Dr. Sanity
Shining a psychological spotlight on a few of the insanities of life

Friday, October 09, 2009
The weather forecast is calling for temperatures in the 30's this weekend, so I'm going to put some mulch on my roses and prepare them for winter this afternoon. They are still blooming --this is one of the reasons I love roses so much (besides the fact that they are beautiful and their scent is heavenly): they bloom from spring thru late October, early November. It has been a cold summer here with only a few days in the 80's, but they have still done well.

And, with the announcement documenting the international community's collective insanity that came this morning, I also happen to need to get my blood pressure down and remember that the Greeks understood the process of nemesis (as does Victor Davis Hanson) and the harmartia (ἁμαρτία) that precedes it. In this case, the fatal flaw of western civilization is that it apparently seems to enable and encourage the pathetic likes of the Nobel Prize committee, along with the kind of people currently running around the White House and Halls of Congress.


Before I put them to bed for the winter, here is one last group of pictures from my Rose Garden taken a few days ago. Since I will be moving to California in December, I won't get to see them when they wake up in the spring; but I do plan to have a rose garden at my new home....

"Cherry Parfait"

"Pope John Paul""

"Strike it Rich"

"Double Knock Out"

One of my favorites this year, "President Lincoln"--a bright red rose-- grew to over 6 feet tall! Here it is from earlier in the season:

Finally, one of the harbingers of fall, this spider in its web was peacefully waiting for its prey on the perimeter of the garden--you can see him right in the center of the web. He's really huge! I don't particularly care for spiders, but I like the symmetry of the webs.

Thursday, October 08, 2009
I do not tend to swear much, but F*@K THIS S#%T. What in God's name is a moron like this doing "advising" the US President??? And, what exactly is she advising him to do??

Sharia law isn't 'misunderstood'; anybody with a brain understands its purpose all too well. And, I ask again, WTF is this moron doing advising the President?

Anyone? Anyone? Buehler? Beck?Bold

UPDATE: You know, I never thought that this Administration would be very memorable--or particularly competent; but Obama and his merry band of extremist lunatics have turned into an absolute nightmare. His appointments and "advisors" are terrifying when you consider that they represent the philosophy and views of the effing President of the US. Geez. Unbelievable.

UPDATE II: And, speaking of nightmares--just in case you hadn't heard, President Wonderful has won the "Yasser Arafat Peace Prize."

oMark Steyn has a humorously appropriate post on the insanity of promoting the "diversity" thingy:
Celebrate Diversity

There'll be a lot more of this in the future:

French Gay Soccer Team Snubbed By Muslim Team

The gay team has accused the Muslims of homophobia. But isn't accusing Muslims of homophobia a bit Islamophobic?

I'm afraid that the gay soccer team is in for a rude awakening if they expect outrage on the political left for their plight....

The gay soccer team's dilemma should make you wonder how the leftist elites determine which of their special victims' groups will prevail when there is a conflict between them?

I wrote about the socialist food chain here, and I update that post below, because it remains relevant.

This article by Johann Hari along with Steyn's post above give us a hint as to how the left's "victimhood food chain" is constructed:
Do you believe in the rights of women, or do you believe in multiculturalism? A series of verdicts in the German courts in the past month, have shown with hot, hard logic that you can't back both. You have to choose....

In Germany today, Muslim women have been reduced to third-class citizens stripped of core legal protections - because of the doctrine of multiculturalism, which says a society should be divided into separate cultures with different norms according to ethnic origin....

Indeed, in the name of this warm, welcoming multiculturalism, the German courts have explicitly compared Muslim women to the brain-damaged. The highest administrative court in North Rhine-Westphalia has agreed that Muslim parents have the "right" to forbid their daughter from going on a school trip unless she was accompanied by a male family member at all times. The judges said the girl was like "a partially mentally impaired person who, because of her disability, can only travel with a companion".As the Iranian author Azar Nafisi puts it: "I very much resent it when people - maybe with good intentions or from a progressive point of view - keep telling me, 'It's their culture' ... It's like saying the culture of Massachusetts is burning witches." She is horrified by the moves in Canada to introduce shariah courts to enforce family law for Muslims.

