Archive for November, 2005

Osama Bin Laden Dead? Just A Rumor

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Blogging, Media, The War On Terrorism

That’s what Harry Reid speculated on a Las Vegas TV station recently, (video). Many on the right are crying foul at Reid’s admission, but I’d like to point out this October 11th story from India Daily that speculates the same thing. So yes, many sarcastic thanks go out to my GOP homies John Fund and [...]

November 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 19 Comments »

Rumsfeld On Stopping Torture

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in The War On Terrorism, War

I grabbed this today out of a story about the use of the word insurgents. It provides a fairly dismaying view of Rumsfeld views on stopping torture by Iraqi forces we’ve trained. From the Washington Post: This time, it’s the Joint Chiefs chairman [Gen. Peter Pace], still new to the job, who isn’t marching to [...]

November 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 11 Comments »

Military Pays Iraqi Media To Run Favorable Stories

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Media, The War On Terrorism, War

If this story proves true, it’ll be a major blow to our credibility in Iraq, and could serve to further undermine our mission both there and all over the Middle East. In other words, credibility is vital and we don’t seem to care or realize this. More of my thoughts are over at The Moderate [...]

November 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 12 Comments »

Meet The New Iraq Strategy, Same As The Old Iraq Strategy…

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Money, The War On Terrorism, War

We’re finally getting a “comprehensive strategy for victory,” and the initial results look, well, exactly the same as they’ve always been. No set deadlines for withdrawal, but certain conditions have to be met. So what’s changed? From the NY Times: In a 35-page document released by the White House this morning, the administration produced what [...]

November 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Lieberman – Our Troops Must Stay

By Denise Best | Related entries in Blogging, Smart Things Said By Smart People, War

Joe Lieberman is thankfully providing a first hand account as to the situation in Iraq, as well as perspective on what’s been achieved, and what’s still at stake. I have just returned from my fourth trip to Iraq in the past 17 months and can report real progress there. More work needs to be done, [...]

November 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

A Refinery(ed) Energy Policy – Alternatives versus Placation

By Denise Best | Related entries in General Politics, In The News

With all of the distraction and noise surrounding the Iraqi War debate and the Supreme Court nomination scrutiny, are our legislators overlooking a more menacing threat to our nation’s security? The lack of a strategic energy policy could well spell big trouble ahead. After Hurricane Katrina temporarily knocked out 30% of America’s oil refinery capacity [...]

November 29th, 2005 | Permalink| No Comments »

Donklephant’s First Open Thread

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Blogging

Talk about the site. Talk about politics. The point is to just talk! Tweet

November 29th, 2005 | Permalink| 9 Comments »

Rove Back In The News

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in The Plame Game

As reported here yesterday, Rove’s lawyer thinks Time reporter Viveca Novak is key to keeping Rove indictment-free. But is she? From the Wash Post: The reporter for Time magazine who recently agreed to testify in the CIA leak case is central to White House senior adviser Karl Rove’s effort to fend off an indictment in [...]

November 29th, 2005 | Permalink| No Comments »

How To Admit You Were Wrong

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Bad Decisions, General Politics, Law, Smart Things Said By Smart People

As most of you may already know, California congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham messed up and took some bribes. It was a stupid thing to do, and as I was at work today I discussed with my coworkers why a guy like this would really need more money. I mean really, how much money do these [...]

November 29th, 2005 | Permalink| 8 Comments »

Red v. Blue?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, Polls

Read the rest of the numbers here from Survey USA. (HT: dreaminonempty) NOTE: These represent Bush’s approval numbers. Tweet

November 28th, 2005 | Permalink| 5 Comments »