RECENT  POSTS:  » GLAAD: Linda 'gays are Satan's plan' Jernigan to lobby IL lawmakers » NOM EXPOSED: About Maggie Gallagher’s ‘old friend’ and current colleague, Charles LiMandri » My final thoughts (for real this time) on Maggie's final column » 'Esquire' Exec. Editor Mark Warren apologizes to 'the insufferable bastards of ACT UP' » Perhaps the Springfield diocese should ease off on that stone-casting » Lobbyist who testified as yesterday's #ILEquality hearing cites biblical stoning of gays as reason for opposition » Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Learn More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About NOM: Pentagon reportedly blocks Good As You » Bryan Fischer: ENDA = Jim Crow » Read: Hubristic Thomas More Law Center claim discrimination is victimized position » Video: Jesse Tyler Ferguson for Illinois equality  


GLAAD: Linda 'gays are Satan's plan' Jernigan to lobby IL lawmakers

by Jeremy Hooper
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Linda 'gays are Satan's plan' Jernigan to lobby IL lawmakers [GLAAD]

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NOM EXPOSED: About Maggie Gallagher’s ‘old friend’ and current colleague, Charles LiMandri

by Jeremy Hooper

About Maggie Gallagher’s ‘old friend’ and current colleague, Charles LiMandri [NOM Exposed]

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My final thoughts (for real this time) on Maggie's final column

by Jeremy Hooper

I've already shared with you my thoughts on Maggie Gallagher's seventeen-year run as a syndicated columnist. Today, with that gig now behind her, Maggie gives her own perspective in an interview with Huffington Post's Lila Shapiro. Here's one snip and a link to the full enchilada:

Given the signs of decline you note in your final column, how do you feel about your last two decades of work?

Pretty proud and satisfied. I've spoken the truth within the limits of my insight, which is all any writer can do. I've had an impact on my times and stood up for some denigrated truths that I do not think any society can do without. Plus, I know people trying to live by these truths and [passing] them down to their children really appreciate my capacity to put into words what is in their hearts. All in all, I feel pretty good about how I've spent my life.
FULL INTERVIEW [Huff Po Gay Voices]

Maggie is right about one thing: our present-day insight is, in fact, limited. History will determine what kind of impact her work, with its undeniable harms that affected actual human beings, actually had on society.

I do, however, know that this whole thing is not as confined to the realm of scholarly pontification as Maggie seems to want it to be. She hasn't just spoken—she has acted. She hasn't just stood up—she has stood against. She hasn't just formed words—she has altered constitutions. Here in the real world she has done all this. This is not stuff for her to simply discuss at a Heritage Foundation banquet or debate during one of her many college gigs. It goes way beyond public thinking.

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'Esquire' Exec. Editor Mark Warren apologizes to 'the insufferable bastards of ACT UP'

by Jeremy Hooper

How To Survive A Plague was my hands down most powerful film experience of 2012. I'm far from alone in that.

Check out this great letter from Esquire magazine in which Executive Editor Mark Warren gives present day respect to his past annoyances:

Dear Larry Kramer,

I owe you an apology.

I thought that I knew everything I needed to know about the AIDS epidemic. It struck just as I was entering adulthood, and I followed the politics of the disease through the 1980s as it became an unparalleled public-health catastrophe. I watched as Reagan did nothing, I read Randy Shilts's And the Band Played On, I saw your play The Normal Heart, I watched as my big brother Craig (whom you met) got horribly sick and died. And I moved to New York just in time to be both admiring of and annoyed by the guerrilla street theater of your group ACT UP, which you founded to hector a feckless and hostile political class into doing something in the face of all that death.

KEEP READING: Silence = Death [Esquire]

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Perhaps the Springfield diocese should ease off on that stone-casting

by Jeremy Hooper

Yesterday, I posted back-to-back posts about the Springield, Illinois diocese's condemnation of those deviant gays and their deviant sex lives. And now this:

The pastor of St. Aloysius church on Springfield’s north end has been granted a leave of absence after he called 911 from the rectory and told a dispatcher that he needed help getting out of handcuffs.

“I’m going to need help getting out before this becomes a medical emergency,” Father Tom Donovan told a dispatcher who sounds a bit incredulous during the Nov. 28 call.
Tied up at the moment [Illinois Times]
Illinois Catholic Priest Calls 911: "Help! I Can't Get Out Of These Handcuffs!" [Joe.My.God.]

Bishop Thomas Paprocki—who testified at yesterday's marriage hearing and who has penned one of the letters condemning gays' sex lives—has reportedly accepted Fr. Donovan's leave of absence without further comment. Though he is expected to employ neither leave, absence, nor silence when it comes to condemning us.

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Lobbyist who testified as yesterday's #ILEquality hearing cites biblical stoning of gays as reason for opposition

by Jeremy Hooper


Yesterday afternoon, longtime Christian lobbyist Robert Vanden Bosch served as one of the three voices of opposition (alongside Ralph Rivera and Bishop Thomas Paprocki) to testify against Illinois' proposed marriage bill. So what leads Mr. Vanden Bosch to his work? Well, listen for yourself:

"I was asked by one of the state representatives why you oppose putting sexual orientation in the law. I said, well if you go back to God's law in the Old Testament you find that God said if a man is lying with a man, you take him out in the camp and stone him. It's obvious that God considers homosexuality to be sin, and if we normalize what God considers to be sin, then we cause problems for the rest of society."

SOURCE: SermonAudio

Consistent. Sure.

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Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Learn More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About NOM: Pentagon reportedly blocks Good As You

by Jeremy Hooper

AmericaBlog reports:

Good-As-You-SnippetToday we discover even more “LGBT” sites that the Pentagon bans – Good as You, and Bilerico – while it apparently has no problem with the Web site of one of the most virulently anti-gay hate groups, the American Family Association, which is easily accessible from a military computer.
FULL: Pentagon bans even more sites for being “gay,” no ban for anti-gay “hate group” [Americablog]

Other sites: Pentagon bans Towleroad, AMERICAblog sites for being “LGBT.” Coulter, Limbaugh ok. [AmericaBlog]

Well at least they think I'm funny.

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Bryan Fischer: ENDA = Jim Crow

by Jeremy Hooper

The American Family Association's most visible (and most hostile) pundit is mad at Rep. Paul Ryan for supporting the Employment NonDiscrimination Act. Why? Because protecting LGBT people from basic nondiscrimination is, in Bryan Fischer's world, just like state-mandated racial segregation:

There is no reason to think that the homosexual lobby would not deliberately select values-driven businesses, and then send flamboyant homosexuals in to apply for advertised vacancies, just so they could use this law as a bludgeon to further pummel Christians into becoming the newest minority utterly deprived of their civil rights.

In fact, ENDA would represent the return of Jim Crow laws. Only now the people victimized would not be victimized based on the color of their skin but on the content of their character.

Oppose Jim Crow. Oppose ENDA.
Bryan Fischer: Uh-oh. Ryan supports freedom-destroying ENDA [AFA]

Christians who lose the right to discriminate against gays in employment are the equivalent of those who suffered the brute injustice of the "separate and (un)equal" south? Kind of offensive, some might say. Who's hijacking the civil rights movement now, Bryan?

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