This 21st century application of one of the left's favorite canards, "social justice", has been seen quite a bit since the socialist remnants from the last century began to stage their comeback from a well-deserved near-extinction.

This socialist revival and the strategies now being used to once again foist Marxist/socialist/communist policies in democratic and free countries has many important implications --not the least of which is described in the above article.

To understand the left's logic, we must examine what I call the socialist victimhood "food chain."

While there are always quite a few "victim" groups (i.e., "oppressed peoples") on the Socialist Animal Farms of the world, some groups are far more important than others.

As the examples above demonstrate, a theoretically "oppressed" culture or religion's status as "victimized" allows (nay, it demands) the consequent suppression of any uppity victim classes subsumed within it (e.g., Women or Gays) who try to rise above their assigned place in the utopia to come.

From the perspective of the socialist utopian, what matters more than Women's rights or Gay rights, are the rights of the designated "oppressed culture." The dogma of multiculturalism trumps the lesser dogmas of feminism or gay pride. This is probably because for the socialist utopian, might makes right and the needs of the many always outweigh the needs of the few--and the few better remember that fact, or else.

In the socialist utopia, there is no room for individuality or personal preference; or tolerance for differences. You always must subsume yourself to the collective; and the bigger the collective, then the more power victimization can be exploited.

For example, we know from our experience of watching the compassionate people of the left, that blacks, women and gays lose their cherished victim status if they dare to become Republicans (shocking, I know); and, to a lesser extent, if they choose to be Christian (except for most those radical dominations, who have seen the secular light--or, who preach against American imperialism, and the evils of capitalism, of course).

Being black trumps being a woman or gay (i.e., there is more "social justice" mileage to be squeezed out of the oppression of blacks, i.e., racism, than there is from the oppression of women (sexism) or even gays (homophobia). Just ask President Obama and his supporters.

The oppression of Jews is completely ignored because of the animus the "enlightened" have toward Israel; and anti-semitism, which in past times would have had a victimhood ranking up close to the level of dark-skinned people (probably because those who founded the Jewish state were dedicated socialists--unfortunately, they soon realized that in real life, Marxist ideology doesn't work too well); but anti-semitism no longer is a compelling issue for the socialists. In fact, they are among its worse practitioners as socialism has spread throughout the Middle East.

So far, we have established that the culture (except for Western culture, which is uniquely evil and oppressive) is very high up on the food chain, and can eat and kill with impunity. Is there any group that trumps the culture?

Again, there are hints of how socialist logic deals with this. The needs of the nation will trump a protected/victim culture for the same reason that being an independent woman, black or gay person loses their victim status: they act independently of the socialist gestalt (i.e., they refuse to stay in their pre-determined place in the food chain and dare to be different).

Thus, Saddam the socialist Ba'athist could rightly gas the Kurds and no one payed much attention to it. Darfur shows that even genocide is acceptable to the socialist logician, who must always take into account the following factors:
1) which group is larger (oppressed nations or religions > cultures > sub-cultures > small groups, e.g., "Democrats", > individuals, e.g., blacks, women, and gays;
2) When there is a conflict among groups at the same level of the chain, then precedence is given to the "purer" victim--i.e., those who know their place in the chain, are willing to remain victims for all eternity, and take no actions to stop being victims--even celebrating their status as victims.

Thus, for example, the Palestinians' as a group (considered an oppressed nation for reasons that elude me) have such a high 'victimization quotient', they can freely and "justly" oppress or kill any members of their own society that are not considered "good" Palestinians, as well as anyone outside their society with impunity (i.e., Israelis). Because the Israelis have such a low quotient, they are not even permitted to kill in self-defense.

