Mike Lee

Mike Lee


I am the United States Senator from the great state of Utah. Please help me restore constitutional leadership to Washington!

Utah · http://www.lee.senate.gov

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  1. She has been tweeting many of my statements against President Obama's unconstitutional appointments.

  2. Instead of going around Congress & Constitution, it’s time for the President to work with us on nominations.

  3. decision represents vindication of principled stand I've taken against President’s disregard of Constitution:

  4. Today I introduced S. J. Res 1, which requires Congress to spend only what it takes in & limits spending to 18% of GNP:

  5. The president’s approach is inconsistent w/ rights, and it encroaches on state and local governments:

  6. Unfortunately, the president is using Newtown tragedy to advance proposals that would do little to prevent such acts:

  7. The Jack Lew nomination as Sec. of Treasury signals that president plans to pursue failed policies of previous 4 years:


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