Archive for December, 2005

How Do You Say … Resolution?

By Denise Best | Related entries in Cartoons

Oh, so true and something for most everyone in the resolution category … Happy New Year to All : ) Any other resolutions in the comical, but often true, category? Tweet

December 31st, 2005 | Permalink| No Comments »

Surveillance Gate – Equal Opportunity Investigating

By Denise Best | Related entries in In The News, Media

News of the Justice Department’s announcement of an investigation into the leaking of classified information by the New York Times will no doubt bring claims of the administration trying to deflect attention away from the legalities of actions associated with their post 9/11 surveillance activities. The Justice Department said on Friday that it had opened [...]

December 31st, 2005 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

World Community

By Callimachus | Related entries in Ideas, The World, United Nations

A mini-blogburst sparked by Dr. Demarche illuminates the term “world community.” He asks whether the term has any real meaning and what is the role of the United Nations and the United States in such a place. I’m afraid my modest contribution doesn’t reveal much except the disordered condition of my own thoughts about it. [...]

December 30th, 2005 | Permalink| No Comments »

The War On Christmas

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Partisan Hacks, War

Wow… Just watched a clip from John Gibson’s “The BIG Show” on Fox and they’re certainly having a “spirited” debate. No doubt you can already assume that the word “liar” was bandied about quite a bit. And I will say it again, because it bears repeating…I can not believe that these guys are actually calling [...]

December 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 9 Comments »

Tancredo’s Take On Illegal Aliens

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Social Programs, The War On Terrorism

Listen, I agree that we should erect some sort of barrier to provide deterrence against people crossing the border. However, I disagree with the other measures he proposes because they are WAY too strict. We should be thinking about earned amensty for illegals who’ve joined our society, instead of prosecuting them, their families and anybody [...]

December 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 16 Comments »

Lazy Sunday

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Media

Saturday Night Live (SNL) has been in a slump for a while now. Sure, they’ve had some funny moments here and there, but nothing that’s made me truly laugh out loud. But, thankfully, all that has changed recently… If you want to watch something ridiculously funny this Friday…do see this digital short by SNL by [...]

December 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

The Hippo And The Tortoise

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Kitchen Sink

A real tale of friendship…and touching story… Bereaved by the forces of nature and discovered by wildlife rangers near certain death in the Indian Ocean off Malindi, the one-year-old male hippo calf dubbed Owen was on 27 December 2004 placed in Haller Park, a wildlife sanctuary in the coastal city of Mombassa, Kenya. As soon [...]

December 30th, 2005 | Permalink| No Comments »

An American Teen In Iraq

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Media, The World

No, he’s not a terrorist. He’s all alone and the AP reports… As a junior this year at a Pine Crest School, a prep academy of about 700 students in Fort Lauderdale, Hassan studied writers like John McPhee in the book “The New Journalism,” an introduction to immersion journalism â€â€? a writer who lives the [...]

December 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

What Is Reuters Talking About?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in The Plame Game, The War On Terrorism

They have this strange story out tonight that talks about the Joe Wilson’s and Valerie Plame’s son “outing” him. When I read it, well, it seemed like more of a paprazzi piece than a news story. Here, just check out this part… HOUSTON (Reuters) – The Washington couple at the heart of the CIA leak [...]

December 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Dolphin Marries Woman

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Kitchen Sink

Oh my… And so on Wednesday afternoon, the thrilled bride, wearing a white dress, walked down the dock before hundreds of astounded visitors and kneeled down before her groom, who was waiting in the water. Cindy, escorted by his fellow best-men dolphins, swam over to Tendler and she hugged him, whispered sweet nothings in his [...]

December 30th, 2005 | Permalink| 1 Comment »