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Thursday Night Thrash: Grinderman - No Pussy Blues (Live)

Music PST • Views: 2,638

Just discovered this gem at YouTube: a ferocious live performance of “No Pussy Blues” by Nick Cave’s totally berserk tribal rock band Grinderman.

They’re not like other bands.


Dumbest Man on Internet Has New Bombshell Scoop: New Year’s Eve Photo-Gate!

Jim Hoft continues his groundbreaking work
Wingnuts PST • Views: 6,448

Fearless wingnut warrior Jim Hoft has an incredible bombshell scoop today — he’s caught President Obama in yet another heinous lie, a falsehood so monumental it threatens to bring down the republic. Can your heart stand the terrible truth of New Year’s Eve Photo-Gate?

Yes, the usurper in chief just can’t seem to help lying. He lies when he orders coffee, lies when he’s brushing his teeth, lies when he sings in the shower, and now he’s lying about New Year’s Eve.

Figures. Obama’s New Year’s Eve Picture Is Really From 4th of July, 2010 | the Gateway Pundit

It’s an Obama world…
The Obama White House tweeted this photo out on New Year’s Eve.

Sooper Mexican thought the photo looked familiar.

That’s because the photo was taken on the 4th of July, 2010.

Bombshell scoops like this one have made Hoft a superstar in the right wing blogosphere. I don’t know how Barack Obama ever thought he could sneak such an obvious fraud past the keen eye and even keener mind of the awesome Jim Hoft.

Boehner Reelected as Speaker by Bare Majority

Lame duck Speaker
Politics PST • Views: 7,180

Speaker of the House John Boehner was reelected to that position today, but just barely: Boehner Reelected as Speaker; Nine Republicans Defect in Vote.

Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) was reelected Speaker of the House on Thursday after a week of rumors of a possible GOP revolt. 

Boehner won a bare majority in a vote that saw nine Republicans vote for other GOP members, and several others who abstained from voting or voted “present.” Two years ago, Boehner won all 241 available GOP votes.

The two craziest Republicans in the House, Paul “Evolution is a Lie from the Pit of Hell” Broun and Louie “Terror Babies” Gohmert, voted for — believe it or not — lunatic war criminal Allen West. Gotta love that.

Time Warner Cable Drops Current TV After Al Jazeera Purchase

TWC “did not consent to the sale”
Media PST • Views: 7,753

You’ve probably heard that Al Gore’s Current TV has now been sold to Al Jazeera; but their plans to establish a foothold suffered a setback when Time Warner Cable announced last night that they were dropping Current TV from their lineup.

NEW YORK — Time Warner Cable pulled the plug on Current TV just hours after news of the cable channel’s sale to Al Jazeera became official.

“This channel is no longer available on Time Warner Cable,” read an on-screen message where Current TV used to be found.

Al Jazeera took a major step into the U.S. cable market Wednesday by acquiring beleaguered Current TV and announcing plans for a U.S.-based news network to be called Al Jazeera America. But while the new channel will soon be available in 40 million households, Al Jazeera faced a setback when Time Warner Cable — which reaches 12 million homes — announced it was dropping the low-rated Current, which occupied a spot that could have been switched to Al Jazeera America.

Joel Hyatt, who co-founded Current TV with former Vice President Al Gore, told staff in a Wednesday night memo that Time Warner Cable “did not consent to the sale to Al Jazeera.”

“Consequently, Current will no longer be carried on TWC,” Hyatt wrote. “This is unfortunate, but I am confident that Al Jazeera America will earn significant additional carriage in the months and years ahead.”

The Unceasing Apoplexy of Bryan Fischer: Fiscal Cliff Legislation Is ‘Vicious and Demonic’

Apoplexy, I say
Wingnuts PST • Views: 15,220

American Family Association caveman Bryan Fischer is extremely upset today about the victory of Satan’s demonic ideology. In other words, the usual. Take it away, Bryan.

Chris Christie Takes a Wrecking Ball to the House GOP

More popcorn please
Politics PST • Views: 18,946

In an extraordinary political moment, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie called a press conference today and took a wrecking ball to the House Republican majority, and especially Speaker John Boehner, for killing the bill that would have provided $60 billion in emergency funds to victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Even for someone not known for mincing words, Christie’s remarks were unusually pointed and direct; he called the House’s failure to act on the Sandy legislation “a disgrace,” “toxic,” and “disgusting,” and said Speaker Boehner had refused to take four phone calls from him last night.

Christie also made it clear that he thinks the “fiscal cliff” debate was a manufactured fiasco, calling it a “fake” and sarcastically referring to it as an “epic battle.”

Note that Christie is still very much a right winger in every way that counts, so as entertaining as this might be, don’t get too starry-eyed about him. For example, even on issues like global warming, which arguably contributed to the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy, Christie toes the anti-science Republican line.

Live Video: Chris Christie Is Pissed Off at Congress for Ignoring Hurricane Relief

A do-nothing Congress does nothing to help hurricane victims
Politics PST • Views: 18,793

[Live event concluded…]

Gov. Christie is not the only Republican who’s upset about this pathetic failure: Peter King: Halt Donations to House GOP.

New York Republican Rep. Peter King went to war with his Republican colleagues on Wednesday after leaders spiked a Hurricane Sandy relief bill, calling on New Yorkers to stop all donations to GOP House members.

“These Republicans have no problem finding New York when they’re out raising millions of dollars,” King said on Fox News. “They’re in New York all the time filling their pockets with money from New Yorkers. I’m saying right now, anyone from New York or New Jersey who contributes one penny to Congressional Republicans is out of their minds. Because what they did last night was put a knife in the back of New Yorkers and New Jerseyans. It was an absolute disgrace.”

Here We Go Again: GOP Sen. Toomey Wants to Shut Down the Government Over Debt Ceiling

Hating the President more than they love the US
Politics PST • Views: 18,719

So, has the GOP learned anything from the incredibly negative publicity over the “fiscal cliff” debacle? Are you kidding? Of course not: Sen. Toomey: GOP Should Risk Shutdown to Force Spending Cuts in Debt-Limit Fight.

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) on Wednesday called for Republicans to be ready to shut down the government to gain spending cuts in exchange for raising the nation’s debt-limit.

“We Republicans need to be willing to tolerate a temporary, partial government shutdown,” he said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Video: President Obama Delivers a Statement on Fiscal Cliff Deal

Politics PST • Views: 24,434

Ambience - Brian Eno - LUX 1

Music PST • Views: 24,146

When the chattering of the cable classes begins to get on your last nerve, there’s the new album by Brian Eno.

LUX is Brian Eno’s first solo album on Warp Records and his first solo album since 2005’s Another Day On Earth. It finds him expanding upon the types of themes and sonic textures that were present on such classic albums as Music For Films, Music For Airports and Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks. Eno sees it as a continuation of his ‘Music for Thinking’ project that includes Discreet Music (1975) and Neroli (1993).

LUX is one of Eno’s most ambitious works to date; it is a 75-minute composition in twelve sections that evolved from a work currently housed in the Great Gallery of the Palace of Venaria in Turin, Italy. The album is Eno’s third for Warp, following two collaborative albums Small Craft on a Milk Sea (with Jon Hopkins and Leo Abrahams) and Drums Between The Bells (with Rick Holland).

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 Frank says:

You see, when I was a kid I used to save up for a month, so I could get an R&B album and, the same day, the completed works of Anton Webern. Maybe that means something. Maybe that tells you something about my music. -- Excerpt from the book "Rock and Other Four Letter Words", copyright 1968.