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Leon Panetta to lift ban on women in combat

U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Stephanie Robertson, a member of the female engagement team (FET) assigned to 2d Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 7, speaks with local civilians. | U.S. Marine Corps

Women’s roles in the military have grown significantly since the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. | Courtesy

The Pentagon is lifting its ban on women in combat roles, opening thousands of previously closed jobs in the most dangerous units in the military, but the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee said it might not mean major changes by the time all is said and done.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is expected to make a formal announcement at 1:30 p.m. Thursday. A senior defense official told POLITICO that Panetta made his decision after a recommendation by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicating the top brass supports opening more combat roles to women.

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(PHOTOS: Female war veterans: From uniform to Congress)

But Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey will not announce a wholesale lifting of the ban, the senior defense official said.

Instead, they’ll “initiate a process whereby the services will develop plans to implement this decision,” he said. Service leaders will have until 2016 to recommend “exceptions” — areas they feel should remain male-only — to Defense Department leaders. Some combat jobs will be immediately opened to women, defense officials said, though those details weren’t clear yet.

Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement that Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter told him the policy change would not have that big of an effect on the makeup of military units.

“I do not believe this will be a broad opening of combat roles for women, because as [a] 2012 report indicated, there are ‘serious practical barriers which must be resolved so that the department can maximize the safety and privacy of all military members while maintaining military readiness,’” Inhofe said.

Although he praised the service of women in the military, Inhofe blasted the Pentagon for leaking it before telling Congress.

“As a result, we don’t yet know the details of this announcement,” he said.

(Also on POLITICO: Duckworth: Women in combat 'win for our nation')

The Pentagon’s decision reawakened one of the most politically explosive issues facing the military, pitting purists and conservatives against women’s advocates and modernizers who have long argued women can do anything on the battlefield that men can.

Over time, the policies governing female troops and their actual roles on the battlefield began to overlap. One of the most notorious stories of the Iraq War was the capture of a female soldier truck driver, Jessica Lynch, who although technically barred from combat, was nonetheless captured and taken hostage just as any front-line soldier might have been.

As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan wound down, the services’ policies caught up with the reality of female troops’ service. Women were permitted to serve aboard Navy submarines, from which they were once barred, and then in combat support — as tank mechanics or radar operators, for example, who were close to the front lines if not serving on them.

(PHOTOS: 13 people to watch in 2013)

Congressional Democrats welcomed the decision almost unanimously, while Republicans and conservative critics were slower out of the gate.

“I support it,” said Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.). “It reflects the reality of 21st-century military operations.”

West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, another Armed Services Committee Democrat, said he knew women would do their part.

“I have not a problem with that because the ladies I know in West Virginia shoot very well,” Manchin said. “And they’ll do a very fine job if they desire to do it. Ladies help us, we all work together, everybody pulls their own load.”


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