The same dynamic occurs when Muslim extremists (the extremely oppressed variety of Muslim) kill other Muslims (just ordinary oppressed Muslims) ; or when they kill Christians; or when they kill just about anyone in their usual indiscriminant manner. But Americans who take extraordinary precautions in war as in peace not to kill innocent people are damned to hell when they attack even the extremist Muslims who repeatedly try to kill them and state their intent at regular intervals.

Are you with me, so far? I realize it's pretty convoluted, but when you subscribe to postmodern logic, it makes a kind of perfect irrational sense.

Islamic fanatics can behead and mutilate non-combatant men and women at will. Americans are prohibited from humiliating Islamic fanatics or even frightening the poor dears (it is called "torture") ; Moderate Islamics can prohibit Westerners living in Islamic societies from owning a Bible; and punish them severely if they do; but Americans are not permitted to show any disrespect, let alone spit on a Koran even in America.

Clearly, if you are NOT one of the designated victimized or oppressed cultures, nations, or groups, then you and your non-victim-designated members are at the bottom of the socialist food chain and anything bad that is done to you by those above you in the food chain must be your own damn fault. This includes those who are Western, American/Israeli, Caucasian, Republican, conservatives, Rich, Capitalist, Christian, male, heterosexual and so on down the chain.

Hence, you can clearly see the intellectual origins of the many slogans that epitomize modern-day socialists and the left in general:













And so on, ad infinitum, in the wonderfully peaceful and loving socialist manner we came to know so well in the last century.

Clearly, when all of humanity is at stake; when the socialist utopia is at-hand; lines must be drawn and the masses must be kept in their appropriate places in order to achieve social justice, peace, and universal brotherhood.

Got it?

Wednesday, October 07, 2009
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I'm sure you've all heard this famous definition of insanity, which is quoted frequently, and is alternately attributed to Ben Franklin, or maybe Albert Einstein, or possibly some football coach somewhere. Whoever it was who said it first, the phrase remains popular because it has a lot of face validity and common sense behind it; and it happens to be a powerful and fairly compelling statement about the intractibility and the pervasiveness of psychological denial and a refusal to face reality as the underlying foundation of insanely dysfunctional behavior.

Well here is a perfect example of insanely dysfunctional behavior, and how the Democrats and their clueless leader wish to repeat the mistakes of the past; but this time make them even worse:
As we try to shake off the financial crisis, here’s a bright idea. Take a law that has led to the writing of an enormous amount of bad mortgages and expand it. Then take enforcement away from bank examiners and give it to housing activists. Sound like a poisonous cocktail? Well, it is what the Obama administration and Democrats are currently stirring up on Capitol Hill.

The White House and Congress want to expand a 30-year-old law–the Community Reinvestment Act–that helped to fuel the mortgage meltdown. What the CRA does, in effect, is compel banks to seek the permission of community activists to get regulatory approval for bank expansions and mergers. Often this means striking a deal with activist groups such as ACORN or unions like the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and agreeing to allocate credit to poor and minority areas that are underserved.

Expanding the Community Reinvestment act is indeed a "poisonous cocktail" as the author notes in the Forbes article. It is also the kind of classic political insanity we have come to expect from the postmodern political left, who are not so much the "champions of the poor" as they are the champions of self-delusion.

Scott at Power Line suggests that perhaps Obama has had "a teachable moment" in the Olympics debacle; and that there are "limits to narcissism". Well, I beg to differ. Obama is not in therapy (where there might be a reasonably positive prognosis). Furthermore, he sees himself as our teacher; not as someone who needs teaching.

We already see how this (and many other) "teachable moments" will play out--nothing will be learned, and there will be only an escalation of classic insanity.

UPDATE: In a related post, the Anchoress wonders if Obama knows who he really is--and who we really are?

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Byron York talks about the continuing battle over Obama appointees with a radical past (and present):
But the war that has become unexpectedly intense in recent days isn't about any particular policy. It's the war over personnel -- the president's choices to fill important but not necessarily high-profile jobs in his administration.

