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"Toughening its air quality standards for soot released from automobile exhausts and power plants, the EPA says it's hoping to save thousands of lives each year, many in urban areas, and reduce the burden of illness in communities across the U.S. The EPA aims to reduce by 20 percent the maximum amount of soot, or fine particulate matter."
Fifty-nine years after the United States and the United Nations signed an armistice agreement with North Korea and China to end the three-year-old Korean War, all the parties to the war are still technically at war.
Thousands of protesters marched in silence through Manhattan on Sunday in an effort to end the New York Police Department's "stop-and-frisk" policy, which they claim disproportionately affects young black and Latino men.
Several thousand New Yorkers marched silently down Manhattan's Fifth Avenue from lower Harlem to the mayor's Upper East Side townhouse on Sunday to protest the New York Police Department's contentious stop-and-frisk policy.
The success of the six-decade effort to get the prestigious award for Lt. Col. Weathers and the other surviving Tuskegee Airmen largely is attributable largely to the legislative efforts of New York Rep. Charles Rangel.
The following article was originally posted online at the Harlem World Blog on October 1, 2011:By: Todd Roulette, constituent of the 15th District of New YorkIn a reception room packed with politicos, constituents from Harlem, lobbyists no doubt and press,...
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle honored Apple founder Steve Jobs Thursday morning after learning the news of his death Wednesday night, many emphasizing Jobs’s impact on their own lives.
States child welfare agencies are resistant to pursuing reunification with parents – 30,000 or more – who are incarcerated while their child is in foster care, according to a report issued by the Government Accountability Office this week.
"A U.S. Congressmen said Monday that the Palestinians should think twice about their bid to gain recognition at the United Nations,urging the Palestinian Authority to "reverse course" and get back to the negotiation table."
"Obama ran through his administration's wins and how they had helped African-Americans during a weekend speech at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Phoenix awards."
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