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Sen. Shaheen honors Arlen's Paralympic success

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Victoria Arlen and U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen.Aaron Sanborn photo

EXETER — Victoria Arlen's whirlwind year continued Friday as the Paralympic swimming champion took a break from her school day to receive an honor from U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen.

Shaheen, D-N.H., visited Exeter High School to present Arlen with a copy of a Congressional Record statement that she submitted to recognize Arlen's accomplishments during this summer's London Paralympics. Arlen set a world record and won a gold medal in the 100-meter freestyle and earned three silver medals.

While Shaheen said she was aware of Arlen and her accomplishments, she never had the opportunity to see video of Arlen's gold medal swim.

Fortunately, Exeter High Principal Sean Kiley played a clip of the performance and Arlen had a chance to relive the moment with her family and the senator looking on.

Both Shaheen and Exeter Town Manager Russ Dean, who was also at Friday's ceremony, asked what the stretch run of the gold medal swim was like. Arlen said she just swam and never looked back to see who was behind her.

“I put my head down, prayed and went for it,” she said.

Shaheen said she was so impressed by Arlen's accomplishments, that she wanted to put them on record for Congress and all of history. “She is a role model and an inspiration,” Shaheen said. “(Your accomplishment) is really a tribute to your hard work and determination and support... the support of your family.”

A few years ago Arlen was close to death as a result of a rare viral disease called transverse myelitis, which left her in a coma for nearly two years and left her paralyzed from the waist down.

Since her Paralympic triumph, Arlen has been on the go non-stop, traveling to various inspirational speaking gigs and doing a little acting and modeling along the way. She is doing all of this while completing her senior year as a Blue Hawk.

“I want to finish school strong,” she said. “I've been able to travel, go to school and remain on the honor roll, which is important to me.”

Arlen's last semester of school will include five classes, more travel and the prom. She also recently started driving and is the proud owner of a Honda CR-V she has named “Penelope.”

Following graduation, Arlen said she will take a year off to continue to pursue public speaking, acting and modeling opportunities.

“It will be nice to take a year off to breathe,” she said. “It's been non-stop for the last seven years.”

Arlen has had to work extra hard in school to catch up and graduate on time with her triplet brothers, William and Cameron. William plans on playing junior hockey in Georgia next year, while Cameron is hoping to attend college and study criminal justice.

Arlen said she will also use her year off to write two books, visit colleges, take part in competitive swimming and to get some additional treatments.

Kiley said Arlen's presence at school will be missed next year. “She is one of the most determined young women I've ever met in my entire life,” he said. “She makes our school better.

As for the immediate future, the Arlen family is hoping to travel to Washington, D.C. Shaheen has already offered to arrange a tour of the White House for the family.

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