Some of Obama's choices have been people with radical pasts -- or radical presents. Others are so overtly political that they can't see any line between serving Obama and serving the public. The presence of each has made it increasingly difficult for their boss, the president, to present himself as a centrist.

First was Van Jones, the Obama "green jobs" czar who once signed a petition supporting the "9/11 truther" movement; who was a self-professed communist during much of the 1990s; who supported the cop-killer Mumia abu-Jamal; and who accused "white polluters" of "steering poison into the people of color communities." Under fire for his extremist views, Jones disappeared in an unusual middle-of-the night resignation on Sept. 5.

Then there was Yosi Sergant, who, as communications director for the National Endowment for the Arts, crossed an entire football field of ethical lines by using his office, which is intended to promote the arts in America, to instead enlist artists to work on behalf of specific Obama initiatives. He resigned Sept. 24.

Now comes Kevin Jennings, the gay activist who heads the Education Department's Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools. Jennings founded a group called the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network and has devoted his career to introducing the topic of homosexuality into every American classroom, including elementary schools.

But as York notes, this is likely the tip of an iceberg:
Does anyone believe that Jones, Sergant and Jennings are the only Obama officials about whom truly serious questions can be raised? While Obama's other wars will someday end, this one might last the entire administration.

I seem to recall candidate Obama pooh-poohing the idea that he was a socialist or a radical himself. As proof of this, he asked that we "judge him by the people with whom he surrounds himself"; so it is hardly a coincidence that he has surrounded himself with people with strong ties to communism, socialism, and other radical left views--far out of the mainstream of America. Nor is it surprising that the questionable connections of many of his advisors are not deep in the past, but robustly are continued to this day.

Obama made himself out to be a calm, reasonable centrist; one who was willing to listen to all sides and who would govern sensibly and rationally. He basically duped a lot of Americans into believing this BS with his golden rhetoric--when all you had to do was to look at whom he surrounded himself with then.

It should be obvious to all by now, that people like the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the Bernadine Dohrn-William Ayers' connection were not outlying data points on the graph of Obama's character; instead, they represented in a very fundamental way the essence of the Man Who Would Be King.

Obama is hardly a centrist. The aura of "calm" can now be recognized for what it always represented: an unwillingness to commit himself to any action that is not explicitly delineated by his ideology. Obama is not a reasonable man who solicits a variety of opinions and comes to a mature decision--no, he is a manipulative man who pretends to care about what others think because he knows that he has to; but then ignores them and marginalizes those who disagree.

In short, Obama is a leftist ideologue, steeped in postmodern rhetoric and tactics. He is determined to foist his socialist and profoundly anti-American agenda on this country.

And, if we are to judge him by those with whom he surrounds himself--like, Jones, Sargent and a whole host of others; then we must come to the inevitable conclusion that he is not different from them; and, in fact, believes in pretty much the same things that they do. Unfortunately, though, as President of the greatest country on earth, he is likely to cause even more damage than any one of them could ever hope to inflict.

This probably explains why General Petraeus has not been in the public spotlight recently....

I hope he does well; we certainly need his leadership right now.

Monday, October 05, 2009
Finally, a really really useful application for Twitter! (h/t The Corner)

[See Dilbert strips here]

I actually set up an account on Twitter; but I found that posting was an arduous exercise in self-absorption. It seemed a complete waste of time to me. OTOH, I can see how useful it would be in reporting on breaking events and getting a message out under difficult circumstances (as it was in the Iranian protests). But, for day to day info on what someone is doing or thinking--well, frankly, that doesn't seem overly fascinating to me.

What do you commenters think?

From American Thinker, I found the link to this article in The New Scientist--which is absolutely astonishing (not in a good way, I might add):
If you want to get a message across to the public, don't obsess about facts. Just look at Al Gore's climate change documentary An Inconvenient Truth, Olson says. The film contained more than a few factual errors, but it also had a profound influence on the world's attitude to climate change. Perhaps compromising on accuracy is a necessary evil...is this really the right way for scientists to go? With climate change, perhaps the end justifies the means... given Gore's success and the prevalence of scientific illiteracy, it remains an interesting path to consider.

