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Madonna fan gets probation for resisting NY arrest
NEW YORK—A former firefighter with a crush on Madonna has been sentenced to three years' probation for resisting arrest outside the singer's New York City apartment building. 


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01/02/2013 10:45 PM MST - HONOLULU—President Barack Obama has signed a $633 billion defense bill for next year that tightens penalties on Iran and bolsters security at diplomatic missions worldwide after the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya.  
Some Aurora victims' families angry over theater event
01/02/2013 11:39 PM MST - Families of victims from the Aurora theater shooting are so outraged by an invitation to a "special evening of remembrance" that they are organizing a boycott of the event and the theater where 12 people were killed and at least 58 others were injured.  

  • Jeffco budget shrinks by $9 million - 01/02/2013 10:24 AM MST

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    Photos: Federal Heights Fire Department

    The fire department took nearly 2,000 calls for service during 2012.

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    Post Poll - Background Checks
    Should Colorado gun buyers have to pay for their own background checks?
     Yes. There are fees for getting a driver's license, setting up a business, etc. Gun buyers need to pay for their paperwork, too.
     No. No citizen should have to pay a fee to exercise a constitutional right, in this case the Second Amendment.
     Unsure. I can see both sides.
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    Failed To Death
    THE DENVER POST | RJ Sangosti
    Since 2007, 175 children in Colorado have died of abuse and neglect beaten, starved, suffocated and burned. Deepening the tragedy is that the families or caregivers of 72 of them were known to caseworkers whose job was to protect them. 

    Investigations and Special Reports

    Heroin In Denver

    Young heroin addicts find a home on Denver's streets.

    Serial Killers

    Between 1975 and 1995, 38 women may have been victims of one or more serial killers in Colorado.

    Grades out on Consultants

    In Colorado, 27 low-performing schools are part of the federal School Improvement Grant program. At many, fewer than one-third of students can read or do math at grade level.

    Neenan-built schools under scrutiny

    Neenan Co., a major builder of rural Colorado schools that already has admitted making mistakes that closed an $18.9 million school in Meeker and others.

    Welcome Home

    After four years as a reconnaissance man and deploying twice to Iraq, Brian Scott Ostrom returned home with a severe case of post-traumatic stress disorder.

    The Denver Post's Titanic: 100 Years Later

    Titanic: 100 Years Later

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