
Rubio and Obama to Introduce Differing Immigration Reform Proposals

SenatorMarcoRubioSenatorMarcoRubio·379 videos
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Published on Jan 14, 2013

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  • TheKarbej

    Its about time they do something about it

    · 4

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  • Perseiden2



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  • stryker7x

    If they close the border for sure. if they strengthen E-verify. and all immigrants must go thru a background check then I'm open to allow them to legalize all and give them citizenship because having people living in your home yet you can't see who's here because all of them are in the shadows. i rather have them documented and accounted for


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  • Goru Minosyan

    The republicans are doomed! The TEA Party will destroy the GOP for many years to come!

    Comprehensive immigration Reform is the only way forward.


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  • wheelinthesky300

    Marco Rubio is about to introduce Immigration "Reform" legislation,

    and wouldn't you know it, it will include:

    1. Legal Status for border jumpers.

    2. Expanded legal immigration for "family members" of legal immigrants

    3. Expanded legal immigration for those with tech degrees, because the USA does not have enough unemployed engineers. (This would institutionalize the H1B Visa).


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  • Gio Callejas

    Yea! finally republicans are recognizing demographics.


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  • 1SadBoxer



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  • Perseiden2

    0bama can't enforce anything. don't trust him. he is a failure.  Amnesty failed in 1986 with a good GOP president. Imagine how bad amnesty would fail with a bum left wing president like 0bama Hussein ? No amnesty


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