Archive for March, 2007

GOPers Still Lead 2008 Horserace

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Polls

McCain and Giuliani beat Hillary and Obama. Time has the numbers… Republicans are so morose in general, and conservatives so unhappy with their current field of candidates, that the assumption of a Democratic advantage has become bi-partisan. And with the public so soured on the Republican in the White House, and so many other trends [...]

March 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

Money, Money, Money, Money…

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Money

I’m just speculating here, but I believe we’re witnessing more money being raised earlier than at any other time in history. And hey, thank god for that, right? No, but seriously…just read this and tell me if it doesn’t make you queasy… “Clintonites tamp down expectations for first-quarter fund raising, sticking with estimates of up [...]

March 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

Huckabee on Republican Nominees

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Religion

Pretty funny… A Baptist minister, Mr. Huckabee expressed impatience with the political choices so far of some religious conservatives. In the March Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, Mr. Giuliani led among Republicans with 38%; even among evangelical voters, the twice-divorced former New York City mayor, a supporter of abortion rights, received 37% to 2% for [...]

March 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Losing Faith In George W. Bush

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics

A majority of the American public has, but it’s not often that former high-level aides speak so candidly about their boss and his failings. David Kuo was one. Matthew Dowd is now another. From NY Times: A top strategist for the Texas Democrats who was disappointed by the Bill Clinton years, [Matthew] Dowd was impressed [...]

March 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

The Reactable: Future Music

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Music, News, Technology

Even if you loathe electronic music, you may find this interesting… The reactable is a multi-user electronic music instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. Several simultaneous performers share complete control over the instrument by moving physical objects on a luminous table surface. By moving and relating these objects, representing components of a classic modular [...]

March 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Wireless Electricity A Reality With Powercast

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Science, Technology

There’s always been stray electricity bouncing invisibly and silently here and there all around us. But until now, we’ve never been able to capture it and power devices. One company has cracked the code… Picture your cell phone charging up the second you sit down at your desk, and you start to get a sense [...]

March 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Shaquanda Cotton To Be Freed

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Good Decisions, Law, Race

Well, there you have it. Shine a little sunlight onto the Shaquanda Cotton case and we can collectively turn things around. From the Chicago Tribune: HOUSTON — Shaquanda Cotton, the teenage black girl in the small east Texas town of Paris who was sent to prison for up to seven years for shoving a teacher’s [...]

March 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 7 Comments »

Putting health before profits

By Sean Aqui | Related entries in Corporate Business, Drugs, Health Care, News

It’s not as simple as that, but the math is pretty stark. GlaxoSmithKline, which spent decades and more than $400 million developing a meningitis vaccine, expects to sell it only in Africa, and at a price that will never cover the cost of development. As the story notes, this is not an entirely selfless act. [...]

March 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Earmark watchdog shuts down

By Sean Aqui | Related entries in Bad Decisions, Money, News

Coming on the heels of the Democrats using $20 billion in pork to buy votes for their war-funding bill, this has me a little bit wary: federal agency that tracked pork-barrel spending during the 12 years of the Republican congressional majority has discontinued the practice…. The Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan agency of the Library [...]

March 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Sampson on the hot seat

By Sean Aqui | Related entries in Breaking News, General Politics, Law, News

This morning I got to watch a portion of the Congressional testimony of Kyle Sampson, the former chief of staff to Alberto Gonzales. I recommend finding the time to view parts of it yourself, because you get a sense of the actors far better than anything you’ll get from a news summary or even a [...]

March 29th, 2007 | Permalink| 1 Comment »