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Thursday, January 3, 2013

(202) 225-7163

Congresswoman Matsui Sworn in to the 113th Congress

Will continue to work on behalf of the Sacramento region in the House of Representatives

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Doris Matsui (CA-06) issued the following statement after being sworn in to serve California’s Sixth Congressional District in the 113th Congress:

“I am honored and humbled that voters in the Sacramento region have once again elected me to serve as their voice in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Representing Sacramento and advocating on behalf of my constituents, is a great privilege, and I will continue to spend every day in office fighting for Sacramento’s priorities.

“Last Congress our region made great strides towards economic recovery, putting residents back to work, supporting our local small business owners and strengthening our housing market.  But there is more work to be done.  In this next Congress we must continue to advance legislation that will strengthen our economy, innovation and create jobs.

“Flood protection is essential to the safety and economic vitality of our region, and it remains my number one priority in Congress.  I will continue to work to see that our flood protection priorities receive the federal attention and funding they deserve.  This includes authorization of the Natomas Levee Improvement Project, which is critical to protect thousands of Sacramento residents and billions of dollars of property and infrastructure.  Today, the first day of the 113th Congress, I will reintroduce legislation to authorize the Natomas flood project. As we saw last year with Hurricane Sandy, flood protection cannot wait and I will continue to fight for Sacramento’s levee priorities.

 “As the heart of the Central Valley, and the capitol of the state of California, the Sacramento region is a vibrant community with a multitude of benefits.  Our region has four major health systems and a strong network of safety net providers.  As we move toward full implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2014, I will continue to work with our health care providers to ensure that all Sacramentans have access to affordable, quality health care.  This includes mental health care, that has all too long been ignored in this country.  I will continue to fight in Congress to ensure that we expand access to mental health care services. 

“Our region is also increasingly becoming known as the ‘Clean Tech Capitol’ thanks to the numerous clean energy companies and entrepreneurs that call the Sacramento region home.  Investing in clean energy technology will help create good jobs, strengthen our economy, and address both our national security and environmental needs.  Policies that promote the use of renewable energy and the development of new technologies are beneficial to our region and our country, and I will continue to advocate for them next Congress.

“The Sacramento region faces many opportunities, and with that comes challenges.  We have strong colleges in Sacramento, but we must work to ensure that all of our students can afford a college education.  We must continue to invest in our public safety officers and first responders, ensuring they have the federal support they need to do their jobs, especially as state and local funding decreases.  We also have the opportunity to make the Sacramento region a model for public transportation, if we continue to push forward and responsibly invest in our infrastructure. 

“I also look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure our nation’s immigration system is reformed, and appropriate gun control measures are implemented, both of which will be top priorities for this new Congress.

“As we close the book on the 112th Congress and begin the 113th, it is my hope that all of my constituents continue to reach out and engage with my office and me on the issues that are important to our region.  It is my hope that this new Congress can work on a more bipartisan basis to do good for our nation.  Working together I know we can continue to make great progress and move Sacramento forward.”


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