Senator Roy Blunt

Senator Roy Blunt


Missouri ·

  1. On my way to meet with regional defense contractors & vendors from the Springfield region to discuss my new role on Armed Service Cmte.

  2. The Senate decides when it is in session, not Pres Obama & I’m pleased the court has upheld separation of powers.

  3. By using this recess appt to circumvent Congress, the president attempted to circumvent the U.S. Senate’s constitutional responsibilities.

  4. A federal appeals court has ruled Pres Obama's decision to bypass Congress & make recess appointments is unconstitutional.

  5. I appreciate the sacrifice that so many Missourians make each year to march on Washington for those who have no voice

  6. While I preferred that we didn't change the Senate rules, we successfully stopped the so-called from going into effect.

  7. I’ve cosponsored a bipartisan bill to help boost training programs & raise community awareness about mental health:

  8. We’re starting today at 2pm CT. My staff will ensure you have all the info. RT Do you have a teleconference today?

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