Archive for April, 2010

Why I Became an Independent

By Nancy Hanks | Related entries in News

by Randy Miller, Utah League of Independent Voters Well, I was born that way. We all were. Partisanship, like its cousin Prejudice, is learned. I was 20 years old serving as a Mormon missionary in North Dakota when Ross Perot ran for (and nearly won) President of the United States. I did not vote that [...]

April 30th, 2010 | Permalink| 7 Comments »

Why Republicans Might Not Want To Take Back The House

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats, House, Republicans

Of course you always want to be in power, right? Well…not according to an editorial in the Wall Street Journal…and I have to say that the points are intriguing if the GOP wants to win the White House in 2011. From WSJ: If Republicans win control of the House, which is the big prize this [...]

April 30th, 2010 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Economy Grows For 3rd Quarter In A Row

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Economic recovery, Economy

Slightly below economists’ estimates of 3.3%, but 3.2% isn’t anything to sneeze at. And while this Q1′s growth was smaller than Q4′s 5.6%, CNN Money explains why these numbers might be more important to our long term economic outlook: In the fourth quarter, most of the growth was due to businesses no longer making the [...]

April 30th, 2010 | Permalink| No Comments »

The Practice Of Rescission Is No Longer

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Good Decisions, Health Care, health care reform

Do know that without the health care legislation…this wouldn’t have happened. From Politico: “While many health plans already abide by the standards outlined in the new law, our community is committed to implementing the new standards in May 2010 to ensure that individuals and families will have greater peace of mind when purchasing coverage on [...]

April 29th, 2010 | Permalink| 7 Comments »

Drill Baby Drill vs Spill Baby Spill

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Energy, Environment, Oil

The equivalent of 5,000 barrels of oil are being dumped into the gulf…every…single…day. Folks, we’re looking at a disaster bigger than Exxon Valdez. It’s that serious. And that could have devastating effects on our economy. From Fox News: The shrimp season begins in early May, as the shrimp move from estuaries out to sea, Long [...]

April 29th, 2010 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Jon Stewart reports on the Goldman Sachs hearing, financial reform and the elephonkey

By mw | Related entries in Bailouts, Banks, News, Video

“The donklephant is a genetic monstrosity whose every moment of existence is unbearable agony.” – Jon Stewart

April 28th, 2010 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Goldman Sachs: We’re Your Pusher Men

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Banks, Video

Listen, you’ll get no arguments from me that, on the whole, capitalism has been a positive force. But the problem is it’s an amoral system when gone unchecked and it just continues to find new and inventive ways to make money until something like 2008 happens. And today…even though they didn’t need to be…Goldman Sachs [...]

April 27th, 2010 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

House Democrats And Republicans Agree: No Pay Raise This Year

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats, House, Legislation, Money, Republicans

Finally, bipartisan cooperation! From CNN: Washington (CNN) – With midterm elections on the horizon and the nation’s unemployment rate at 9.7 percent, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to block pay raises for members of Congress for the next fiscal year. The vote was 402-15. Rules approved by Congress in 1989 provide for an [...]

April 27th, 2010 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

GM pays back $6.7B in government loans by using a $13.4B government funded escrow account in order to secure $10B in new government loans.

By mw | Related entries in Bad Decisions, Bailouts, Cars, Corporate Business, Democrats, Economy, Fiscal Responsibility

All week I’ve watched GM CEO Ed Whitacre walking down a factory floor in a GM advertisement, crowing about repaying government loans while saying he could respect the opinion of those who did not want to give GM a “second chance”. It is good to know that Ed can respect my opinion of the bailout. He might be interested to know that my current opinion is that his claim that GM repaid the loan from the US Government in full and ahead of schedule is more than a little disingenuous. I hope Ed still respects me.

April 27th, 2010 | Permalink| 17 Comments »

Remember November? Yes? Well, You’ll Want To See This.

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Elections, Republicans, Video, WTF?

Forgive me, but right now all I can think of is this. You can almost hear the meeting that this was cooked up in… “All those in favor of paying homage to a terrorist to rally the anti-government right so they’ll vote for us in November say aye!” Now, before you claim the same thing [...]

April 24th, 2010 | Permalink| 17 Comments »