In other words: truth is irrelevant, lying is perfectly ok, and "compromising on accuracy is a necessary evil" --particularly when it is some important issue like climate change...or any other issue deemed important for social policy by the political left. It is, after all, for our own good! A "greater good" !

Stephen Hicks in his book quotes Frank Lentricchia, a noted Duke University literary critic. Postmodernism, says Lentricchia, "seeks not to find the foundation or conditions of truth but to exercise power for the purpose of social change."

Apparently, it's not what is true, it's what you can convince others to believe that matters.

Think about that for a moment...and consider how far humankind would have progressed out of its caves and slime if man's rational faculty had been discarded with the aplomb that The New Scientist dismisses it.

Postmodernism deliberately eschews truth and reason and reality. It insists that our minds are not capable of even knowing reality. Under such conditions, what good is science, you may ask?

Well, those who adhere to postmodern ideas prefer to exercise power to force social change. They live in a world of contradiction and emotion. Their strategy is not to persuade people to accept their ideas, but to confuse them; to distort the truth, propagate lies and smears; and to use whatever rhetoric is necessary to accomplish their purposes. Science is particularly useful if it can be manipulated to make those who oppose your ideas to STFU.

The politically useful concept of "social justice" is far more important than reality or truth; and the way that you can expedite the acceptance of unpalatable social policies is to use science to demonize your enemies or to pronounce that there is a "scientific consensus" on a contentious issue.

This is what your typical leftist postmodern progressives has in mind for the future of science. Instead of a dedication to reality and truth, science will be used to foist leftist ideology down the throats of the populace. And if you think this is unlikely, then you probably never visited the Soviet Union during their communist heyday. I have. And one of the things I remember most clearly is how all the scientific "academies" were emblazoned with banners that proclaimed in bright red letters, "GLORY TO SOVIET SCIENCE!". Meanwhile, the scientists in these prestigious academies were desperate for a glimpse of objective truth and any reality that existed outside the dictates of the Communist Party, which controlled every aspect of their work.

Fortunately, there are still some independent and non-government controlled minds out there searching for truth...but the same kind of "new" and "progressive" science (that made the Soviet Union the progressive third world country it was)--where the goal is implementing "social justice" and not uncovering truth or reality--is brought to you by today's postmodern political left; who, with a little utopian luck, will have us back in our caves, mucking around in the primeval ooze in no time!

Friday, October 02, 2009
(I was gonna apologize to Afroman, but he was high)

I was gonna clean up the mess that Bush left for me,
I was gonna fix everything cause I'm the new deity
But things are still all messed up, because you see,
- It's all about me; all about me; it's all about me!

Da da dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

I was gonna go to Denmark and charm the IOC
I coulda talked about Chicago but I talked about me;
Now the Olympics are going to Rio far over the sea
- cause it's all about me, all about me, it's all about me....

Da da dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

I was gonna talk to my Generals, but I was busy
I have loads of stuff that's higher priority
Like giving more campaign speeches on your TV
- and I talk about me; talk about me; I talk about me...

Da da dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

I was gonna reform health care and make it all free,
I was gonna make all those doctors defer to me!
But I outsourced the job to Nancy Pelosi
- cause it don't bother me; don't bother me; don't bother me...

Da da dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

I was gonna engage Iran to huddle with me
I was gonna make 'em understand that they can trust me
Now they're dropping bombs indiscriminately --
Guess they listened to me; listened to me; listened to me...

Da da dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

I was gonna save the world and the people would see
As Secretary General they'd all turn to me
I'd heal the planet and lower the sea
- cause it's all about me; all about me; all about me

Da da dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

The messiah of hope and change, I can make you happy
It's the first post-racial Presidency-
Except that you're a racist if you don't agree
- cause it's all about me; all about me; it's all about me!

I was gonna be the best President I ever could be
I was gonna suck up to tyrants and make them love me
Cause I'm uniquely qualified to bash my country
- since it's all about me; all about me; all about me....

