Mark Warner

Mark Warner


Updates from the U.S. Senator from Virginia and Staff. Following/retweeting does not equal an endorsement.

Virginia ·

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  1. Looking forward to 10:10 am Monday at Chapel, when U.S. Senators and will speak and take student questions.

  2. Very pleased that VA Sen approved commonsense protection for workers.Proud to have done as Gov thru exec order:

  3. RT : Mark Warner called VA Senate GOP's attempt to alter electoral vote allocation "not the Virginia way" - staff

  4. After 2 wars over 10 yrs in which our enemies did not recognize a clear ‘front,’ appropriate we recognize the realities of modern combat.

  5. Appropriate to open combat to women,who have repeatedly demonstrated competence, bravery, & reliability in times of war:

  6. Honored to invite Sara Jane Arnett, winner of Heroes at Home Military Spouse award, to be 1 of my guests @ Inauguration:

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