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Thursday, January 24, 2013

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Matsui-Dingell Introduce Legislation to Boost Clean Energy Manufacturing and Exports

Legislation would boost competitiveness of U.S. clean technology firms at home and in the international marketplace

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Doris Matsui (CA-06), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and Ranking Member Emeritus and Dean of the House John D. Dingell (MI-12) introduced the Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Act of 2013.  This legislation would boost the competitiveness of the U.S. clean technology industry both domestically and overseas. 

“Investing in clean energy technology is essential to creating jobs, strengthening our economy, and addressing both our national security and environmental needs,” said Congresswoman Matsui.  “In order to move our nation towards a clean energy economy we must have a national assistance program that promotes American clean energy technology exports.  This legislation does that by assisting small and medium-sized clean technology businesses in finding new markets at home and abroad, thus growing their business and creating additional jobs.”

“I am proud to join with my friend, Representative Matsui, in introducing this important legislation, the Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Act of 2013,” said Congressman John D. Dingell.  “It is part and parcel to the President’s goal of doubling exports and provides a tremendous incentive to American companies to design and manufacture the environmentally sound technologies of tomorrow.  Initiatives such as those proposed in this bill will help to give our country a competitive edge in the export of clean technologies that the rest of the world wants and needs.”

The Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Act of 2013 would create a $15 million Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Fund which would be administered by the International Trade Administration within the Department of Commerce. 

The newly-created fund would support the development, implementation, and sustainability of a National Clean Energy Technology Export Strategy, and would assist U.S. clean technology firms with export assistance in finding and navigating foreign markets to export their goods and services abroad. 

This legislation would also help strengthen America’s domestic clean technology manufacturing industry by requiring the Fund to promote policies that will reduce production costs and encourage innovation, investment, and productivity in the domestic clean energy technology industry.  In turn, that will help American companies increase their demand and create new jobs in communities like Sacramento.

“The Sacramento region is increasingly becoming known as the ‘Clean Tech Capitol’ thanks to the numerous clean energy companies and entrepreneurs that call the Sacramento region home,” added Congresswoman Matsui.  “This legislation will foster growth in this sector and help our region continue our path to economic recovery.”

“It is rare for communities to capture world-wide opportunities in industry development.  The Sacramento region is becoming a Clean Tech Hub and has put its stake in the ground to lead in the industry,” said Warren Smith, Founder of Clean World Partners LLC.  “The collaboration between those of us on the ground and our elected leadership at the local, state and federal levels to accomplish this goal is impressive.  The Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Act of 2013 sponsored by Congresswoman Matsui is a testament to the level of engagement our elected leadership is taking to accomplish this goal.  I applaud Rep. Matsui for her leadership and look forward to working with her to make Sacramento the Clean Tech Hub of the world.”

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