Da da dumb dumb dumb dumb....DUMB

UPDATE: It was suggested to me that I link to the original song by Afroman...so here it is in all its glory (and I linked it above, too).

From The Corner:
Top 10 Reasons Chicago Didn't Get the Olympics

An e-mail:

10. Dead people can't vote at IOC meetings
9. Obama distracted by 25 min meeting with Gen. McChrystal
8. Who cares if Obama couldn't talk the IOC into Chicago? He'll be able to talk Iran out of nukes.
7. The impediment is Israel still building settlements.
6. Obviously no president would have been able to acomplish it.
5. We've been quite clear and said all along that we didn't want the Olympics.
4. This isn't about the number of Olympics "lost", it's about the number of Olympics "saved" or "created".
3. Clearly not enough wise Latina judges on the committee
2. Because the IOC is racist.
1. It's George Bush's fault.

Gee, the Obama charm seems to be wearing a bit thin on the international (and national) stage....ah well; it could have been worse, I suppose. Tehran could have been chosen to host the 2016 Olympics.

The secret is to have an oblivious US President who thinks "engagement" is some sort of holy grail and that he is the messiah who will bring peace to the world:
As the Wall Street Journal’s editors observe, the Geneva talks have revived the reputation of the despotic regime....

And like the missile-defense capitulation, we’ve gotten precious little for this. We’re now sucked into a process of meetings, and the inspection of Qom will take place with plenty of time for the Iranians to “clean the place out.” We now begin the familiar dance of endless talks, quibbles about inspections, and compromises on verification–all culminating in the realization (eventually) that a secretive, despotic regime is on track to engage in nuclear blackmail.

Of all this Obama seems blissfully unaware. We’re finally engaging! We’re getting down to business. This is constructive, he gushes. Well, for Iran certainly. The mullahs are getting what they want (the limelight on the world stage and plenty of breathing room), now with a nod of approval from the president. As the editors note, Geneva gives Iran “new legitimacy, and new hope that they can have their bomb and enhanced global standing too.” And to boot, it’s all been made possible by the American president, who gave the Iranians all the breathing room they needed, welcomed them to Geneva, lifted not a finger to aid (rhetorically or otherwise) the democracy protesters, and now praises the regime for doing nothing concrete at all to halt its nuclear program.

Or, as Charles Krauthammer notes this morning: "When France chides you for appeasement, you know you’re scraping bottom."

How low can we go? Well, Krauthammer's piece ends with this: "Bismarck is said to have said: “There is a providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children, and the United States of America.” Bismarck never saw Obama at the U.N. Sarkozy did."

Please read the entire article because it showcases the unbelievable and insane grandiosity of the current U.S. President, whose narcissism seems to know no bounds.

It's all about Obama, all the time. He is prancing around now, talking like a big man now, demanding action (and using the royal "we") like some non-magical Gilderoy Lockhart; but that's all we are likely to get from him: words, words, words. When push comes to shove, he will try to erase our memories of his fecklessness by his golden rhetoric--and of course, by blaming someone else for his own incompetence and insufferable arrogance.

Obama's clear pattern of positively reinforcing the negative behavior of our enemies as we simultaneously negatively reinforce every effort to confront and deal with that negative behavior indicates a psychological denial and delusion so profound that it is simply stunning in its pathology.

No matter how you look at it--either from a behavioral or a psychological perspective--it seems clear that things are only going to be going from bad to worse in the immediate future.

In the end, Obama's grandiose dithering and the lunatic actions of Democrats in Congress (and leftists everywhere) are likely to get us all killed.

Thursday, October 01, 2009
I have finally made the decision to go Mac and bought my new MacPro last night. Blogging will be light as I navigate the ins and outs of my new toy and get it all set up and configured--and readjust my brain to use it!

This is gonna be fun....

Appealing to the Obamessiah for funds isn't hard if you use the right 'hook':

(Day by Day by Chris Muir) (and, thanks OBH)

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