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What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects nearly 3000 people in the US each year. It attacks the mesothelial cells that compose the lining of the lungs, heart, and stomach.

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What is Asbestos?

Asbestos fibers are a strong and flexible group of naturally occurring silicate minerals held together by strands of fiber. The flexibility enables asbestos be woven.

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Mesothelioma Treatment

Medical treatment for mesothelioma includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Your care and treatment options should be discussed with your medical team as well as your family.

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Getting Help

A mesothelioma diagnosis can be an overwhelming time for a family. Time is of the essence in deciding your next steps. Decisions need to be made quickly about health care while keeping your family's future well-being in mind.

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Understanding Mesothelioma
Learn more about mesothelioma and its causes, symptoms, and treatment.
Types of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma can occur in different parts of the body.  Three types of mesothelioma are pleural (lungs), peritoneal (stomach), and pericardial (heart).
Risk Factors
There are many factors that can cause you or a loved one to develop mesothelioma, the main factor being exposure to asbestos.
Signs and Symptoms
Coughing, weight loss, back pains, and shortness of breath are just a few of the symptoms of mesothelioma.


Treatment Options

Obtaining Treatment
There are many decisions to make regarding your treatment, including what is best for you and your family, how feasible is it to travel, and what steps you are comfortable in taking. (More)
The only prevention for mesothelioma and other asbestos cancers is to avoid or limit your exposure to asbestos. (More)
Mesothelioma Treatment
Treatment is dependant on many factors, such as the stage, size of the tumor, and the victim's health.  (More)

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How to Help a Loved One Diagnosed with Mesothelioma

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When to Call An Asbestos Professional

Asbestos is a hazardous material that requires skilled professionals to identify and remove in a safe manner. The good news is that most products made today do not contain asbestos. Those few products that still do contain it are required to be labeled.

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Personal Stories

Edward W.

Edward enjoys life. He recently took his wife to Hawaii for their anniversary, and he loves to visit with his children and grandchildren. But just three years ago, Edward was not feeling so fortunate. In November, 2005 he went to his doctor because he was having trouble breathing. Several tests later, Edward and his family learned the unfortunate news – he had two types of lung cancer related to asbestos exposure and asbestosis.

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