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The First Political Battleground Over Gun Control Is Between Democrats

February 16, 2013 The special election for Jesse Jackson Jr's seat pits a NRA-supported Democrat against gun-control advocates. The NRA's favored candidate could...

Are 65 Percent of Employers Really Struggling to Find Workers?

February 15, 2013 America’s small businesses claim they can’t find employees, an economic poll says, but amid the 65 percent of prospective employers who claim...

Federal Charges Against Jesse Jackson Jr. End Dreams of a Dynasty

February 15, 2013 Jesse Jackson Sr. and Jesse Jackson Jr. were building an African-American political dynasty with the White House in its sights. That dream ended...

A Look at the Homicide Rate in Obama’s Hometown of Chicago in 3 Charts

February 15, 2013 President Obama traveled back to Chicago, his hometown and a city on track to become the murder capital of the United States.

Infographics Highlight Portrait of Hispanic Population in 2011

February 15, 2013 Pew Research Hispanic Center has released an updated statistical portrait of the U.S. Hispanic population based on 2011 data, showing...

Who's In and Who's Out in Obama's Cabinet

February 15, 2013 President Obama has chosen many of the candidates for his second-term Cabinet, but he still has eight positions left to fill . Here's a look at...

The Little-Known Man Behind ExxonMobil in Baghdad

February 15, 2013 A bit of media attention has been drawn to ExxonMobil’s hiring of some of America’s most seasoned foreign policy hands as advisers abroad,...

Want to Know When to Expect the Next City-Killing Asteroid? Don't Ask a Scientist

February 15, 2013 The coincidence of today’s dramatic meteor hit in Russia and tonight’s near-miss by an asteroid, dubbed 2012 DA14, raises an important...
Today's Blog Posts
Education Experts

Holy Preschool, Batman

7:36 p.m.
President Obama got religion on early childhood education last week, proposing for the first time in his State of the Union address that all four-year-olds have access to high quality preschool....  Read more »
Hotline On Call

Drink It Up: Rubio's Response Earns a 'B' From GOP Insiders

8:00 a.m.
There's been a low bar for the opposition response to the State of the Union in recent years. By that standard, Sen. Marco Rubio , R-Fla., got a passing grade from both Democratic and Republican...  Read more »
Hotline On Call

Insiders Grade Obama on State of the Union

February 16, 2013
National Journal 's Political Insiders of different parties had drastically different views of President Obama 's State of the Union address. Asked to grade his performance, nearly all of the...  Read more »
Hotline On Call

Why Democrats Think They Can Retake the House in 2014

February 15, 2013
In a memo sent to House Democrats on Friday, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel said the caucus is in a stronger political position to start the 2014 campaign...  Read more »
Ronald Brownstein: Political Connections

Courting the Twenty-Somethings

February 14, 2013
With nods to entitlement reform, climate change, and college costs, Obama's second-term agenda aims at millennials.  Read more »
Charlie Cook: The Cook Report

Death of the Swing Seat

February 14, 2013
Fewer than one-fourth of House districts are competitive. That's bad news for Democrats.  Read more »
Josh Kraushaar: Against the Grain

How 'House of Cards' Gets the Biggest Thing About Washington Wrong

February 13, 2013
Power structures in Washington aren't what they used to be.  Read more »
Major Garrett: All Powers

John Boehner Talks Foreplay and Immigration Reform

February 12, 2013
Speaker waxes about everything from ‘foreplay’ and immigration to poker games and the sequester.  Read more »
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Latest cover story: "Can Marco Rubio Live Up to the Hype?" -- He's the GOP's Barack Obama, a fresh-faced politician with an immigrant name, a playlist full of rap, and a collection of fawning press clips. The challenge: He's selling the same old party message.

Read this and all of the stories in this week's magazine.

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