Gartner Blog Network

Firm reports 27% of traffic comes from a mobile device

by Allen Weiner  |  December 13th, 2012


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How Tech Pricing is Like Airplane Tickets

by cgaun  |  January 10th, 2013


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In Data We Trust?

by Jake Sorofman  |  January 7th, 2013

What happens when we trust data too much? Does intelligence become its opposite when we rely on integers over inspiration? These are questions that Steve Lohr (of New York Times lore) flirts with in his year-end column, “Sure, Big Data is Great. But So is Inspiration.” His point? To an...

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How Valuable are Annotations

by Jay Heiser  |  January 9th, 2013

Today’s library user takes electronic catalogs for granted.  Being able to remotely search the contents of a library is not only convenient, but it also allows for a tighter integration between the lending practices—you can see if a book is loaned out. During a period of several decades, a number...

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Evaluating SaaS: What are the Buckets?

by Bill Pray  |  January 9th, 2013

It is interesting to note that the term bucket is used in several ways with technology. Wikipedia lists the technical uses of the term bucket. Bucket is also a useful metaphor when trying to figure out how to evaluate a software as a service (SaaS) provider and solution. What are...

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Infrastructure Services 2013: Promote your value; Prevent their pain!

by Rob Addy  |  January 9th, 2013

Infrastructure services providers must change. Today’s business models won’t work tomorrow. The transition will be hard. Some will fail. Providers must deliver demonstrable value, prevent operational and business pain and wage a war on waste to survive. If customer’s see no value; there is no value. Figure 1. The Infrastructure...

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Will It Be Big Data or Big Oil That Saves America?

by French Caldwell  |  January 9th, 2013

It could be awfully confusing to try to make sense out of today's FT.  A front page article highlights that the US is headed toward energy independence, which is a boon to energy intensive industries -- heavy manufacturing, high tech manufacturing, petrochemicals, and even IT services.  On the other hand,...

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Pan for Process Gold with 12 Powerful Uses of Automated Business Process Discovery (ABPD)

by Jim Sinur  |  January 9th, 2013

Recently we have published research around mining process related data and leveraging it , in context, for positive business outcomes. The key challenges we were trying to address were and still are: Business process directors are challenged to discover the processes that are in effect at any point in time,...

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Some clarifications on HP's SLA

by Lydia Leong  |  December 7th, 2012

I corresponded with some members of the HP cloud team in email, and then colleagues and I spoke with HP on the phone, after my last blog post called, "Cloud IaaS SLAs can be Meaningless". HP provided some useful clarifications, which I'll detail below, but I haven't changed my fundamental...

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Playing chess with APTs

by Dan Blum  |  December 28th, 2012

During a briefing from the top security analyst at one of the Washington-area cyber centers, I got the idea that resisting targeted attacks from sophisticated adversaries (so-called advanced persistent threats, or APTs) is a bit like playing chess at the grand master level. Security efforts disproportionately emphasize endpoint anti-malware. But...

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Antifragile: a book review

by Mark P. McDonald  |  January 9th, 2013

Antifragile  by Nassum Nicholas Taleb discusses important issues around resiliance and how complex systems survive and thrive in a changing environment.  Randomness, uncertainty, and volatility damage modern systems that are fundamentally fragile.  Anti-fragile systems are ones that not only respond to these forces but also through that response actually change and get...

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