Archive for June, 2011

Not Guilty: Wrongful Conviction In The US (Infographic)

By Greg Voakes | Related entries in Law Enforcement

The US legal system is one of the best in the world, but it isn’t without its flaws. The exact number of wrongful convictions will never actually be known, which is why it’s considered one of the most detrimental flaws of the US legal system as a whole. This infographic from Forensic Science details a [...]

June 28th, 2011 | Permalink| 19 Comments »

Two cheers for divided government.

By mw | Related entries in Democrats, Divided Government, Republicans

Truly a double header. Not only does the New York Times provide a reasonably accurate description of the virtues of divided, but we also get their graphic version of the tortured creature known to us fondly in these parts as the “Donklephant”.

June 25th, 2011 | Permalink| 11 Comments »

Karzai home alone

By donar | Related entries in News


June 24th, 2011 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

VIDEO: News Outlet Sensationalizes Jon Stewart Interview About Media Sensationalism

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Comedy, Media

Apparently the irony was lost on the Mail Online editors when choosing the hook for this story: It was pitched as a classic grudge match between the left and right of network television. And when Daily Show host Jon Stewart entered the ‘lions den’ of Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, the results did not [...]

June 20th, 2011 | Permalink| 34 Comments »

Jon Stewart: Media is Lazy, Sensationalist

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Media

But he doesn’t think they have a liberal agenda. From Politico: “”I think their bias is towards sensationalism and laziness. I wouldn’t say its towards a liberal agenda. It’s light fluff so it’s absolutely within the wheelhouse,” Stewart said. “”If your suggestion is that they’re restlessly partisan, then why haven’t they gone and backed away [...]

June 19th, 2011 | Permalink| 10 Comments »

On Herman Cain’s Muslim Remarks

By The Pajama Pundit | Related entries in Religion, Republicans

Over at The Daily Caller, there is a piece up that features Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) commenting on Herman Cain’s famous ‘Muslim litmus test’. In his comments, Rep. Ellison makes the point that: “Well, you got violent Christians and good Christians,” he said. “You got violent Jews and good Jews. You got people of all [...]

June 16th, 2011 | Permalink| 32 Comments »

Back In The Saddle

By The Pajama Pundit | Related entries in Blogging

Hi. Remember me? Probably not, but that’s okay. It’s been nearly 18 months since my last contribution here at The Donk. For that, I apologize to you — the reader — and even moreso to our benevolent host, Mister Gardner. Since my last post, I have gone from being a stay-at-home-dad/pajama-clad-political-blogger to being amongst the [...]

June 14th, 2011 | Permalink| 12 Comments »

Anthony Weiner Should Resign

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats

I know I’ve been silent about the Anthony Weiner scandal, and for that you have my apologies. Other things have taken priority. Still, it wasn’t a Dem/Repub thing, it was just a timing thing. So, having said that, why isn’t this guy stepping down? Talking Points Memo cites a poll: In the poll, 56% of [...]

June 10th, 2011 | Permalink| 21 Comments »

Newt Gingrich’s No Good Very Bad Day

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Newt, Republicans

What can you get the man who has nothing and no power? Apparently, a new campaign team. From Politico: Newt Gingrich’s top staff quit en masse Thursday, throwing into question whether his already troubled presidential campaign can continue. Two sources close to the situation confirmed that campaign manager Rob Johnson, strategists Sam Dawson and Dave [...]

June 10th, 2011 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Sarah Palin makes up history

By donar | Related entries in News


June 9th, 2011 | Permalink| 1 Comment »