Chris Van Hollen

Chris Van Hollen


The Ranking Member of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Budget, Representing Maryland's 8th District. Follows, replies & RTs ≠ endorsement.

Maryland's 8th District ·

  1. I applaud the President's comprehensive approach to curbing gun violence. I hope the House GOP works w/ him to help keep our kids safe.

  2. Raising the debt limit doesn't authorize new spending. It simply lets the US pay its bills & make good on commitments it's already made.

  3. Great choice by the President. Jack Lew will be an excellent Treasury Secretary & I urge the Senate to swiftly confirm him

  4. Proud to cosponsor 's bill banning high capacity ammo mags. Now, not later, is the time for common sense gun safety measures.

  5. Reintro'd DISCLOSE for 113th Cong. yesterday. We can't let up in fight for transparent, acctable elections. More info:

  6. Senate passed a bipartisan deal to avert fiscal cliff -- should allow an up or down vote on that bill immediately.

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