Bye-Bye, Flyby on This Week @NASA Video in Story

It may have been small, appearing so even in the best optical telescopes on Earth, but the flyby of asteroid 2012 DA14 was anything but a minor event to astronomers. Never feared as a threat to anyone or anything on or around our planet, DA14, about the size of half a football field, did come within 17-thousand miles of Earth, about 5-thousand miles close than many of our satellites in geosynchronous orbit.

Continue reading Bye-Bye, Flyby on This Week @NASA.

Solar Physics

Flux Ropes on the Sun

Flux Ropes on the Sun

This is an image of magnetic loops on the sun, captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). It has been processed to highlight the edges of each loop to make the structure more clear.


Ocean Link - Earth From Space by ESA

Ocean Link - Earth From Space by ESA Video in Story

Earth from Space is presented by Kelsea Brennan-Wessels from the ESA Web-TV virtual studios. In this episode Kelsea discusses Central Panama and its 80 km-long ship canal.


NASA Teleconference on Meteor Crash in Russia

NASA Teleconference on Meteor Crash in Russia

NASA experts participated in a teleconference with the media today to discuss the meteor which crashed in Russia today.


Meteor Explodes Over Russia (Updated)

Meteor Explodes Over Russia (Updated) Video in Story

Estimated to have been a 9 tonnes in size a meteorite streaked across the sky over the Ural mountains in Russia and exploded at 30 to 50 kilometres above ground. The supersonic reentry and debris injured an estimated 1100 people according to reports in Russia. Part of the meteor crashed into a frozen lake. An estimated 3000 buildings were damaged in the city of Chelyabinsk including the roof collapsing at a zinc factory.


NASA to Chronicle Close Earth Flyby of Asteroid

NASA to Chronicle Close Earth Flyby of Asteroid

NASA Television will provide commentary starting at 11 a.m. PST (2 p.m. EST) on Friday, Feb. 15, during the close, but safe, flyby of a small near-Earth asteroid named 2012 DA14. NASA places a high priority on tracking asteroids and protecting our home planet from them. This flyby will provide a unique opportunity for researchers to study a near-Earth object up close.


CuriousMars: Scientists Disagree on Timing of Departure From Drilling Site

CuriousMars: Scientists Disagree on Timing of Departure From Drilling Site

The $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover is beginning detailed analysis of the first subsurface rock sample acquired on another planet, keeping researchers on "pins and needles" about whether Curiosity has struck Martian paydirt 216 million miles (348 million km) from Earth.


New evidence comet or asteroid impact was last straw for dinosaurs

New evidence comet or asteroid impact was last straw for dinosaurs

The demise of the dinosaurs is the world's ultimate whodunit. Was it a comet or asteroid impact? Volcanic eruptions? Climate change?


Fires in Queensland, Australia

Fires in Queensland, Australia

This true-color satellite image was captured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Aqua satellite on February 03, 2013 as it passed over Queensland, Australia. Actively burning areas, detected by MODIS's thermal bands, are outlined in red.


The Large Sagittarius Star Cloud

The Large Sagittarius Star Cloud

This part of the constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer) is one of the richest star fields in the whole sky -- the Large Sagittarius Star Cloud.

More top stories from February.


CuriousMars: Scientists Disagree on Timing of Departure From Drilling Site

CuriousMars: Scientists Disagree on Timing of Departure From Drilling Site

The $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover is beginning detailed analysis of the first subsurface rock sample acquired on another planet, keeping researchers on "pins and needles" about whether Curiosity has struck Martian paydirt 216 million miles (348 million km) from Earth.

Hubble Space Telescope

NASA's Hubble Views a Cosmic Skyrocket

NASA's Hubble Views a Cosmic Skyrocket

Resembling a Fourth of July skyrocket, Herbig-Haro 110 is a geyser of hot gas from a newborn star that splashes up against and ricochets off the dense core of a cloud of molecular hydrogen.


Determining Whether Extrasolar Planets Lie in the Habitable Zone

Determining Whether Extrasolar Planets Lie in the Habitable Zone

Researchers searching the galaxy for planets that could pass the litmus test of sustaining water-based life must find whether those planets fall in what's known as a habitable zone. New work, led by a team of Penn State researchers, will help scientists in that search.


NASA to Chronicle Close Earth Flyby of Asteroid

NASA to Chronicle Close Earth Flyby of Asteroid

NASA Television will provide commentary starting at 11 a.m. PST (2 p.m. EST) on Friday, Feb. 15, during the close, but safe, flyby of a small near-Earth asteroid named 2012 DA14. NASA places a high priority on tracking asteroids and protecting our home planet from them. This flyby will provide a unique opportunity for researchers to study a near-Earth object up close.


Ocean Link - Earth From Space by ESA

Ocean Link - Earth From Space by ESA Video in Story

Earth from Space is presented by Kelsea Brennan-Wessels from the ESA Web-TV virtual studios. In this episode Kelsea discusses Central Panama and its 80 km-long ship canal.


Bye-Bye, Flyby on This Week @NASA

Bye-Bye, Flyby on This Week @NASA Video in Story

It may have been small, appearing so even in the best optical telescopes on Earth, but the flyby of asteroid 2012 DA14 was anything but a minor event to astronomers. Never feared as a threat to anyone or anything on or around our planet, DA14, about the size of half a football field, did come within 17-thousand miles of Earth, about 5-thousand miles close than many of our satellites in geosynchronous orbit.

Space Launch System

NASA Solicitation: Space Launch System Advanced Development

NASA Solicitation: Space Launch System Advanced Development

NASA MSFC intends to issue a Draft NASA Research Announcement (NRA) on or about February 1, 2012, entitled "Space Launch System (SLS) Advanced Development" for comment by industry and academia.

European Space Agency

Mission accomplished for ATV Edoardo Amaldi

Mission accomplished for ATV Edoardo Amaldi

ESA's third Automated Transfer Vehicle cargo ferry, Edoardo Amaldi, completed the final part of its highly successful six-month servicing mission to the International Space Station by reentering the atmosphere today and burning up as planned over an uninhabited area of the southern Pacific ocean.


SpaceX Dragon to Carry Student Experiments to ISS

SpaceX Dragon to Carry Student Experiments to ISS

Twenty-three microgravity experiments designed by participants of the Student Spaceflight Experiment Program (SSEP) will become part of space history Oct. 7.

International Space Station

International Space Station Video Update for February 11, 2013

International Space Station Video Update for February 11, 2013 Video in Story

The daily video update on the International Space Station from NASA.