Archive for April, 2007

Two Month Recess For Iraqi Parliament?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, The World

From yesterday’s Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer: IRAQI FOREIGN MINISTER, HOSHYAR ZEBARI: Wolf, yesterday I was at a meeting, a very important meeting of Baghdad security plan. In fact, I was the person who raised that issue that although the parliament is the key body that tried to work with us on legislations, on this [...]

April 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Video: Tony Snow Returns

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, Video

Encouraging news. My best goes out to him and his family. Tweet

April 30th, 2007 | Permalink| No Comments »

Video: Deborah Jeane Palfrey Wants Clients To Testify

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, Sexuality, Video

And the Blotter has more… [...] on Palfrey’s list of customers who could be potential witnesses are a Bush administration economist, the head of a conservative think tank, a prominent CEO, several lobbyists and a handful of military officials. “I’m sure as heck not going to be going to federal prison for one day, let [...]

April 30th, 2007 | Permalink| No Comments »

Nuclear Power Backed By U.N.

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Energy, The World, United Nations

I’ve been posting about the benefits of nuclear power for some time now, and today I read a story about U.N. scientists proposing that we embrace nuclear power as a way to combat global warming. Not only that, we’re talking about cleaner air and cheaper energy for all. From the Daily Mail: More than 2,000 [...]

April 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Does A Wage Gap Exist?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Gender, Money

From Reason: The divergent career paths of men and women may reflect a basic unfairness in what’s expected of them. It could be that a lot of mothers, if they had their way, would rather pursue careers but have to stay home with the kids because their husbands insist. Or it may be that for [...]

April 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

The Moderate Voice Needs Your Help

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Blogging

Joe Gandelman has had a few issues come up, both personal and professional, and he needs our help… IF YOU LIKE TMV AND WANT TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION DO IT between now and May 31st. This goes for if you wanted to make an Xmas contribution. You can DONATE using the TIP JAR. (Note that [...]

April 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Video: More On Turkey’s Brave Secularists

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, Religion, The World, Video


April 30th, 2007 | Permalink| No Comments »

Video: 4 Dead In Shooting At Kansas City Mall

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Breaking News, Guns and Ammo, Video

The creepy thing is I was at that mall on Saturday seeing a movie at the exact same time the shooting happened on Sunday. Also, it’s rumored that the shooter had mental health problems. Tweet

April 30th, 2007 | Permalink| No Comments »

Bush Photoshopped Into Derek Jeter Card

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, Kitchen Sink, Sports

A buddy of mine bought a pack of Topps Opening Day baseball cards the other day and found a couple of celebrities in the Derek Jeter card who probably weren’t there when the photo was taken. Find Bush and Mickey Mantle in the pic. Weird, eh? And of course they know about it, but still… [...]

April 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

War On Drugs: Cocaine Purer, Cheaper

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Drugs, Law, War

Yet another sign that we need some new ideas about how to address the issue of drugs in America. From the AP: (AP) Cocaine prices in the United States have dropped and the drug’s purity increased, despite years of effort and nearly $5 billion spent by the U.S. government to combat Colombia’s drug industry, the [...]

April 29th, 2007 | Permalink| 3 Comments »