Archive for October, 2012

Ohio Floods

By donar | Related entries in Political Graffiti


October 31st, 2012 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Hurricane Funding

By donar | Related entries in Political Graffiti


October 29th, 2012 | Permalink| No Comments »

Topical Storm

By donar | Related entries in Political Graffiti


October 27th, 2012 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Romney Love

By donar | Related entries in News, Political Graffiti


October 23rd, 2012 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

Why Are Things so Partisan?

By David Summers | Related entries in Bipartisan, Elections, Independents, News, Partisan Nonsense, Voting

In my previous article (on how you can write-in “None of the Above”, rather than be forced into the choices dictated by the two party system,, I just noted how the write-in ballot can be used to express one’s dissatisfaction with the current partisan system, without really getting into how & why things came [...]

October 19th, 2012 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

Trick or Treat

By donar | Related entries in Political Graffiti


October 18th, 2012 | Permalink| No Comments »

You Can Vote “None of the Above”

By David Summers | Related entries in News

Think about everything you have heard from the two presidential campaigns. How much of it was attempts to convince you that an opponent is a “bad guy”, someone who probably doesn’t even care about the country (or even, in some diatribes, actually wants to undermine it)? For example, it seems we are expected to believe [...]

October 18th, 2012 | Permalink| 26 Comments »

Bloomberg Injects Bi-Partisan Money Into 2012 Races

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 3rd Party, Bloomberg, Elections
October 17th, 2012 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Mitt’s Math

By donar | Related entries in Political Graffiti


October 17th, 2012 | Permalink| No Comments »

Election Projection: Romney Within 20 Electoral Votes

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Barack, Obama, Polls, Republicans, Romney
October 15th, 2012 | Permalink| 8 Comments »