Archive for September, 2006

Hastert Knew About Mark Foley Allegations

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Elections, General Politics

In early 2006 no less. And the Wash Post has revealed that his staff knew about it in the fall of last year. Yet nothing was done about it. Now, of course Hastert is saying that he only found out about this story last week, but the problem he’s running into is that not only [...]

September 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Dick Armey: Conservatives Lost Their Way

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics

When you have a Republican like Armey slamming James Dobson on, you know things are bad in the Grand Old Party. Dick Armey on the sad state of conservatism: In an interview with Ryan Sager, author of the book “The Elephant in the Room: Evangelicals, Libertarians, and the Battle to Control the Republican Party,â€Â? [...]

September 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

Who Wants A Flat Daddy?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in War

An explanation here. Tweet

September 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Blur Church/State By Cutting Off $$$

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Law, Religion

I have to hand it to the religious right. They do their homework and this is a very sneaky, effective way to limit suits against religious encroachment on public systems. Erwin Chemerinsky has the story: A federal statute, 42 United States Code section 1988, provides that attorneys are entitled to recover compensation for their fees [...]

September 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

Cruelty Olympics?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in The World

Have these people ever heard of a circus? Tweet

September 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Woodward On Bush’s Denial

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Foreign Policy, War

There’s very little else a guy like me can take from a title like State of Denial. It supposes what the mindset of a President is like who is notorious for having a dearth of intellectual curiousity. Denial also speaks to an unexplainable inability to venture outside of a small circle of ideological immobile neo-cons. [...]

September 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Republican mishaps may cost them the House

By Tom Zuzelo | Related entries in General Politics, News

Republican prospects for retaining a House majority had been looking up since Labor Day. Most prognosticators projected Democrats to win a slim majority of the House seats or come within a few seats of majority. However, several Republican mishaps may cost them the House this November. Consider three seats that in any year should be [...]

September 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Commit A Crime, Get A Job

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Economy, Law

While I applaud the intentions of the following program, it almost seems unfair that the state is putting resources toward getting criminals jobs when I’m sure their are non-criminals who would desperately like a job. From NPR: Instead of jail, judges in Lancaster County, Pa., have a new option for sentencing criminals: Get a job [...]

September 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Not That I Would Buy A Car From GM…

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Partisan Hacks

But now I’m going to tell everybody I know not to either… Jeezus GM, what are you thinking? Great American? *sigh* Tweet

September 29th, 2006 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

GOP Knew Of Rep. Foley’s IMs?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Elections, Law

If you haven’t heard about the brewing scandal involving Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.), an underage page and sexual explicit IM sessions yet, here’s the lowdown. Read up? Okay, now then… It appears as if some in the GOP knew of this a while ago, but did nothing about it. Obviously, if this is true, it’s [...]

September 29th, 2006 | Permalink| 21 Comments »