Archive for December, 2006

‘Twas The Week…

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics

Stolen in full from Hotline On Call…with a few modifications (in bold)… ‘Twas the week before ’07, and all through DC, Democrats were stirring. How could they not be? Top staffers announced by ’08ers with care, in hopes that the benjamins soon would be there. Rahm and Schumer were nestled all snug in new power, [...]

December 31st, 2006 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

The Big Listener

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics

Before today, I’d never heard much about Republican Congressman Jerry Moran, but his methods are impressive and speak to the way a politician should be conducting himself. From Hotline On Call: Every year since his election to Congress in 1996, Moran has made it his mission to schedule events in each of the 69 counties [...]

December 31st, 2006 | Permalink| No Comments »

Remembering Gerald Ford

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in History

I found this insider’s perspective on the “accidental President” over at Hotline On Call. It’s honest, poignant and revealing…. John Deardourff and I prepared the general election advertising for President Ford in 1976. It was the easiest job we ever had. Imagine the luxury of a political consultant whose client (1) is President of the [...]

December 31st, 2006 | Permalink| No Comments »

Early 2008 Polls

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, Polls

Yeah, they’re just polls…and they’ll change…but it’s fun to think about nonetheless. From Political Wire, first the Dems: Iowa: Clinton 31%, Edwards 20%, Vilsack 17%, Obama 10% Nevada: Clinton 37%, Obama 12% South Carolina: Clinton 34%, Edwards 31%, Obama 10% New Hampshire: Clinton 27%, Obama 21%, Edwards 18% Then Repubs: Iowa: Giuliani 28%, McCain 26%, [...]

December 30th, 2006 | Permalink| No Comments »

Kit Bond Retiring?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Education, General Politics

I’m a Missourian, so any news about a Missouri senator has some amount of special signifiance. Apparently, Bond wants to be the President of the University of Missouri school system, a very cush job with a fat salary. From Wonkette: According to a Wonkette operative who heard this from two different sources, Republican Senator Kit [...]

December 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

Grand Canyon Created By Noah’s Flood

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, Religion

That and other tall tales are being sold at our national parks with approval by Bush Administration appointees. No, seriously. This is actually happening. And not only that, park employees are being told to not talk about the scientific explanations for these formations because it may offend people. My head is about to explode… According [...]

December 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 30 Comments »

Your Mail Is Officially Not Safe

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Law

The executive branch shall construe subsection 404(c) of title 39, as enacted by subsection 1010(e) of the Act, which provides for opening of an item of a class of mail otherwise sealed against inspection, in a manner consistent, to the maximum extent permissible, with the need to conduct searches in exigent circumstances, such as to [...]

December 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 44 Comments »


By Cicero | Related entries in Foreign Policy

Is Iraq’s national continuity impossible without the bindings of a brutal autocrat?

December 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Pay As You Go Food

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Economy, Money

MSNBC talks about a restaurant where you pay what you feel is right. An idea whose time has come or a naive notion? Take a look here. Tweet

December 29th, 2006 | Permalink| No Comments »

Arnold Invests In Green

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Environment, Money

The Cali governor is trying to make the 7th largest economy in the world a better place to live… Much of the proposal — $40 million — would be spent only if California universities win a $500 million grant for research from oil giant BP to develop alternatives to fossil fuels. Lease revenue bonds would [...]

December 29th, 2006 | Permalink| No Comments »