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2013 State of the Net Conference

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Agenda - Tuesday, January 22, 2013

7:30 am - Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:30 am - Welcoming Remarks:

9:00 am - Keynote Addresses:

10:30 am - Reflections on the State of the Net - Flash Talks:

11:15 am - Coffee Break

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11:30 am - Morning Breakout Sessions:

Plumbing the Policy Implications of Data Analytics and Defining "Big Data," the Year's Most Overused Term


Should Congress Rewrite the Telecom Act?


Congress as NetMusic's DJ: Is It Spinning the Turntables in the Right Direction for Innovation and Creativity?


12:30 pm: Networking Lunch

Welcome & Introduction: Jerry Berman, Chairman, Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee [Bio]

1:15 pm - Luncheon Keynote Discussion:

2:00 pm - Afternoon Breakout Sessions:

Post-Petraeus: Privacy, Passion, Probable Cause?


Big Broadband: What Happens When the Psychology of Abundance Confronts Both the Economics of Deployment and the Rules of Regulators?


First Sale and No Resale: Could SCOTUS and the Internet Redefine Content Ownership?


3:00 pm - Coffee Break

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3:30 pm - Late Afternoon Breakout Sessions:

Cyber Security Legislation, Regulation and Executive Order: Government Officials Discuss

No Rest for the WCIT: Charting An Affirmative Plan to Safeguarding Internet Freedom! (The Fourth Annual Judith Krug Memorial Intellectual Freedom Panel)


Demystifying the Cloud: What Adopters and Policymakers Need to Know


4:30 pm - Networking Reception

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Agenda - Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Internet Leadership Challenge: Restoring America to Economic Greatness Through Sound Internet Policy

1:30 pm - Welcome Remarks by:

Alan Davidson, Visiting Scholar, Technology and Policy Program, MIT, Board of Directors, Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee [Bio]

Congressional Keynote by:

The Honorable Steve Scalise, U.S. House of Representatives (LA-1) & Chairman, Republican Study Committee [Bio] VIDEO

1:50 pm - Introductions:

Joe Waz, Senior Strategic Advisor, Comcast Corporation [Bio]

Perspectives by:

Blair Levin, Communications & Society Fellow - Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program "The Politics of Abundance" [Bio] VIDEO

Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform [Bio] VIDEO

2:05 pm - Panel 1


Moderated by Joe Waz, Senior Strategic Advisor, Comcast Corporation [Bio]

- Blair Levin, Communications & Society Fellow - Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program "The Politics of Abundance" [Bio]
- Robert McDowell, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) [Bio]
- Bruce Mehlman, Partner, Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti [Bio]
- Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform [Bio]

3:00 pm - Coffee Break

3:10 pm - Panel 2:


Moderated by Rey Ramsey, President & CEO, TechNet [Bio]

- Marvin Ammori, Principal, Ammori Group and Steering Committee, Engine Advocacy
- Rob Atkinson, President, Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) [Bio]

4:00 pm - Conclusion

This is a widely attended event hosted by the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee (ICAC), part of a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. The ICAC is a private sector organization comprised of public interest groups, trade associations, non-profits, and industry leaders. The diversity of ICAC membership ensures that all educational events and initiatives are fair and balanced forums for Internet-related discussion. The ICAC does not promote any particular policy position.