
Tomorrow's Inauguration Day Luncheon Is Made In New York (Sort Of)

"Oh yeah, this is more delicious than perpetuating a pointless bike lane lawsuit!"

The president has already been sworn in for his second term, but as is the country's custom, nothing is official until Important People eat fancy food and get drunk in tuxedos (and speechify) while the rest of us trudge off to work. As the chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, Senator Chuck Schumer is in charge of this year's post-Inaugural congressional luncheon (When Was the Last Time You Luncheoned?™), and he's doing his damndest to cram in as much of the Empire State onto the menu.

The Times reports that members of Congress and the president will drink water from Saratoga Springs (as well as DC's funky-ass sulfur liquid), wine from the Finger Lakes and Long Island, as well as Hudson Valley apple pie, which will contain 23 ingredients from New York. The pie narrowly beat out Thanks For Shortchanging Sandy Victims $30 BIllion, You Morons Cobbler and Lookee Who Passed Gun Control First Sorbet.

Watch the Senator plate up the apple pie ("This is the Chivas Regal of maple syrups.") to smooth, love-making guitar chords with chef Shannon Shaffer. Your tax dollars at work!

Chairman Schumer Makes Apple Pie from Congressional Inaugural Cmte on Vimeo.

“We were going to have Long Island duck,’’ Schumer said. "The duck was very good, but the preparation wasn’t great. We settled on South Dakota bison. When New York gets good bison, we’ll have that.’’ What about Jet-Infused JFK Geese?

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