Jan 24 2013

Sens. Warner, Kaine & Rep. Rigell Applaud Navy Selection of Wallops Facility for Alternate Landing Site

Carrier landing practice site will support mission of NAS Oceana

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) and U.S. Rep. Scott Rigell (R-VA-2) announced today that the U.S. Navy has chosen the NASA Wallops Flight Facility on the Eastern Shore as an alternate site for limited practice landings for E-2 Hawkeye and C-2 Greyhound turbo-prop aircraft. Pilots based at Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach will practice touch-and-go maneuvers using runways at the Wallops facility prior to deploying on aircraft carriers.  

"After years of close cooperation between the Navy, the congressional delegation and state and local officials, I am glad to see the Navy has reached this agreement with local communities to allow its pilots to train at an alternate landing site that is respectful of local interests,” Sen. Warner said. “Ever since Oceana was unexpectedly targeted when I was Governor during the 2005 round of base-closings, Virginia’s elected leaders have worked as a team to strengthen the partnership between Virginia and our nation’s military. The Navy’s decision to utilize existing facilities at Wallops for pilot training helps validate Virginia’s strong commitment to support this mission."

“The Navy has long sought a Field Carrier Landing Practice [FCLP] to allow for expanded training opportunities for its pilots at Oceana.   Encroachments on Oceana and the lack of progress in finding an FCLP almost cost Virginia the closure of Oceana during the 2005 BRAC process,” said Sen. Kaine. “Today’s announcement of plans to utilize the extensive runway facilities at Wallops Island as an FCLP is good for the Navy and good for Virginia.  It will likely anchor Oceana in Virginia and reduce the risk of closure of this significant facility with its thousands of civilian employees.  And, it complements Accomac’s growing aerospace economy by co-locating Naval aviation operations with the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport operation at Wallops Island.  I was proud to work on that initiative as Governor and have been happy with its progress.  Today’s announcement will accelerate that positive economic development.”

“NASA Wallops Flight Facility is a world class operation and I am encouraged that the Navy has chosen it as a partner to conduct Field Carrier Landing Practice for E-2/C-2 aircraft,” Rep. Rigell said. “Home to more active duty and retired military personnel than any other district in the country, VA-2 is proud to support our military in any way we can, and welcomes the Navy’s business to the Eastern Shore.”

The Navy released a draft environmental and operational assessment on Sept. 6, 2012, and received public comments through Oct. 19, 2012. The Navy anticipates training operations at Wallops Flight Facility could begin sometime this summer.  

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