
Senator Rubio Discusses Benghazi Hearing With Greta Van Susteren

SenatorMarcoRubioSenatorMarcoRubio·385 videos
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Published on Jan 24, 2013

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  • rubbersole79

    Rush Limbaugh was dead right on these hearings. It was nothing more than a mutual back scratching session with everyone congratulating each other all around on how great of job they are doing.

    I watched alot of it. Made me want to puke.

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  • rgarcia77

    I was going out of my mind while watching this "hearing". This was a hearing where Hilary Clinton blabbed, blabbed, blabbed, yada yada yada, so on and so forth, etc. etc. etc. without ever really answering any question that was close to being relevant. I do have to hand it to her, she really bamboozled the House and Senate with the expertise of a used-car salesman.

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  • rubbersole79

    Amen. ANYONE who votes for an incumbent candidate needs their head examined.

    "We the People"can put a stop to career politics immediately.


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    in reply to MrRandy18 (Show the comment)
  • MrRandy18

    Marco Rubio for president in 16! Thumbs up if you agree!


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  • MrRandy18

    yepper the only thing the washington politicians care about is keeping their slots...


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  • divisioneight

    What a waste of time. This administration's so cocky and arrogant, and the mainstream pressis so blind and ignorant / compliant with whatever the White House says, that this issue, with all it's glaring facts and miscues by the Government will get swept under the carpet of history. The families of four dead Americans won't forget. But does it matter anymore with the administration that is in place now?

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  • rgarcia77

    I didn't want to know how the State Dept. is going to make things better in the future, I want to know what happened in Bengahzzi in those hours during the attack and why is it that we didn't do a damn thing to attempt a real-time effort to attack the terrorists!


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  • rgarcia77

    One question I wish I had heard asked was, What did you do between the time the ambassador was 1st being attacked till the time all communication was lost, to get nearby U.S.military resources to aid in the ambassador and his staff? Why couldn't anything be done in those hours by our resources? It's a damn shame that not even Rubio came close to getting some relevant answers. Maybe these representatives should have taken some interrogation techniques from inspector Columbo.


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