Jan 16 2013

Sen. Warner Invites Military Spouse to Inauguration

~ Sara Jane Arnett, winner of Heroes at Home Military Spouse award, will attend with son ~

WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) has invited Sara Jane Arnett of Newport News, an Army spouse whose husband is deployed to Afghanistan, to be his special guest at the Presidential Inauguration in Washington. D.C. on Monday, Jan. 21, 2012. Arnett plans to attend the ceremony with her five-year-old son. 

Arnett was the 2011 winner of the Flagship and Military Newspapers of Virginia annual Heroes at Home Military Spouse award. She was nominated for that award by her husband, Capt. Samuel Arnett, who serves as commander of the 221st Military Police Detachment at Joint Base Langley-Eustis. Arnett created a Family Readiness Group leader for her husband’s unit, which organizes events for the families of deployed soldiers and works to make sure family needs are met. She also has written a book for children of military families, with a portion of the proceeds from the book going to the USO of Hampton Roads. 


U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) invites Sara Jane Arnett of Newport News to be his guest at the Presidential Inauguration during a telephone call from his office on Capitol Hill on Mon., Jan. 14, 2013. Arnett said she was "appreciative that Senator Warner took the time out of his day and made time to personalize his support for our family with a phone call!" [Handout photo by Beth Adelson/Office of Sen. Mark R. Warner]

“Sara Jane is a remarkable leader in the network of military families who do so much to strengthen communities across Virginia,” Sen. Warner said. “All of us value Capt. Arnett’s military service as he participates in his third overseas deployment.  I am so honored to have this opportunity to salute the supportive role played by our military spouses and families here at home, and I look forward to joining Sara Jane and her son at the Inauguration ceremony.”

“I want to thank Senator Warner for this opportunity for me and my son,” Mrs. Arnett said. “It is a honor to represent military spouses and families. I passed on Senator Warner's service appreciation message to my husband and Sam was very appreciative. Appreciative that Senator Warner took the time out of his day and made time to personalize his support for our family with a phone call!”

Mrs. Arnett has indicated a willingness to speak to the media. If you are interested in following up with her, please contact our office and we will pass along the contact info.


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