Al Jazeera Is Buying Al Gore’s Failed TV Network

Al Gore’s TV channel, Current, is finally going under. It’s been bought by Al Jazeera. From Media Decoder: Al Jazeera, the pan-Arab news giant, has long tried to convince Americans that it is a legitimate news organization, not a parrot of Middle Eastern propaganda or something more sinister. It just bought itself 40 million more [...]

Jan 02, 2013 / No Comments / Read More

South Carolina’s Jadeveon Clowney Made The Hit Of The Year

The year’s only two day’s old, but I doubt we’re going to see a more highlight-reel worthy play in college football this year. That’s South Carolina sophomore defensive lineman Jadeveon Clowney destroying Michigan running back Vincent Smith and forcing a fumble (which he scooped up one handed) in yesterday’s Outback Bowl. Because of draft rules [...]

Jan 02, 2013 / No Comments / Read More

Overnight Fiscal Cliff Open Thread

As you probably know by now, the House passed the Senate’s fiscal cliff compromise. It’s all revenue and almost no spending cuts. The deal extends the automatic budget cuts out two months and doesn’t change the debt ceiling. The Bush tax cuts are locked in for those making $400,000 (or $450,000 for married couples) and [...]

Jan 02, 2013 / No Comments / Read More

Bank of America Sues Customer, What Happened to Acting Like Humans?

It is well noted that we live in an overly litigious society. But one small company in Las Vegas isn’t just knuckling under the thumb of a big corporation and the hammer-fist of another big lawsuit. Instead, the small business is taking the revolutionary view that big business should treat its customers as human beings. [...]

Jan 01, 2013 / 1 Comment / Read More

Hobby Lobby Goes ‘Over The Cliff’

If you haven’t been following the headlines, Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. is headed “over the cliff,” today, with respect to its decision to defy the Obamacare mandate covering birth control and “morning after” contraceptives. Here’s what makes the story interesting.  Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. is a privately owned company, founded and operated by David Green.  [...]

Jan 01, 2013 / No Comments / Read More

House GOP Now Regrets Not Pushing “Plan B”

The GOP majority in the House of Representatives have lost… They ceded authority to the Senate and President by not pushing forward with Speaker Boehner’s “Plan B.” With Obama already claiming victory, they’re left to either nix the deal Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden crafted and take the blame or go along for the ride. [...]

Jan 01, 2013 / No Comments / Read More

NY Paper Doubles Down: Publishing More Gun Owner’s Names and Addresses

The New York newspaper that drew criticism for publishing the names and addresses of hundreds of legal gun permit holders is doubling down by publishing the personal information of even more law-abiding gun owners. To great criticism, the Journal News published an interactive map showing the names and addresses of the legal gun owners in [...]

Dec 31, 2012 / 4 Comments / Read More

‘Unbearable, Rambling, Tedious’: Daily Beast Slams Sean Penn’s ‘Journalism’

Right of center Americans have been ridiculing the vacuity of Sean Penn for years but he’s had his critics on the left as well and the Daily Beast recently joined that small group of left-wing sources critical of Penn with a devastating piece lambasting Penn’s pretensions at being a social commentator and journalist. There is [...]

Dec 31, 2012 / No Comments / Read More

The Year’s Strangest Family Portrait…

Photo via The Poke I’ve got no idea who these people are, but I sure hope they didn’t use this family portrait on their Christmas cards.

Dec 31, 2012 / No Comments / Read More

Not All Occupiers Are Violent Extremists…

Note from the Media: Occupy is mostly peaceful. Not all occupiers are violent, extremists with bomb materials…except when they are. Morgan Gliedman and her Occupy lover, Aaron Greene are headed for jail. Gliedman is 9 months pregnant. Wonder how Gliedman’s parents feel about raising their grandkid. NY Post: A detective discovered a plastic container with [...]

Dec 31, 2012 / 1 Comment / Read More

Quote Of The Day – Obama Never Compares Himself To Lincoln, Except When He Does Edition

‘I never compare myself to Lincoln.” President Obama answering David Gregory’s “Is this your Lincoln moment?” question on Meet The Press. President Barack Obama speaking in Decorah, Iowa – August 15, 2011: “When you listen to what the Federalists said about the Anti-Federalists, and the names that Jefferson called Hamilton and back and forth — [...]

Dec 30, 2012 / No Comments / Read More

What Fiscal Cliff? VP Biden, Gov’t Workers Getting Raises

Imagine you are working for a company that is going bankrupt, but everyone you work with and your bosses are getting pay raises. Seem absurd? Not if you work for the failing federal government because President Obama has happily decreed that Vice President Biden, members of Congress and most federal workers are getting raises for [...]

Dec 30, 2012 / 8 Comments / Read More