland Burris (center) and Rep. Bobby Rush (right) At today’s presser, the Blagovernor announced his choice of former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris to fill Barack Obama’s Senate seat, and then Rep. Bobby Rush gave Burris a big thumbs up. The Rush endorsement was, I think, the most important news.  Rush (the guy to whom [...]

December 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

A Bleak Look at the New Year

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Economy, The World

New Years is usually a time for optimism. But here at Donklephant, we’re committed to discussing both sides of everything. So, for all you pessimists out there, here’s a list for you. It’s Saxo Bank’s outrageous predictions for the coming year. I’ve added my own commentary to spice things up. 1) An Iranian revolution. Because [...]

December 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Blagojemess update: Blago tells adversaries to $@!&% off!

By John Burke | Related entries in Blagojevich, Illinois, Obama, Senate

Soon-to-be Senator Roland Burris? Rod “I am the Governor” Blagojevich is calling every one’s bluff.  Blago is set later today to appoint former Illinois Attorney General and Comptroller Roland Burris to fill Barack Obama’s Senate seat. Back on December 9, I made the obvious point that the only “absolutely certain” way to prevent Blago from [...]

December 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »