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Hensarling Statement on “No Budget, No Pay”

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), a leading conservative and Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, released the following statement on House passage of a bill requiring the Senate to pass a budget or forfeit pay. 

“Out of control Washington spending is burying our children and grandchildren under a mountain of debt. Yet it has been 1,365 days since the Senate passed a budget or any serious plan of action to address out of control government spending. Every day, hardworking taxpayers must set priorities in their family budgets. Yet the Senate has failed to do the same for nearly four years. Americans deserve better from their elected officials. 
“Hardworking Americans and small business owners can’t wait any longer for the Senate to do its job and get serious about controlling spending by passing a budget. That is why the House voted today to require that Senators pass a budget or have their pay withheld until they do. Simply put: no budget, no pay.
“The consequence of failing to address our spending-driven debt crisis is no less than the economic freedom and security of future generations. The House has acted again and again to put an end to Washington budget gimmicks and halt Washington’s spending addiction, but we cannot solve this problem on our own. We desperately hope the Senate will work with us to pass a commonsense budget that cuts spending and puts America the road to a healthier economy.”