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previous    1933 Inauguration Ceremony    next
President:  Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Vice President:  John Nance Garner
Date:  Saturday, March 4, 1933
Location:  East Portico, U.S. Capitol
Length of Address:  1,880 words
**Last inaugural ceremony held on March 4.

Front of Ticket
Image of the front of the 1933 Inauguration Ticket
Back of Ticket
Image of the back of the 1933 Inauguration Ticket
1925 Coolidge-Dawes
1929 Hoover-Curtis
1933 Roosevelt-Garner
1937 Roosevelt-Garner
1941 Roosevelt-Wallace
1945 Roosevelt-Truman
1949 Truman-Barkley
1953 Eisenhower-Nixon
1957 Eisenhower-Nixon
1961 Kennedy-Johnson
1965 Johnson-Humphrey
1969 Nixon-Agnew
1977 Carter-Mondale
1985 Reagan-Bush
1989 Bush-Quayle
1993 Clinton-Gore
1997 Clinton-Gore
2001 Bush-Cheney
2005 Bush-Cheney
2009 Obama-Biden