Archive for January, 2007

A cure for cancer?

By Sean Aqui | Related entries in Breaking News, Drugs, Health Care, News

It sounds too good to be true. But everything I can find says this could be legitimate. A molecule used for decades to combat metabolic diseases in children, may soon be available as an effective treatment for many forms of cancer, University of Alberta researchers are reporting. In results that “astounded� school scientists, the molecule, [...]

January 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 8 Comments »

A Republican deadline in Iraq

By Sean Aqui | Related entries in Foreign Policy, General Politics, Military, News, The War On Terrorism

Republican war supporters have given Bush their own deadline to show progress in Iraq — six to nine months. Several leading Senate Republicans who support President Bush’s troop-boosting plan for Iraq say they will give the administration and the Iraqis about six months to show significant improvement. “I don’t think this war can be sustained [...]

January 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Alexandra Pelosi’s New Evangelical Documentary

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Religion, The Politics Of Film

The following YouTube vid is just one segment from the upcoming film Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi, and it certainly makes me think of Jesus Camp. Much of this won’t come as a surprise to many of you, but I think it’s a good demonstration of what our children are being [...]

January 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 9 Comments »

Your Internets Are Not Safe

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Technology, The War On Terrorism

More bad news about the online surveillance methods used to nab terrorists, but are ultimately more likely to collect information on you, your friends and what you like to surf for online. From CNET: Instead of recording only what a particular suspect is doing, agents conducting investigations appear to be assembling the activities of thousands [...]

January 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Score One For Blogger’s Rights

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Blogging, Law, Technology

Jobs must be pissed. Apple sued a couple bloggers for leaking some inside info and demanded they reveal their sources. The courts said no, and told Apple to not only pay the blogger’s legal fees…but more than double them… Wow… Apple Inc., had issued subpoenas to online tech journalists, including the publisher of and [...]

January 30th, 2007 | Permalink| No Comments »

A Minimum Wage Compromise

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Legislation, Money

Looks like Dem Senators know they don’t have enough votes and are going to work with the Repubs…maybe… From the NY Times: WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 â€â€? The Senate is expected to clear the way on Tuesday for an increase in the minimum wage that Democrats and some Republicans agree is overdue. But the Senate’s approval [...]

January 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

The GOP’s 2008 Prospects

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Elections

The writing is on the wall for the Republican presidential hopefuls, and it isn’t good. McCain, Romney and Giuliani aren’t very popular with social conservatives, and since they’ve been an essential part of the GOP’s strategy since Nixon, conservative pundits are getting anxious about the current crop. From Politico: McCain is courting social and economic [...]

January 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 9 Comments »

The meaning of race

By Sean Aqui | Related entries in General Politics, News, Race

Rep. Tom Tancredo is a partisan buffoon. But even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes, and his latest hobby horse manages to hit a target worth skewering — even if it’s not exactly the target he was aiming at. Tancredo, a Republican from Colorado and an outspoken opponent of diversity who has called Miami [...]

January 26th, 2007 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Chuck Hagel: The “John McCain” of 2008?

By Dennis Sanders | Related entries in Elections, General Politics

It looks like the list of 2008 Presidential wannabees is getting longer. The Washington Post reports today that Nebraska Republican Senator Chuck Hagel is mulling plans to form a presidential exploratory committee. Even though his stock among the GOP base is pretty low, he is thinking of running for the GOP nomination, running for a [...]

January 26th, 2007 | Permalink| 10 Comments »

Hama Complex

By Cicero | Related entries in War

Lessons can be drawn from Hama, Syria.

January 26th, 2007 | Permalink| 4 Comments »