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    Marco Rubio: Obama must confront unions if he wants to sign an immigration bill

    Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. (Steve Pope/Getty Images)

    President Barack Obama must confront labor unions and accept a guest worker program as part of a broad immigration reform package if he intends to sign a bill this year, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, who is leading Republican efforts on immigration, said Wednesday.

    Speaking on the "Mark Levin Show," a radio program, Rubio outlined his vision for an immigration overhaul, suggesting that illegal immigrants should be required to wait several years before applying for citizenship if they want to remain in the U.S. legally.

    According to his plan, which has not yet been introduced as a bill, illegal immigrants would first need to apply for a temporary work visa before becoming permanent residents. Congressional Democrats and labor unions, meanwhile, insist that any legislation should provide a more clear path to citizenship in a shorter amount of time than Rubio prescribes. But to reach a bipartisan consensus, Rubio said, Democrats would have to relent on the issue.

    "The labor unions don't like that, and that's going to be a big fight the president is going to have to have if he's really interested in moving this forward," Rubio said. "They’re going to have a decision to make. And that decision is, do they want to play politics with this issue, do they want to get into a bidding war where they continue to move the ball and water it down? Or are they serious about solving it? And if they’re serious about solving it, then I think these are the sorts of principles they’d want to support."

    Rubio added that enforcement of laws restricting businesses from hiring illegal immigrants would also be "nonnegotiable."

    He said: "What we have right now is de facto amnesty. Because what we have right now is a system where the law is not being enforced."

    Obama is encouraging Congress to take on immigration as a top priority in his second term.


    • be carefull  •  2 days 10 hrs ago
      nothing wrong with our immigration laws if they were enforced and businesses held accountable
      • Mearen 1 day 8 hrs ago
        DanM the problem with your theory is that you assume we must pay slave wages in order to get reasonably priced goods. That's simply not true.
    • Frasier6670  •  2 days 11 hrs ago
      Why don't you ask the taxpayers and citizens that were born here what kind of immigration reform we want? These politicians make me sick!
    • Eagle  •  2 days 10 hrs ago
      I don't see the majority of our citizens being represented in this proposal. Matter of fact, I don't see our citizens being considered at all.
    • Surftim  •  2 days 11 hrs ago
      Reagan's biggest mistake was granting Amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants in 1986. We were promised Secured Borders and Strict Workplace Enforcement. Our government failed to live up to those promises, and now the problem has ballooned to 20 million.

      Rewarding illegal behavior encourages others to commit the same illegal acts in hopes that we will make the same mistake (Amnesty/Reward) again.

      Insanity = doing the same thing over & over and expecting different results.
    • John H  •  2 days 12 hrs ago
      Rubio is right that our current immigration laws are not being enforced. But I can bet that the lobbyists for the big farm conglomerates do not want e-verification used on their farms. Get the lobbyists out of the equation and then maybe we can get illegal immigration under control.
    • DAVID  •  2 days 11 hrs ago
      He said: "What we have right now is de facto amnesty. Because what we have right now is a system where the law is not being enforced"

      No Sheet Sherlock. So how about just enforcing the law instead of changing it legalize criminal behavior?
    • Steve  •  2 days 10 hrs ago
      Illegal Immigration is NOT a VICTIMLESS CRIME !!
    • justme  •  2 days 11 hrs ago
      You know your Country is run by idiots when they make people who want to come to America the LEGAL way, wait in their home country, pay thousands for that right....while you "magically" make those who break our laws, come her ILLEGALLY citizens.
    • Annette H  •  2 days 11 hrs ago
      I was under the impression you had to live in the US for 7 years to apply for citizenship. Thwn take test . I still feel that ilagels should not be given gov help they haven't paid in nor should we pay for them to go to college . I live on SS which I paid into for over 40 years as did my husband & he died at 58 without getting to use any thing he paid in. I'm sure there are lots more cases like this so where did their money go ????
    • USAlien  •  1 day 22 hrs ago
      Why are they even discussing guest worker programs in a down economy with 10's of millions of Americans out of a job?

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