Richard Burr

Richard Burr


U.S. Senator from North Carolina

Winston-Salem, NC ·

  1. Biden says “harder to use an assault weapon to hit something than it is a shotgun” Then why doesnt he want to ban shotguns? Flawed argument

  2. I will fight any effort to further infringe on 2ndAmdt rights of Americans, whether it is legislation or executive action by the President

  3. CRPD would open US to review by countries like Cuba,China,Syria. Why let nations w abysmal human rights records say how we care for our own?

  4. US serves as beacon for rights of disabled.CRPD would do nothing to improve our laws but would limit US sovereignty

  5. In 2000, govt spending accounted for 18% of our GDP. In 2012, it'll be almost 25%. Revenue isn’t the problem, govt spending is

  6. I intro’d a bill that would create longterm, sustainable jobs for vets & not add to deficit. But Majority wont allow vote. Why? Politics.

  7. Deplorable that Dems are playing politics w veterans. Clearly, their bill was more focused on desire to save their own jobs, not help vets

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