Jay Rockefeller

Jay Rockefeller


Senator Jay Rockefeller has proudly served the people of West Virginia for over 40 years. Please visit his website at http://rockefeller.senate.gov/about/.

  1. Have strong list of priorities for 113th Congress. Over next 2 yrs will keep fighting for WVians, just as I always have

  2. Policy decisions & industry practices should always be driven by the real life implications of our work (2/3)

  3. Today is an exciting day for the country. We have much work to do this Congress, and I will keep fighting for .

  4. Today is National Day of Service to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Wherever you are, volunteer for a cause you care about.(1/2)

  5. WV's hills are beautiful but make for winding roads. Glad we've made such huge strides toward improving highway safety.

  6. MSHA’s new rule is very important step toward improving mine safety, but still must do more. Will soon reintroduce my mine safety bill.(2/2)

  7. Congratulations to all of the Mountaineer ChalleNGe Academy cadets who started their journey this week. You make us proud.

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