
Never, Ever Give Up

SenatorKirkSenatorKirk·158 videos
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Published on Jan 8, 2013

Nearly one year ago, I suffered an ischemic stroke. In an instant my world changed and I faced the prospect of never walking again. Soon to come were some of the darkest hours of my life, but through it all, your thoughts and well-wishes kept me going. With countless hours of rehabilitation sessions and physical therapy I am proud to say I am walking again, back in Washington fighting for you. Thank you so very much for your support and patience.

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  • NA4Matriarch

    Hey plagiaristic cunts....have you planned. How your going to explain your abuse of me to the LORD yet ??


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  • chainamarie03

    Fighting back...it takes such hard work...Kirks a good example


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  • bennettjf

    Thank you for serving as an inspiration to others with life altering conditions.


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  • lastczechmate

    Thank God you're back! I wish we had more citizens and representatives like you in our state and country.


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  • skim2345

    Thank you, God, for hearing my prayer for Senetor Kirk.

    I am very happy to see him coming back to Senate.

    Happy New Year!


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  • blpaints

    Welcome back, Senator Kirk.....you are living proof that "not giving up" is the answer. Thank you for all you have done for IL (I used to live in IL) and thank you for your support of our American horses. Wild and domestic horse advocates can learn from you "never give up".

    · 2

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  • Ben Pearlman

    Welcome back and congratulations on your recovery and return.



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  • tss77

    Welcome back Senator Mark Kirk,Illinois really needs you.


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  • fosterliberty

    Our Senator Mark Kirk


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  • Michael Herman

    Our family wishes you the very best moving forward. Thank you for being such a fine example to those who face seemingly insurmountable challenges in their lives.

    Michael, Bernard and our son, Adam


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